Friday, December 30, 2016

Just Say No Dr Silkworth talks about the manic depressive alcoholic types in which  an entire chapter could be written. The only problem is that in the post acute alcoholism and drug addiction stages withdrawal  symptoms are very similar to bi-polar/manic depression. So how are these drug treatment centers getting away with coming up with a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate? The basic premise is that one has a mental illness or chemical imbalance and must be medicated for life. Their argument is that because of our mental illness this is what led us to self medicate. This premise holds true for alcoholism for the most part. Alcoholism is a mental illness but we don't need meds to treat it and the majority of people who suffer from Alcoholism, Substance Use Disorder and Reward Deficiency Syndrome which are all one in the same need a spiritual solutions and talk therapy period. So I will ask this again how and why did this dual diagnosis fraud scam develop legs? It is because of the unscrupulous eugenicists who basically have no soul. The long and even short term effects of these drugs are disastrous and catastrophic. I am not being melodramatic because I have lived it. Trazadone had me in such a fog on a daily basis and I put Seroquel in the same category as Carfentanil an elephant tranquilizer.. How the system is getting away with prescribing this drug for people who more then likely don't have bi polar disorder is abhorrent. Take a look at the Xanax awareness day video, these people were prescribed Xanax for General Anxiety Disorder GAD,  panic attacks and depression but many have developed long term musculoskeletal and cognitive dysfunction. I do believe that individuals that are drugged up on psychotropics are going to have a very difficult time developing a psychic change. This is what one needs to recover from this malady and this is why many people in the program shy away from drugged up individuals as far as becoming their spiritual mentors. Let me tell you something I told the head shirker in my last rehab that I wasn't having sleep problems and he still wrote a script for Risperdal. Doesn't that say it all about the world we currently live in, institutions that are supposed to be helping us not taking us down and out? The rehab was a good one because it was hard core AA program and I actually had a spiritual awakening. Many of these places have the potential to be life saving, the only thing they have to do is get rid of the shrinks. Any psychiatrists that are involved in this big pharma fraudulent scam go above and beyond the scope of needing a head shrinker themselves because they are sociopathic. That is how serious this epidemic is. There needs to be a complete overhaul and it needs to come down with stars and stripes and thunderous roars of shock and awe. Dr Carl Jung basically stated that unless a complete pychic change occurs the only thing that would prevent a particular individual with real alcoholism from drinking again would be to hire a bodyguard or to place himself under lock and key in other words to lock himself up and throw away the key. In the chapter My Chance To live this young girl had a very similar experience to mine in the beginning. She came, came to and then came to believe after 90 days in AA. That is why 90 day rehabs make sense as long as they push the program and go the holistic MBS route. Addicts who are hard core heroin addicts, if they don't go the Ibogaine route they need to be in a controlled environment where the power to kill themselves must be taken away for at least 90 days. That is where the sober companion comes in, very similar to what Dr Jung was referring to with the bodyguard lock and key scenario. After 90 days the spiritual experience of the educational variety at the very least should take place. This is the only thing that makes sense to help eliminate the chronic drug addict scenario that are currently picking up and dropping dead all over the place. One doesn't need a long term rehab or any rehab at all for that matter however I believe the power to kill oneself has to be taken away from all individuals for at least the first 90 days. If they go awol and run at least they were given the best shot to make it in the very beginning which is the most crucial time period. "If willingness is the key to unlock the gates of hell, it is action that opens those doors so we may walk freely among the living" (Page 317- My Chance To Live)

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