Saturday, December 17, 2016

Rock And Roll Soldier

Whether its burning down the church of satan or smoking the freaks pedophiles and demons out from their underground tunnels when live rounds start flying down range we are way past the point of trying to make friends. We train in times of war we train in times of peace sometimes its better to blow up bridges to make some enemies. We are really all about risk mitigation and do our very best to avoid conflagrations. We shoot so many rounds during training that our Glocks actually melt. We have access to little birds big birds and everything else in between. We can run and we can shoot but we can also be the  best man at your wedding. They call us rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse you can call us anything the hell you want as long as your check doesn't bounce and if your motives are pure and noble then we are open for business. We do gods work we would do it for free we have love for god and country but they have bills to pay just like you and me. Just like our K-9 bomb and drug sniffers we can sense and smell cowards and frauds. We can hear it by your voice inflection as well as your phony false flag tears and the way you gesticulate that is just the way we roll. There is a new sheriff in town and he is going to make some big changes, he knows how to fight and he knows how to win. This Russian hack alleged voter fraud con job is just sour grapes from the other side. We cant wait for sweeping changes ones that come down with stars and stripes and thunderous roars of shock and awe. We love to protect and we love to serve and to make the world a better place. I need a job one that doesn't break my back and send me to my chiro. I have a lot to offer maybe we can start by bringing like minds together. Wolfgang Halbig is not backing down, they locked up Jonathon Reich and put him in  Rikers Island for no legit reason whatsoever. He was never supposed to be arrested to begin with. He did nothing illegal, the Ct state trooper signed off that there was no crime committed. So why is he sitting in Rickers Island that is what I want to know? We have Sig Sauer's Flash Bangs and Hand Grenades, our long guns and hand Guns are the ones with the extended clip. We make sure to not abide by any laws that are enforced because of egregious fraud and deception. By air land and sea we are ready to roll, our demon chasers are fire breathing and the best in the business. When one has god on their side it will be tough to lose

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