Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Frauds And Phonies Zuckerberg Mr fb is a weirdo. He allows these kinds of links on his fb and nobody takes any action. If that movie Social Network is accurate is shows that he is a weasel willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top. That is the problem with this country people get rewarded for being weasels, the only thing people respect is the old mighty dollar. Usually when somebody looks like a weasel they usually are. Then he teams up with Gates Mr Monsanto vaccine mass depopulation agenda supporter to try to discredit our future Commander in Chief. What did Mr fb say those f ers are dumb if they trust me something to that effect? The only thing I know for sure is that social media is good on many fronts but the entire fb friend thing is a sham. I don't have any friends or followers but I don't care. I have my dog, my spiritual advisor and people in my support group. Let me tell you something the only time you can consider somebody a real friend is if they are invited to your wedding, if they bail you out of jail or if they show up to your funeral. If you have a friend and they don't bail you out of jail right away it may mean that they are showing tough love and would rather have you in jail temporarily then drinking yourself to death out on the street. Everything else is fake and phony but that is just the way many of these people are. Not only that bad guys scroll social media and get personal intel on people in order to steal identities or basically do whatever they can to exploit their weakness. Rob their home if they know when you are going out of town etc.. Seriously why is Alex Jones the only one who calls out Bill Gates Monsanato deals and worldwide vaccine promo? Gates is best buds with Obama, I really don't trust that guy either. Lets take a look at Obama and Obamacare, it was set up to be a scam to begin with. People like Gates and Zuckerburg they are so smug but nobody sees who they really are or seems to care because they are so rich so that is the only thing that matters. How come you never hear these people wage war on something like Scientology or stand with people like Wolfgang Halbig? Its because we have a nation full of money grubbers cowards and freaks that get off on deceiving people. On the other hand Social Media is good for Leos because they get a lot of intel from criminals who post a lot of who and what they are on places like fb  

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