Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Good vs Evil

Eckard Tolle makes it clear that opinions aren't that great. I believe that opinions are important because that is what makes us human. As long as my opinion is humble and I am open to somebody else's, in other words everything is not always black and white. When I was dry and miserable I was dogmatic and full of rage, this was the worst feeling of all. When pointing the finger at others usually there were  many more pointing right back. Every day there are divide and conquer tests but if I am spiritually fit this doesn't faze me as much as it used to. It says in this mornings meditation to be careful not to preach from any type of spiritual hilltop. That is why a good member of the program would never bash something like Smart Recovery. Infact imitation is the highest form of flattery and there are many solid Science based principles in Smart, I wouldn't mind going to some meetings. Its not us vs them Science vs Spirituality it should be a collaboration of the two, that is interdependence. Rational emotive therapy cbt and dbt is what its all about anyway. When they say don't offer your opinion what they mean is just share your experience strength and hope and leave out any personalized supercilious dogma. That is the essence of the third step, it not about me its about we. The program is all about suggestions anyway but the reflections book pointed out that if you were skydiving the suggestion to pull the rip cord is on par with what they mean by how important these suggestions are. Opinions are great for blogs and op-ed articles however. Leah Remini has a lot of courage, hopefully with the help of many others she will be able to burn down the church of Scientology. What a disturbing cult. It is satanic and deleterious. Hubbard was hooked in with Aleister Crowley the most wicked man etc.. Miscaviage and his physical beatings why isn't this guy in jail? The interrogations used in Scientology are very similar to why enhanced interrogation techniques better known as torture are not effective for the cia. Its because Trauma based mind control just gets confessions out of people to end the trauma or torture it doesn't  necessarily produce the truth. The cia is full of these types, MK Ultra trauma based mind control disturbed cowards just like David Miscaviage. Scientology is nothing more then a dangerous money grubbing cult that has been taking advantage of people for way too many years. Courageous people like Leah Remini and others are doing their best to expose this deceptive fraud however not enough is being done. We are way too politically correct in this country. Where is the rage and indignation, infact where is the Revolution? Anderson Cooper exposed this disturbing cults physical abuse, pretty good for CNN. We need more a lot more then this however to burn down the church that Satan built. 

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