Thursday, December 29, 2016

Cut The Head Off The Snakes

The treatment center dual diagnosis scam isn't that sophisticated. You have a few seo experts create some key words with google ad words, infact you don't even have to be an expert for this. You pump big money into advertising and after a simple google search a suffering family member of a drug addicted individual gets bombarded by options. Welcome to Fla land of the unfree and home of the frauds. These treatment centers appear to be capitalizing off of peoples pain and suffering. There is something called the Hippocratic Oath, I don't like it when innocent victims get taken advantage of. Many of these places are hooked in with unscrupulous investors that have turned regular substance use disorders into major dual diagnosis scams. They hide behind psychiatrists and lawyers however Law Enforcement is actually waking up. Going after the sober home operators is the first step however if doctors are harming patients irrevocably with these drugs there needs to be hell to pay much sooner rather than later. The long term effects of these psychotropic drugs are devastating and have already ruined countless peoples lives. Lets just take a look at Xanax for example, that is a dangerous narcotic that had me doing the Leonardo Decaprio Jordan Belfort quadriplegic crawl when I was coming off of it. He was high on ludes , I was just trying to get off of benzos. Most of these drugs are prescribed by General PR actioners however  the lucrative treatment center industry has taken this to an entirely new level. They prescribe you another drug to counter the side effects of the primary med which you more then likely didn't need to begin with and this goes on interminably. With no clinical efficacy to back their claims they are actually getting away with this and we the people are letting them. This scam goes way back to the Tavastock Institute, this is a cia agenda, this is well planned out and there is plenty of motive. So basically what happens when people refuse their meds or are non compliant? Under the phony guise of making it appear that they are trying to help they actually punish you and have thrown some people out for this. Their argument is "we don't want you to go postal since you are dual diagnosed and mentally unstable you must take your meds because we are actually making the world a safer place". Meanwhile many addicts are aware of the scam but are so caught up in their own addiction there appears to be no way out. In a world where many of our drug addicts are incarcerated for non violent crimes how are we actually going to compete with felonies on our record once we get out? We cant, that is part of the scam to keep us down and label us as drug addicted and mentally unstable, a disability of course. We live in a society with draconian jail and prison systems that still engages in solitary confinement. Are you kidding me this is actually supposed to help the inmate become a better person upon leaving our jail and prison systems? If there were better jobs out there newly clean addicts wouldn't be coerced into becoming body snatchers because corruption can happen to the best of us. One just has to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the drug addict world where people bounce around from one half way house to the next and are basically going to get high anyway getting somebody high again to capitalize on "Operation Thoroughbred" Insurance may not seem like such a bad idea. We need to cut the head off the snakes and stop blaming the addicts because most of us are victims of the world that we live in. 

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