Saturday, December 3, 2016

A New Earth

The egoic mind wants us to be in constant conflict with the world. It sets me up for failure with an us against them mentality which really just becomes an exercise in futility. I am grateful for another day of sobriety. I am grateful for the ability to share my experience strength and hope with anybody that may need it. I am grateful for the ability to ride my bike everywhere because now I am in shape and don't have to do spin classes. I am grateful for the financial support my family continues to give me otherwise I would still be out on the street. I am grateful for my spiritual advisor and the best altruistic recovery group that was ever created. The morning reflection calls it the miracle of the century. I used to live in a half way house filled with dope addicts that chain smoke. Today I live in a sober living environment with people with the same disease that I have. We are all just trying to survive one day at a time. I am blessed to share my feeling that I prefer the term spiritual advisor over the word sponsor. In my humble opinion the word sponsor sounds too much like network marketing and that there may be money involved. There is no money to be made if one is a sponsor. Instead of an up line its a life line, our lives our dependent upon it. If we don't continue to share our experience strength and hope with the alcoholic that still suffers we are doomed. Its all about we not about me. Instead of an us against them holier then thou attitude with smart recovery it is really about mutual respect and collaboration. That is what interdependence is all about. I was always about the egoic mind and trying to be successful. A New Earth has taught me that one doesn't become successful we already are successful as long as we are staying in the present. A New Earth has taught me that we need to have an inner purpose. We have a primary purpose and that is to share our experience and to get out of self. There is no grand pooh bah or hierarchy involved the highest level we can ever get is sober. Its not like being a pfc or a general or a lowly file clerk vs the ceo because the billionaire in the program still treats the homeless guy with dignity and respect. I want to start a non profit that takes people from all over Palm Beach County to meetings. I am blessed because I have a bike but many people coming out of treatment have nothing and need a way to get to meetings. Getting a job and getting to meetings without transportation isn't easy, I can attest to this. I can get to the meeting within 20 minutes at tempo speed on my bike however  I have a bike and public transportation is a disaster in Palm Beach County. The druggie buggies work in rehab but what happens once we get out? I lasted 10 weeks before I got a DWI and was remanded to jail back in 2011 after rehab because I never made a commitment to the program. Its not about just not going to meetings. I went to some meetings when I was dry but I never got sober because I never changed or worked the steps. This disease is killing people all over the place. Donald Trump shared his experience about his brother Freds alcoholism hoping that it would help at least one person. That is what it is all about. There is a new movement in this country and its called altruism and sobriety. Interdependence will definitely make America great again.  

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