Friday, December 30, 2016

Just Say No Dr Silkworth talks about the manic depressive alcoholic types in which  an entire chapter could be written. The only problem is that in the post acute alcoholism and drug addiction stages withdrawal  symptoms are very similar to bi-polar/manic depression. So how are these drug treatment centers getting away with coming up with a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate? The basic premise is that one has a mental illness or chemical imbalance and must be medicated for life. Their argument is that because of our mental illness this is what led us to self medicate. This premise holds true for alcoholism for the most part. Alcoholism is a mental illness but we don't need meds to treat it and the majority of people who suffer from Alcoholism, Substance Use Disorder and Reward Deficiency Syndrome which are all one in the same need a spiritual solutions and talk therapy period. So I will ask this again how and why did this dual diagnosis fraud scam develop legs? It is because of the unscrupulous eugenicists who basically have no soul. The long and even short term effects of these drugs are disastrous and catastrophic. I am not being melodramatic because I have lived it. Trazadone had me in such a fog on a daily basis and I put Seroquel in the same category as Carfentanil an elephant tranquilizer.. How the system is getting away with prescribing this drug for people who more then likely don't have bi polar disorder is abhorrent. Take a look at the Xanax awareness day video, these people were prescribed Xanax for General Anxiety Disorder GAD,  panic attacks and depression but many have developed long term musculoskeletal and cognitive dysfunction. I do believe that individuals that are drugged up on psychotropics are going to have a very difficult time developing a psychic change. This is what one needs to recover from this malady and this is why many people in the program shy away from drugged up individuals as far as becoming their spiritual mentors. Let me tell you something I told the head shirker in my last rehab that I wasn't having sleep problems and he still wrote a script for Risperdal. Doesn't that say it all about the world we currently live in, institutions that are supposed to be helping us not taking us down and out? The rehab was a good one because it was hard core AA program and I actually had a spiritual awakening. Many of these places have the potential to be life saving, the only thing they have to do is get rid of the shrinks. Any psychiatrists that are involved in this big pharma fraudulent scam go above and beyond the scope of needing a head shrinker themselves because they are sociopathic. That is how serious this epidemic is. There needs to be a complete overhaul and it needs to come down with stars and stripes and thunderous roars of shock and awe. Dr Carl Jung basically stated that unless a complete pychic change occurs the only thing that would prevent a particular individual with real alcoholism from drinking again would be to hire a bodyguard or to place himself under lock and key in other words to lock himself up and throw away the key. In the chapter My Chance To live this young girl had a very similar experience to mine in the beginning. She came, came to and then came to believe after 90 days in AA. That is why 90 day rehabs make sense as long as they push the program and go the holistic MBS route. Addicts who are hard core heroin addicts, if they don't go the Ibogaine route they need to be in a controlled environment where the power to kill themselves must be taken away for at least 90 days. That is where the sober companion comes in, very similar to what Dr Jung was referring to with the bodyguard lock and key scenario. After 90 days the spiritual experience of the educational variety at the very least should take place. This is the only thing that makes sense to help eliminate the chronic drug addict scenario that are currently picking up and dropping dead all over the place. One doesn't need a long term rehab or any rehab at all for that matter however I believe the power to kill oneself has to be taken away from all individuals for at least the first 90 days. If they go awol and run at least they were given the best shot to make it in the very beginning which is the most crucial time period. "If willingness is the key to unlock the gates of hell, it is action that opens those doors so we may walk freely among the living" (Page 317- My Chance To Live)

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Cut The Head Off The Snakes

The treatment center dual diagnosis scam isn't that sophisticated. You have a few seo experts create some key words with google ad words, infact you don't even have to be an expert for this. You pump big money into advertising and after a simple google search a suffering family member of a drug addicted individual gets bombarded by options. Welcome to Fla land of the unfree and home of the frauds. These treatment centers appear to be capitalizing off of peoples pain and suffering. There is something called the Hippocratic Oath, I don't like it when innocent victims get taken advantage of. Many of these places are hooked in with unscrupulous investors that have turned regular substance use disorders into major dual diagnosis scams. They hide behind psychiatrists and lawyers however Law Enforcement is actually waking up. Going after the sober home operators is the first step however if doctors are harming patients irrevocably with these drugs there needs to be hell to pay much sooner rather than later. The long term effects of these psychotropic drugs are devastating and have already ruined countless peoples lives. Lets just take a look at Xanax for example, that is a dangerous narcotic that had me doing the Leonardo Decaprio Jordan Belfort quadriplegic crawl when I was coming off of it. He was high on ludes , I was just trying to get off of benzos. Most of these drugs are prescribed by General PR actioners however  the lucrative treatment center industry has taken this to an entirely new level. They prescribe you another drug to counter the side effects of the primary med which you more then likely didn't need to begin with and this goes on interminably. With no clinical efficacy to back their claims they are actually getting away with this and we the people are letting them. This scam goes way back to the Tavastock Institute, this is a cia agenda, this is well planned out and there is plenty of motive. So basically what happens when people refuse their meds or are non compliant? Under the phony guise of making it appear that they are trying to help they actually punish you and have thrown some people out for this. Their argument is "we don't want you to go postal since you are dual diagnosed and mentally unstable you must take your meds because we are actually making the world a safer place". Meanwhile many addicts are aware of the scam but are so caught up in their own addiction there appears to be no way out. In a world where many of our drug addicts are incarcerated for non violent crimes how are we actually going to compete with felonies on our record once we get out? We cant, that is part of the scam to keep us down and label us as drug addicted and mentally unstable, a disability of course. We live in a society with draconian jail and prison systems that still engages in solitary confinement. Are you kidding me this is actually supposed to help the inmate become a better person upon leaving our jail and prison systems? If there were better jobs out there newly clean addicts wouldn't be coerced into becoming body snatchers because corruption can happen to the best of us. One just has to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the drug addict world where people bounce around from one half way house to the next and are basically going to get high anyway getting somebody high again to capitalize on "Operation Thoroughbred" Insurance may not seem like such a bad idea. We need to cut the head off the snakes and stop blaming the addicts because most of us are victims of the world that we live in. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Best Of Both Worlds

In my humble opinion people don't go back to their narcotic drug of choice out of nowhere. Its a disease that tells us that we don't have a disease however we can stay sober on yesterdays sobriety. As long as the spiritual footwork was accomplished yesterday in the form of prayer/spiritual advisor and a meeting. This means that as long as the footwork is being completed on a daily basis the chances are quite slim that people will end up back out on the streets on a prodigious bender. This means that the person who got up the earliest isn't the most sober person in the room. The point is well taken however that discredits all of the work that one has accomplished  up until that point in time to actually get sober. I was a sitting duck just waiting to get taken out when I stopped going to meetings but it still took me about 5 years to actually pick back up. This is the difference between being a dry drunk and actually being sober. In my opinion one has to get sober to actually relapse, this means that the people who keep picking up never completely surrendered and or never did the rigorous footwork. For me it was that I went past the point of no return in the program when I stopped being humble in the form of a daily reprieve. Service Unity and Recovery is the name of the game. . It makes it so much easier to surrender to win. This means that life can come at us from all different directions as it always does and we actually do have a defense against the first drink or drug on a daily basis as long as we are spiritually grounded. Therapists or spiritual advisors in recovery are potentially life saving. Even if one isn't in recovery they can still be a great choice. Many times addicts don't trust professionals that aren't in recovery themselves because many feel that their street cred isn't up to par and  that they cant relate to their own pain. Spiritual Advisor/Therapists need to have ones bio pycho social and know all about the family dynamics otherwise it will be a difficult and arduous process. Since I am an alcoholic/drug addict I am guaranteed to self medicate in due time once I stop practicing the principles in the form of a daily spiritual reprieve. I have already proven this way beyond a reasonable doubt. Whatever comes down the pipeline is just a problem or situation just for that day. I write not because I want to be a petty narcissist know it all but rather because I am hoping that I may help somebody who may be going through hell on earth or for somebody who may be on the fence about accepting their own disease of addiction. Its the 12 steps of life, it can help us in every single facet as long as we are plugged in. Spiritual advisors are great, the big book states that as long as we have somebody that we can trust. An addiction professional can  even be better because there have been so many advancements in science and technology, the way the brain works etc..  Somebody who is a professional  and or in some form of recovery themselves can definitely be the best of both worlds.     

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Feds Big Arrests And A Sober Future

The Feds arrested 6 people as a result of their ongoing investigation in the sober world or not so sober world. The Feds deserve a lot of respect and credit for coming through and following up on egregious abuses in the treatment recovery industry. That one degenerate lowlife Ken Chatman made many people feel at ease because he was one of the 6 people that were arrested. I have a feeling that the recovery world is going to drastically improve after the new year. Maybe I am a crusader who knows rock and roll mercenary the only thing I know for sure is that addicts need to get off of all prescription meds. My theory is that people relapse once they go off their anti depressant of choice because they never should have been on them to begin with. These drugs change the entire brain chemistry and as Kelly Brogran MD stated their is no clinical efficacy to back the claims of these so called miracle drugs. In other words she states that for anxiety and depression anti depressants are nothing more then a placebo. That means when I was taking Zoloft it more then likely didn't help me that much. Mind Control in the big pharma psychiatry world is a huge part of this entire fraudulent scam. In other words many of the doctors don't know they are part of a diabolical agenda because their training has taught them otherwise. So now that we know that anxiety and depression are symptoms and  not a mental illness this is a game changer throughout the entire medical community. That is the big  kahuna to tackle that demon however when delving into the alcoholism drug addiction, Reward Deficiency world that is just an extension of the big kahuna or the major bombshell that Kelly Brogan has already exposed. So the argument for the medical establishment for somebody that goes off their meds  and relapses on their narcotic drug of choice is "see told you so because you never should  have stopped taking your meds" That is the vicious cycle they want to keep you in the Frankenstein monster with absolutely no end game in sight. It was like Ws perpetual war on terror where our guys just drove around in their Humvees just waiting to get blown up by IEDs with no armor and very little back up. Satan is alive and well so when are people actually going to wake up? The reality is that we never should have been on meds to begin with. The entire treatment industry needs to be turned upside down. The vicious cycle of people bouncing around from jail, detox, rehab, half house and imminently the morgue will cease and this will  turn  into long term sobriety for many victims moving forward. So its kind of like Scientology where they try to make everybody feel that their is something wrong with them if they reject their black magic. Same premise holds true  for the treatment center world, many of us are victims of the medical establishment and the dirty hooks of meds and more meds. Drug Addiction is a disability but we can turn this into a great asset as long as we aren't abused anymore by the establishment that continues to make billions of dollars off of the human misery field.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Frauds And Phonies Zuckerberg Mr fb is a weirdo. He allows these kinds of links on his fb and nobody takes any action. If that movie Social Network is accurate is shows that he is a weasel willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top. That is the problem with this country people get rewarded for being weasels, the only thing people respect is the old mighty dollar. Usually when somebody looks like a weasel they usually are. Then he teams up with Gates Mr Monsanto vaccine mass depopulation agenda supporter to try to discredit our future Commander in Chief. What did Mr fb say those f ers are dumb if they trust me something to that effect? The only thing I know for sure is that social media is good on many fronts but the entire fb friend thing is a sham. I don't have any friends or followers but I don't care. I have my dog, my spiritual advisor and people in my support group. Let me tell you something the only time you can consider somebody a real friend is if they are invited to your wedding, if they bail you out of jail or if they show up to your funeral. If you have a friend and they don't bail you out of jail right away it may mean that they are showing tough love and would rather have you in jail temporarily then drinking yourself to death out on the street. Everything else is fake and phony but that is just the way many of these people are. Not only that bad guys scroll social media and get personal intel on people in order to steal identities or basically do whatever they can to exploit their weakness. Rob their home if they know when you are going out of town etc.. Seriously why is Alex Jones the only one who calls out Bill Gates Monsanato deals and worldwide vaccine promo? Gates is best buds with Obama, I really don't trust that guy either. Lets take a look at Obama and Obamacare, it was set up to be a scam to begin with. People like Gates and Zuckerburg they are so smug but nobody sees who they really are or seems to care because they are so rich so that is the only thing that matters. How come you never hear these people wage war on something like Scientology or stand with people like Wolfgang Halbig? Its because we have a nation full of money grubbers cowards and freaks that get off on deceiving people. On the other hand Social Media is good for Leos because they get a lot of intel from criminals who post a lot of who and what they are on places like fb  

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Big Pharma Task Force

I believe that the FBI task force investigating the sober home industry has good intentions. The Fla model of recovery is not a bad one. In other words going to rehab for 1 month and then to a sober home makes sense as long as the sober home is not a flop house. However there needs to be a Task Force that goes after big Pharma. The majority of these treatment centers have Physicians Assistants that are writing massive amounts of prescriptions. The psychosomatic effect of this after clients leave treatment definitely isn't a good one. In other words some people are on anti depressants long term  and many go back to their drug of choice in a narcotic form once abruptly taken off of these so called innocuous anti depressants. Depression and anxiety is what  alcoholics and drug addicts have, that is why we need a spiritual solution. The symptoms of somebody with untreated Reward Deficiency Syndrome, Alcoholism and Drug Addiction which are all one in the same are depression and anxiety. Once meds are administered in many cases this makes the patients worse. After self medicating and suffering from the effects of this illness in the form of consequences this inevitably exacerbates the symptoms of depression and anxiety. I had untreated alcoholism so I went on Zoloft, shortly thereafter I was hooked on Vicodin and Xanax. This made is so much easier to seek out Seroquel and Trazodone etc once I was in an  institutional environment or trapped within  the vicious cycle so to speak. Institutional type environments easily exacerbate symptoms of depression and anxiety. This inevitably leads to drug seeking behavior in many forms. I couldn't wait to dose out on Seroquel and Trazodone when I was in jail because I was so depressed. Realistically how does one come out of that environment and adapt effectively without continued drug seeking behavior? The only solution is a spiritual one. Rehabs are similar, what I am saying is that Big Pharma and all of their psychiatrists  are a major part of this problem. The entire treatment center industry model needs to be revamped. Meaning the Treatment centers that prescribe these drugs as well as the unscrupulous sober home operators. MBS Mind Body Spirit based facility's are great however I have serious doubts about the veracity of how they are coming up with a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate. There are countless examples of people in the program that have had severe symptoms of depression and anxiety in early sobriety and these symptoms seem to go away entirely once they go through the 12 steps of recovery. Contrary to what big pharma is all about depression and anxiety are symptoms not a mental illness. Alcoholism is an illness but we don't need pills to treat it. Xanax during detox is great and Vivitrol for cravings that is more then fine but these anti depressants are being prescribed off the chart and are ruining countless peoples chances of obtaining long term sobriety. Psychotherapy and the 12 steps are the answer. We need to replace pills in all forms with spiritually based tools because  this will help make America great again.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Heroin Crisis

The state of Fla shot down the Health Cares Districts proposal for a ten million dollar grant. This one actually made sense because it would have provided state type municipal funding and transitional living scenarios for drug addicts. This is a public health emergency, they should have signed off on it. The profit motive needs to be taken out of the equation, in other words these heavy hitter investors that are capitalizing off of human misery need to back off. Addicts need transitional housing subsidized by the state if they have no insurance. Isn't this better then having them out on the street on an active run more then likely robbing and doing unscrupulous things to get their fix? If DCF can go around to all of the sober homes and write ordinance violations that have nothing to do with addicts getting better then they can sign off on state run housing for an epidemic which is killing a lot of people. This wouldn't be enabling because being in an environment conducive to having a chance to get sober is much better then being out on the street. Also I know of people that were dumped back out on the street after detox with no place to go and with no money just because the hospital didn't have any more room for them. What are the chances that individuals like this will actually make it? Also the minimum wage needs to be upped. We all need a fighting chance to succeed from this disease of addiction. The heroin ods are putting too much pressure on the police, EMS and Fire team units that are responding to addicts in crisis all over the place. This is preventing them from doing a lot of other valuable services. The only thing that makes sense for this addiction crisis is to either have non profits or facilities that are subsidized by the state if people have no insurance, if they are completely destitute or if their insurance is outright denied because they have already been in detox and rehab too many times. This premise holds true for people with alcoholism as well. There is no difference between alcoholism and drug addiction, they are one in the same. Also addicts are being denied help in many cases even if they have insurance all because of the greed mongers that were and are making egregious amounts of money off of blood tests. We need state run facilities for people with no insurance that don't treat the addicts like criminals. I am referring to  environments that aren't jail like institutions with nasty and cynical people working in them because this negativity is actually contagious. Palm Beach County has only one place that is subsidized by the state that is completely ridiculous? Also these psychiatrists that are capitalizing on this crisis need to be held into account. I am talking about the roach motel Scientology Narconon type programs. They are roach motels not because they are run down and dilapidated but rather because once you check in they make sure that you never check out. These people are coming up with a 60% comorbid diagnosis rate all because they make a lot of money from big pharma. So basically what I am saying is that addicts are being criminally false diagnosed by some of these places with premeditation and motive. The other 40% that are just diagnosed with drug addiction or poly substance use disorder, they have plenty of pills for that as well. Congress is a major part of this problem because their idea of fighting this addiction war is to sign off on huge grants millions maybe even billions of dollars for Suboxone programs . Are you kidding me all of these lobbyists that are in bed with big pharma how much more obvious can they make it.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Rock And Roll Soldier

Whether its burning down the church of satan or smoking the freaks pedophiles and demons out from their underground tunnels when live rounds start flying down range we are way past the point of trying to make friends. We train in times of war we train in times of peace sometimes its better to blow up bridges to make some enemies. We are really all about risk mitigation and do our very best to avoid conflagrations. We shoot so many rounds during training that our Glocks actually melt. We have access to little birds big birds and everything else in between. We can run and we can shoot but we can also be the  best man at your wedding. They call us rock and roll mercenaries and soldiers of the apocalypse you can call us anything the hell you want as long as your check doesn't bounce and if your motives are pure and noble then we are open for business. We do gods work we would do it for free we have love for god and country but they have bills to pay just like you and me. Just like our K-9 bomb and drug sniffers we can sense and smell cowards and frauds. We can hear it by your voice inflection as well as your phony false flag tears and the way you gesticulate that is just the way we roll. There is a new sheriff in town and he is going to make some big changes, he knows how to fight and he knows how to win. This Russian hack alleged voter fraud con job is just sour grapes from the other side. We cant wait for sweeping changes ones that come down with stars and stripes and thunderous roars of shock and awe. We love to protect and we love to serve and to make the world a better place. I need a job one that doesn't break my back and send me to my chiro. I have a lot to offer maybe we can start by bringing like minds together. Wolfgang Halbig is not backing down, they locked up Jonathon Reich and put him in  Rikers Island for no legit reason whatsoever. He was never supposed to be arrested to begin with. He did nothing illegal, the Ct state trooper signed off that there was no crime committed. So why is he sitting in Rickers Island that is what I want to know? We have Sig Sauer's Flash Bangs and Hand Grenades, our long guns and hand Guns are the ones with the extended clip. We make sure to not abide by any laws that are enforced because of egregious fraud and deception. By air land and sea we are ready to roll, our demon chasers are fire breathing and the best in the business. When one has god on their side it will be tough to lose

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Good vs Evil

Eckard Tolle makes it clear that opinions aren't that great. I believe that opinions are important because that is what makes us human. As long as my opinion is humble and I am open to somebody else's, in other words everything is not always black and white. When I was dry and miserable I was dogmatic and full of rage, this was the worst feeling of all. When pointing the finger at others usually there were  many more pointing right back. Every day there are divide and conquer tests but if I am spiritually fit this doesn't faze me as much as it used to. It says in this mornings meditation to be careful not to preach from any type of spiritual hilltop. That is why a good member of the program would never bash something like Smart Recovery. Infact imitation is the highest form of flattery and there are many solid Science based principles in Smart, I wouldn't mind going to some meetings. Its not us vs them Science vs Spirituality it should be a collaboration of the two, that is interdependence. Rational emotive therapy cbt and dbt is what its all about anyway. When they say don't offer your opinion what they mean is just share your experience strength and hope and leave out any personalized supercilious dogma. That is the essence of the third step, it not about me its about we. The program is all about suggestions anyway but the reflections book pointed out that if you were skydiving the suggestion to pull the rip cord is on par with what they mean by how important these suggestions are. Opinions are great for blogs and op-ed articles however. Leah Remini has a lot of courage, hopefully with the help of many others she will be able to burn down the church of Scientology. What a disturbing cult. It is satanic and deleterious. Hubbard was hooked in with Aleister Crowley the most wicked man etc.. Miscaviage and his physical beatings why isn't this guy in jail? The interrogations used in Scientology are very similar to why enhanced interrogation techniques better known as torture are not effective for the cia. Its because Trauma based mind control just gets confessions out of people to end the trauma or torture it doesn't  necessarily produce the truth. The cia is full of these types, MK Ultra trauma based mind control disturbed cowards just like David Miscaviage. Scientology is nothing more then a dangerous money grubbing cult that has been taking advantage of people for way too many years. Courageous people like Leah Remini and others are doing their best to expose this deceptive fraud however not enough is being done. We are way too politically correct in this country. Where is the rage and indignation, infact where is the Revolution? Anderson Cooper exposed this disturbing cults physical abuse, pretty good for CNN. We need more a lot more then this however to burn down the church that Satan built. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Quants

God created whiskey so the Irish wouldnt take over the world. He also created the Quants so they actually would. The Quants- How A New Breed of Math Whizzes conquered Wall Street and nearly destroyed it- Scott Patterson. Another well written book about these rocket scientists that were picked from the best of the best of all academic and financial backrounds. Actually the godfather Ed Thorp was a math professor in the 50s. He was able to create and bring sophisticated quant formulas to Las Vegas to make alot of money in Blackjack. If you can make it in Vegas then why not conquer Wall Street?  "Beware of Geeks bearing formulas" Warren Buffet warned (page 295) His partner Charlie Munger stated "they are usually doing the devils work" I tried options in the late 90s but I got destroyed. It was a horrible feeling however I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. If the meek should inherit the earth then the Quants will make tons of cash with thier sophisticated algorithms and esoteric formulas. I dont know if they are still doing leverage like they did leading up to the financial implosion in 2008 but that was some serious gambling tactics. Just out of curiousity how can an insurance company working with a rehab facility pay up to $5,000 for one single urine test? I believe that lab tests are ok to get detailed info but seriously how can there be such a spread on something like this? Its ok to send blood work out to the lab to  make some money but  those returns are greed monger material and are eerily reminisient of what Wall Street did with thier 20-1 leverage derivitave pay out returns leading up to the credit crisis. I cant even find an $8 per hour job that doesnt send me to the chiro immediately but these people are pillaging gods work with exorbitant kickback scams. The people that are involved with this are taking advantage of addicts and have no shame. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Capitalism In Its Finest Form Disaster Capitalism is the name of the game for these skull and bone pirates that are on the front lines of capitalism. With Opec deals making headlines- "To limit the production of  crude oil which means that gas prices go up" this is a good time to state what a great book The Asylum is. Leah Mcgrath Goodman wrote a brilliant book (5 stars) about the NYMEX pit traders. The Renegades who hijacked the worlds oil markets. If anybody wants to know how the oil market really works then this is a must read. These pit traders were ruthless and brutal. They even squared off with the Devil Dogs USMC and won. Jordan Belfort Wolf Of Wall Street meet the Pit Traders of Nymex.These pit traders were even willing to take out their own guys to achieve their overall objective. Apparently Jordan Belfort took care of his own guys but for his own penny stock investors not so much. When dealing with Futures retaliation doesn't happen in the future like it does with the blue bloods of Wall Street. In the pit retaliation happens at that exact moment. Fistacuffs were common place, these guys were evolutions finest form of Darwinism. The NYMEX pit traders rolled up their sleeves and made commodities deals every day even multiple times a day. That is how the derivative futures market roll. Whether its praying for a hurricane to bet on the weather or planning the next country to invade for oil profits this is  what disaster capitalism is all about when trading in the Pit. As the market got a little more advanced changing from write downs to digital screens around mid to late 2000s some people lost out on their chance to make millions when NYMEX went public. Some people only leased their seats in the pit and didn't own them outright so this is what made all of the difference. I always made the argument that Pit environments were as brutal as soldiers on the front lines and these guys actually proved it when the devil dogs came to town. I respect my fellow foot soldier standing next to me and would never want to take him out or stab him in the back that is why I would never make it in the pit. I am too sensitive and mindful but maybe I could hang with some decent training. Maybe we can open up a Free Energy commodities contract division on Wall Street and all follow the principles of Eckard Tolle. We need to get away from our addiction to big oil.   

Burning Down The Flag One should never confuse dissent with disloyalty. Dissent can be a demonstration of the highest form of Patriotism. If you are going to burn the American flag you better have a solid argument to back your actions. When Ron Kovik came back from Vietnam didn't he have a good reason to burn the flag? There is a new sheriff in town and as the soon to be Chief Law Enforcement Officer Of The Supreme Law Of The Land we have already seen some positive changes. Our future Commander in Chief has already cancelled the exorbitant Air Force One contracts. What a difference this is compared to our predecessors. I don't believe that Snowden is a traitor. If he gets the book thrown at him or even worse the penalty of death he will go down as a hero. This will only reinforce the very thing he blew the whistle on to begin with- "A Draconian and Totalitarian regime." An NSA CIA con job spy grid." He is a whistleblower not somebody who should be taken out and executed under the Espionage Act. He needs to seek cover under the "Whistle Blower Protection Act" There were many other people in Snowdens circle that felt the same as he did but Snowden was the only one with the guts to do anything about it. What did he state in the movie that blanket surveillance became worse under Obama? I read that Snowden approved the movie, in other words it was accurate. So let me get this straight the hero who blows the whistle stating that we have an out of control power mad government is being treated as an enemy of the state? This will only reinforce what he has been saying all along. Why don't people listen to what he has to say? He talks about assassination teams on stateside soil what are you kidding me? We have some real bad guys out there that need to be locked up but the list doesn't include Edward Snowden. Wiki Leaks seems like they have supplied good intel in reference to our previous actions of an "out of control government in bed with the banking elite." Does anybody remember that teacher from Pound Ridge that ended up having Law Enforcement surround his house? This was due to his "Private" correspondence with somebody that he doubted the veracity of the Sandy Hook Story. How did law enforcement find out about this and why was he treated like a terrorist and thrown in the mental ward? What did he do wrong? Why was his life ruined and why was he fired from his job? How can anybody state that Snowden is an enemy of the state wtf are you kidding me? Bullies and criminals try to make the good guys feel guilty however up until this point in time the bullies and criminals are the ones that have been pulling all of the strings. Look what top brass did to Charlie Strange (Extortion 17) when he was asking questions and basically conducting his own investigation because the official story of how his sons team went down is and was total bs. With NSA technology they basically threatened him that they were watching all of his text message correspondence with other family members that lost their son as well. Thought Crimes are crimes in 2016 wtf are you serious? So what is 1984 in 2017 going to bring? I want to know when Wolfgang Halbig is going to get the green light to smoke the pedophiles and perverts out of their underground tunnels? Instead of smoking the bad guy bogey man myths out of their caves thousands of miles away for drug and oil profits we need to smoke the freaks, perverts and pedophiles out of their underground tunnels on stateside soil. Wolf will have a task force of fire breathing demon chasers by his side make no mistake about that. 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A New Earth

The egoic mind wants us to be in constant conflict with the world. It sets me up for failure with an us against them mentality which really just becomes an exercise in futility. I am grateful for another day of sobriety. I am grateful for the ability to share my experience strength and hope with anybody that may need it. I am grateful for the ability to ride my bike everywhere because now I am in shape and don't have to do spin classes. I am grateful for the financial support my family continues to give me otherwise I would still be out on the street. I am grateful for my spiritual advisor and the best altruistic recovery group that was ever created. The morning reflection calls it the miracle of the century. I used to live in a half way house filled with dope addicts that chain smoke. Today I live in a sober living environment with people with the same disease that I have. We are all just trying to survive one day at a time. I am blessed to share my feeling that I prefer the term spiritual advisor over the word sponsor. In my humble opinion the word sponsor sounds too much like network marketing and that there may be money involved. There is no money to be made if one is a sponsor. Instead of an up line its a life line, our lives our dependent upon it. If we don't continue to share our experience strength and hope with the alcoholic that still suffers we are doomed. Its all about we not about me. Instead of an us against them holier then thou attitude with smart recovery it is really about mutual respect and collaboration. That is what interdependence is all about. I was always about the egoic mind and trying to be successful. A New Earth has taught me that one doesn't become successful we already are successful as long as we are staying in the present. A New Earth has taught me that we need to have an inner purpose. We have a primary purpose and that is to share our experience and to get out of self. There is no grand pooh bah or hierarchy involved the highest level we can ever get is sober. Its not like being a pfc or a general or a lowly file clerk vs the ceo because the billionaire in the program still treats the homeless guy with dignity and respect. I want to start a non profit that takes people from all over Palm Beach County to meetings. I am blessed because I have a bike but many people coming out of treatment have nothing and need a way to get to meetings. Getting a job and getting to meetings without transportation isn't easy, I can attest to this. I can get to the meeting within 20 minutes at tempo speed on my bike however  I have a bike and public transportation is a disaster in Palm Beach County. The druggie buggies work in rehab but what happens once we get out? I lasted 10 weeks before I got a DWI and was remanded to jail back in 2011 after rehab because I never made a commitment to the program. Its not about just not going to meetings. I went to some meetings when I was dry but I never got sober because I never changed or worked the steps. This disease is killing people all over the place. Donald Trump shared his experience about his brother Freds alcoholism hoping that it would help at least one person. That is what it is all about. There is a new movement in this country and its called altruism and sobriety. Interdependence will definitely make America great again.