Monday, June 17, 2024

The Real Crime

 2005 synthetic corona virus was going to be a biological warfare enabling technology- Ralph Baric- Dr David Martin explains-

Sometimes I get off the earthly plane and delve into the matrix and into my long lost love Law and Order SVU- That means I am checking out in a hotel it doesn't mean movies just long tv commercials- While relishing in one of my favorite creators Dick Wolfs works of art it was hard for me not to really get into FBI and FBI International-

Great programs but I often ponder the in your face criminality of the international crime syndicate during these long commercials- I  rarely watch but when i do its tough to miss the big pharma campaign for every other drug under the sun- By now we are all used to it and plenty of us are completely sick of it- However ruthless criminals are brazen and will even  hijack the airwaves especially during a crime show- This is what I mean by in our face just like what Disney and plenty of ads do to promote pedophilia -

FBI international child trafficking I often question how deep big pharmas hooks go into those heinous crimes as well-

Sorry FBI nor cia doesn't have our trust Christopher Wray no thanks fbi/cia covered up both JFK and 9-11 the list goes on ad infinitum- Now trying to cover up massive vaccine death and injuries what could possibly be worse then that? They should have been preventing the entire charade from transpiring in the first place- The AG of Kansas is suing Pfizer for fraud- Pregnant women miscarriages horrible side effects the usual- Pfizer is way too in our face especially w/ Lady Gaga promoting a migraine drug that  even hijacked my morning meditation-

So i am going to delve into the Pfizer papers investigation team where they wanted us to wait 75 years to find out what was in their jab- Then when they finally released it by court order it was all mumbo jumbo esoteric garbage however real investigators were able to break it down - Not that I trust our governmental  agencies  in regard to oversight however  for Operation Warp speed Pfizer still didn't want any-

That is like saying we dont want the worst of the worst to monitor or check us out because we are doing something far worse then that and even more diabolical then what one could possibly imagine-

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