Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hidden In Plain View

Its not a good situation when a good guy cop from New Mex gets placed on the bad guy tsa nsa grid just because he is an oath keeper.I seem to remember a real bad guy cop from Utah recently who just took out his entire family.There were some warning signs there that is for sure, I took one look at him and I said juicer.These are the cops that need to be red flagged not blonde hair blue eyed police chiefs that are quiet professionals very humble and really consider their position as one as a public servant.Remember the good old days before the evil doers from way up above found their way into local leos and politicians back pockets?New Mex wasn't that the state that just had a false flag school shooting last month?The only reason they backed off of this good guy cop was because of public outrage coming from the real good guys like Alex Jones and Matt Drudge etc.. I need to make another thing loud and clear.People better stop laughing at Jones and Drudge because the masses are going to get a dose of what they have both been saying for years sometime in the very near future.All of the dis info minions that are stashed away in their pyh op stations at the Pentagon and Naval War college getting paid big dollars are now going all out in a last ditch effort to dis credit the very few good people who exist in the alternative news world.It is also highly illegal for pentagon phy ops teams to work stateside in RI. There is something called fraud, libel and slander when a dis info minion calls out somebody for being a fraud in an attempt to discredit when that is the pot calling the kettle black Calling somebody out for being a fraud when they are the real frauds not only inst very ethical but that is obviously fraud as well..There is only going to be a short window of time left so all of the sell outs should come clean now and repent their sins for cashing in and doing absolutely nothing except acting as a mouth piece for the establishment.That is correct Bill Oreilly and how Oswald was a great shooter and the Warren commission were straight shooters as well.Mark Furmhan I used to have alot of respect for you because you stepped into a hornets nest in Greenwich and actually blasted through alot of stonewalling campaigns. Furmhan your book about how Oswald acted alone and now I see how you had some solid establishment appearances when people started asking you questions during the nsa backlash on how to get a warrant for a cell phone etc.Who needs a warrant when the big eye in the sky sees all including scrubbing whatever they want from social media. I thought they didn't do that isn't this what all of our trusted sources at the top told us? The sell outs can get out now and I recommend that they do because very soon they are all going to be on the other side of history and everybody knows who the sell outs are so now is your time to come clean and repent.I will tell you a nice brave warrior girl came out of the Air Force a few years ago and she blew the whistle to the highest of all heavens because she was disgusted by chem trails and con jobs at every level.She is a fearless leader and she paid the price heavily because everywhere she traveled tsa backed her into a private room and shook her down because she was now on the bad girl list are you kidding me? There is going to be an incredible amount of blow back in the years to come and the establishment knows this that is why they are in a last ditch effort to try to kill us all.I believe 2014 will be a very historical year in many ways This is my instinct and it certainly is backed up by highly intelligent trusted sources like Matt Drudge.He along w/ Jones have been following their playbook for years and last week Drudge came out w/ 4 words and I don't believe he is a fear monger- "Have an Exit Strategy" What does this mean? I have no idea a false flag dirty bomb, nuke, depression by design scenario? Who knows the only thing I know for sure is that we have advance teams already in place for our clients My advice to the masses is to get the hell out of dodge when the lights go out meaning a national blackout.A high level EMP electro magnetic pulse caused by a low level detonation of a mini nuke cyber attack will paralyze the critical infrastructure of this entire country.After this we will be sitting ducks and then the good old guys can do whatever they want ie-Let people starve and cause mass riots or better yet this is when they will hit us w/ a real tactical nuke so its all over after this one.There will be a few days to get out of town during a national power grid failure.This is when the masses will start to panic and this will cause major grid lock. This is when cog will be implemented and chaos will transpire in the streets. .    

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