Tuesday, July 9, 2024

You Want Revolution

Pay them more don't make it sound like the system is fair- Managerial positions are still minimum wage in today's market where the greed is coming from up above- A matter of crime is making it sound like she got off light and that she shouldn't have received another job- What are you going to do stone her and starve her to death- Ya she betrayed the company but the companies have been betraying their workers for ages by not only paying them pennies on the dollar but also by working them like slaves- Why should the slaves be paid nothing while the far cat corportists who do little or nothing make millions and today even billions- The system has failed rents are too high and not commensurate w the wages these slaves make-Hyperinflation meanwhile food prices are still through the roof- You reap what you sew-The revolution should have happened by now-

So what do these fat cats do when they get caught red handed gaming the system w/ high risk derivatives- They get rewarded millions while a few small fries do the time- Donny boy Rumsfeld couldn't account for a few trillion right before 9-11 but then they lock up a working slave working at Target and claim that she got off too light-

The feds lie w/ the IRS and have their slimy politicians tell us why we are fighting the wars- Federal taxes they steal from the working slaves and put that right back into the robber barons pockets- They lose wars and our troops continuously get killed and then they cover up and lie about every major investigation-

Now everything is going to hell in a handbasket and is a total shutshow- An inept imposter who cant even speak running for Potus- The Marxists letting all hell break loose by letting the people on the street rob loot and pillage- Maybe they know the system is a sham so they are letting it get destroyed- If Frank Lucas was bringing in dope during the American Gangster days w/ NYPD on the take and then cia Air America- cocaine in the 70s 8os and 90s are we supposed to believe that they aint bringing in the poison shit now-

Its like they figured out how to kill people quicker by lacing everything w/ fentanyl- While the Sacklers of our world intentionally started the whole dam thing- Predictive programing- They know how to target the weak and vulnerable

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