Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Big Pharma Task Force

I believe that the FBI task force investigating the sober home industry has good intentions. The Fla model of recovery is not a bad one. In other words going to rehab for 1 month and then to a sober home makes sense as long as the sober home is not a flop house. However there needs to be a Task Force that goes after big Pharma. The majority of these treatment centers have Physicians Assistants that are writing massive amounts of prescriptions. The psychosomatic effect of this after clients leave treatment definitely isn't a good one. In other words some people are on anti depressants long term  and many go back to their drug of choice in a narcotic form once abruptly taken off of these so called innocuous anti depressants. Depression and anxiety is what  alcoholics and drug addicts have, that is why we need a spiritual solution. The symptoms of somebody with untreated Reward Deficiency Syndrome, Alcoholism and Drug Addiction which are all one in the same are depression and anxiety. Once meds are administered in many cases this makes the patients worse. After self medicating and suffering from the effects of this illness in the form of consequences this inevitably exacerbates the symptoms of depression and anxiety. I had untreated alcoholism so I went on Zoloft, shortly thereafter I was hooked on Vicodin and Xanax. This made is so much easier to seek out Seroquel and Trazodone etc once I was in an  institutional environment or trapped within  the vicious cycle so to speak. Institutional type environments easily exacerbate symptoms of depression and anxiety. This inevitably leads to drug seeking behavior in many forms. I couldn't wait to dose out on Seroquel and Trazodone when I was in jail because I was so depressed. Realistically how does one come out of that environment and adapt effectively without continued drug seeking behavior? The only solution is a spiritual one. Rehabs are similar, what I am saying is that Big Pharma and all of their psychiatrists  are a major part of this problem. The entire treatment center industry model needs to be revamped. Meaning the Treatment centers that prescribe these drugs as well as the unscrupulous sober home operators. MBS Mind Body Spirit based facility's are great however I have serious doubts about the veracity of how they are coming up with a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate. There are countless examples of people in the program that have had severe symptoms of depression and anxiety in early sobriety and these symptoms seem to go away entirely once they go through the 12 steps of recovery. Contrary to what big pharma is all about depression and anxiety are symptoms not a mental illness. Alcoholism is an illness but we don't need pills to treat it. Xanax during detox is great and Vivitrol for cravings that is more then fine but these anti depressants are being prescribed off the chart and are ruining countless peoples chances of obtaining long term sobriety. Psychotherapy and the 12 steps are the answer. We need to replace pills in all forms with spiritually based tools because  this will help make America great again.

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