Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Burning Down The Flag

http://usroadwarriors.com/latest-news-blog/2016/11/30/burning-the-flag-is-center-stage-again One should never confuse dissent with disloyalty. Dissent can be a demonstration of the highest form of Patriotism. If you are going to burn the American flag you better have a solid argument to back your actions. When Ron Kovik came back from Vietnam didn't he have a good reason to burn the flag? There is a new sheriff in town and as the soon to be Chief Law Enforcement Officer Of The Supreme Law Of The Land we have already seen some positive changes. Our future Commander in Chief has already cancelled the exorbitant Air Force One contracts. What a difference this is compared to our predecessors. I don't believe that Snowden is a traitor. If he gets the book thrown at him or even worse the penalty of death he will go down as a hero. This will only reinforce the very thing he blew the whistle on to begin with- "A Draconian and Totalitarian regime." An NSA CIA con job spy grid." He is a whistleblower not somebody who should be taken out and executed under the Espionage Act. He needs to seek cover under the "Whistle Blower Protection Act" There were many other people in Snowdens circle that felt the same as he did but Snowden was the only one with the guts to do anything about it. What did he state in the movie that blanket surveillance became worse under Obama? I read that Snowden approved the movie, in other words it was accurate. So let me get this straight the hero who blows the whistle stating that we have an out of control power mad government is being treated as an enemy of the state? This will only reinforce what he has been saying all along. Why don't people listen to what he has to say? He talks about assassination teams on stateside soil what are you kidding me? We have some real bad guys out there that need to be locked up but the list doesn't include Edward Snowden. Wiki Leaks seems like they have supplied good intel in reference to our previous actions of an "out of control government in bed with the banking elite." Does anybody remember that teacher from Pound Ridge that ended up having Law Enforcement surround his house? This was due to his "Private" correspondence with somebody that he doubted the veracity of the Sandy Hook Story. How did law enforcement find out about this and why was he treated like a terrorist and thrown in the mental ward? What did he do wrong? Why was his life ruined and why was he fired from his job? How can anybody state that Snowden is an enemy of the state wtf are you kidding me? Bullies and criminals try to make the good guys feel guilty however up until this point in time the bullies and criminals are the ones that have been pulling all of the strings. Look what top brass did to Charlie Strange (Extortion 17) when he was asking questions and basically conducting his own investigation because the official story of how his sons team went down is and was total bs. With NSA technology they basically threatened him that they were watching all of his text message correspondence with other family members that lost their son as well. Thought Crimes are crimes in 2016 wtf are you serious? So what is 1984 in 2017 going to bring? I want to know when Wolfgang Halbig is going to get the green light to smoke the pedophiles and perverts out of their underground tunnels? Instead of smoking the bad guy bogey man myths out of their caves thousands of miles away for drug and oil profits we need to smoke the freaks, perverts and pedophiles out of their underground tunnels on stateside soil. Wolf will have a task force of fire breathing demon chasers by his side make no mistake about that. 

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