Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Best Of Both Worlds

In my humble opinion people don't go back to their narcotic drug of choice out of nowhere. Its a disease that tells us that we don't have a disease however we can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety. As long as the spiritual footwork was accomplished yesterday in the form of prayer/spiritual advisor and a meeting. This means that as long as the footwork is being completed on a daily basis the chances are quite slim that people will end up back out on the streets on a prodigious bender. This means that the person who got up the earliest isn't the most sober person in the room. The point is well taken however that discredits all of the work that one has accomplished  up until that point in time to actually get sober. I was a sitting duck just waiting to get taken out when I stopped going to meetings but it still took me about 5 years to actually pick back up. This is the difference between being a dry drunk and actually being sober. In my opinion one has to get sober to actually relapse, this means that the people who keep picking up never completely surrendered and or never did the rigorous footwork. For me it was that I went past the point of no return in the program when I stopped being humble in the form of a daily reprieve. Service Unity and Recovery is the name of the game. . It makes it so much easier to surrender to win. This means that life can come at us from all different directions as it always does and we actually do have a defense against the first drink or drug on a daily basis as long as we are spiritually grounded. Therapists or spiritual advisors in recovery are potentially life saving. Even if one isn't in recovery they can still be a great choice. Many times addicts don't trust professionals that aren't in recovery themselves because many feel that their street cred isn't up to par and  that they cant relate to their own pain. Spiritual Advisor/Therapists need to have ones bio pycho social and know all about the family dynamics otherwise it will be a difficult and arduous process. Since I am an alcoholic/drug addict I am guaranteed to self medicate in due time once I stop practicing the principles in the form of a daily spiritual reprieve. I have already proven this way beyond a reasonable doubt. Whatever comes down the pipeline is just a problem or situation just for that day. I write not because I want to be a petty narcissist know it all but rather because I am hoping that I may help somebody who may be going through hell on earth or for somebody who may be on the fence about accepting their own disease of addiction. Its the 12 steps of life, it can help us in every single facet as long as we are plugged in. Spiritual advisors are great, the big book states that as long as we have somebody that we can trust. An addiction professional can  even be better because there have been so many advancements in science and technology, the way the brain works etc..  Somebody who is a professional  and or in some form of recovery themselves can definitely be the best of both worlds.     

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