Monday, July 15, 2024

Entitled Politician

 Charles Burkett the Surfside Fla mayor is an entitled duesh who interfered in a traffic- citation in an attempt to get his two cents in- That's why we don't like politicians this guys ego is way out of bounds- First of all he should be applauding this cop for giving a ticket for tinted windows- He said that is what he was doing but the cop allegedly gave him a dirty look-

Is this clown so self important that he expects every cop to recognize him or actually know who he is- Mayors are not  special to say the least- Seriously this was a poor demonstration of leadership- Do you know who I am he said-

How do these dueshes end up as politicians- I don't feel like checking it out but it says he is an investor- Ya like getting grease money and favors- Tinted windows are shady you cant see the driver therefore hand signals are obfuscated so accidents are more likely-

More often then not tinted windows is sending a message like you are hiding something and  means that your  driving dirty- Its good that tickets are given out- All of these slimy politicians were going along w the COVID con and muzzles- Have everybody dress up and look like a criminal while suffocating themselves

Trust the science- I trust these people like our arch enemy pulling that scam off and actually getting away w it- Now they are trying to bring it back again- Tinted windows and muzzle your face ya our politicians are as shady as they come- The  mayors job is not as tough as cops so stay in your own lane and show some deference and respect to these men and women who actually have real courage- They face unexpected dangers and risk their lives every day something that clueless and entitled politicians no nothing about- They are too busy being sucked up to and having executive protection details

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