Monday, December 19, 2016

Heroin Crisis

The state of Fla shot down the Health Cares Districts proposal for a ten million dollar grant. This one actually made sense because it would have provided state type municipal funding and transitional living scenarios for drug addicts. This is a public health emergency, they should have signed off on it. The profit motive needs to be taken out of the equation, in other words these heavy hitter investors that are capitalizing off of human misery need to back off. Addicts need transitional housing subsidized by the state if they have no insurance. Isn't this better then having them out on the street on an active run more then likely robbing and doing unscrupulous things to get their fix? If DCF can go around to all of the sober homes and write ordinance violations that have nothing to do with addicts getting better then they can sign off on state run housing for an epidemic which is killing a lot of people. This wouldn't be enabling because being in an environment conducive to having a chance to get sober is much better then being out on the street. Also I know of people that were dumped back out on the street after detox with no place to go and with no money just because the hospital didn't have any more room for them. What are the chances that individuals like this will actually make it? Also the minimum wage needs to be upped. We all need a fighting chance to succeed from this disease of addiction. The heroin ods are putting too much pressure on the police, EMS and Fire team units that are responding to addicts in crisis all over the place. This is preventing them from doing a lot of other valuable services. The only thing that makes sense for this addiction crisis is to either have non profits or facilities that are subsidized by the state if people have no insurance, if they are completely destitute or if their insurance is outright denied because they have already been in detox and rehab too many times. This premise holds true for people with alcoholism as well. There is no difference between alcoholism and drug addiction, they are one in the same. Also addicts are being denied help in many cases even if they have insurance all because of the greed mongers that were and are making egregious amounts of money off of blood tests. We need state run facilities for people with no insurance that don't treat the addicts like criminals. I am referring to  environments that aren't jail like institutions with nasty and cynical people working in them because this negativity is actually contagious. Palm Beach County has only one place that is subsidized by the state that is completely ridiculous? Also these psychiatrists that are capitalizing on this crisis need to be held into account. I am talking about the roach motel Scientology Narconon type programs. They are roach motels not because they are run down and dilapidated but rather because once you check in they make sure that you never check out. These people are coming up with a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate all because they make a lot of money from big pharma. So basically what I am saying is that addicts are being criminally false diagnosed by some of these places with premeditation and motive. The other 40% that are just diagnosed with drug addiction or poly substance use disorder, they have plenty of pills for that as well. Congress is a major part of this problem because their idea of fighting this addiction war is to sign off on huge grants millions maybe even billions of dollars for Suboxone programs . Are you kidding me all of these lobbyists that are in bed with big pharma how much more obvious can they make it.

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