Thursday, December 22, 2016

Feds Big Arrests And A Sober Future

The Feds arrested 6 people as a result of their ongoing investigation in the sober world or not so sober world. The Feds deserve a lot of respect and credit for coming through and following up on egregious abuses in the treatment recovery industry. That one degenerate lowlife Ken Chatman made many people feel at ease because he was one of the 6 people that were arrested. I have a feeling that the recovery world is going to drastically improve after the new year. Maybe I am a crusader who knows rock and roll mercenary the only thing I know for sure is that addicts need to get off of all prescription meds. My theory is that people relapse once they go off their anti depressant of choice because they never should have been on them to begin with. These drugs change the entire brain chemistry and as Kelly Brogran MD stated their is no clinical efficacy to back the claims of these so called miracle drugs. In other words she states that for anxiety and depression anti depressants are nothing more then a placebo. That means when I was taking Zoloft it more then likely didn't help me that much. Mind Control in the big pharma psychiatry world is a huge part of this entire fraudulent scam. In other words many of the doctors don't know they are part of a diabolical agenda because their training has taught them otherwise. So now that we know that anxiety and depression are symptoms and  not a mental illness this is a game changer throughout the entire medical community. That is the big  kahuna to tackle that demon however when delving into the alcoholism drug addiction, Reward Deficiency world that is just an extension of the big kahuna or the major bombshell that Kelly Brogan has already exposed. So the argument for the medical establishment for somebody that goes off their meds  and relapses on their narcotic drug of choice is "see told you so because you never should  have stopped taking your meds" That is the vicious cycle they want to keep you in the Frankenstein monster with absolutely no end game in sight. It was like Ws perpetual war on terror where our guys just drove around in their Humvees just waiting to get blown up by IEDs with no armor and very little back up. Satan is alive and well so when are people actually going to wake up? The reality is that we never should have been on meds to begin with. The entire treatment industry needs to be turned upside down. The vicious cycle of people bouncing around from jail, detox, rehab, half house and imminently the morgue will cease and this will  turn  into long term sobriety for many victims moving forward. So its kind of like Scientology where they try to make everybody feel that their is something wrong with them if they reject their black magic. Same premise holds true  for the treatment center world, many of us are victims of the medical establishment and the dirty hooks of meds and more meds. Drug Addiction is a disability but we can turn this into a great asset as long as we aren't abused anymore by the establishment that continues to make billions of dollars off of the human misery field.

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