Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Emperor Has No Clothes

Its been very hard for me to dig deep to face up to certain truths.I don't like criticizing my leaders because  I was born for love of god and country however this is the reason I am doing this because the truth shall set me free.If nobody listens its not my problem at least I can sleep at night.After much reflection I have determined that the head sheds went into Iraq w/ a battle plan they knew long before would be a disaster and would end up being a quagmire for many years.I have come to the conclusion that it wasn't incompetence or a lack of proper planning but more of a premeditated suicide mission.I didn't accept the fact that 9-11 was an inside job until recently so by now we all know that they didn't care how many people died on both sides or how long they would torture our soldiers by multiple deployments.They knew dam well that a mop up blitzkrieg wouldn't be good for the war machine thus the reason they ignored all the real leaders Gen Shinsenki etc.Instead they went w/ a plan that was so unprofessional and half baked w/ conventional army units completely undermanned to begin with.Rumsfeld made his big announcement on Sept 10 2001 that the Frankenstein monster that Ike warned us all about was going private.Why else would Bremer go in there and immediately fire the Republican Guard to absolutely guarantee the insurgency by putting a few hundred thousand starving Iraqs on the street? These people were all set to be used as the trusted source but after that it was all over for us however it was just the very beginning of what the ultimate goal was for the evil doers.Bring in the contractors and keep the war going for as long as possible (many years)We all know now that this had nothing to do w/ Patriotism, the false flag of 9-11 was the pretext for world wide hegemony.The soldiers drove around in their un armored Humvees w/ little or no rules of engagement just waiting to get blown up by ieds. They lost wives and they lost lives, limbs, hearts and minds and many souls were irrevocably broken on both sides.There was absolutely no threat whats ever from Iraq they even came up w/ phony pics of roving labs that were supposed to be wmds but were really helium balloon sites or some con job to that effect.Obviously Afghanistan has been a con game the entire time as well.OBL died a few months after 9-11 of Marfan Syndrome.He was best buds w/ the Bush regime so  his patsies had plenty of cover. Opium heroin sure why not lots of drugs to move in on over there so what the hell difference does it make?.The point I am trying to get across is please stop the bs one police state garbage and now militarizing certain leos the whole thing is complete insanity.Nobody likes it everybody is very upset. This country needs boys in blue not boys in black. Black is for overseas not stateside operations.When I heard the reason for all of the Viper teams and Blackhawks for the Super bowl was to make sure we didn't have another Boston Massacre situation I almost threw up.Main stream media please wake up and start telling the truth. I know its difficult your hands are tied but so what just quit and start your own show, if you do that people will have alot of respect for you.You will be the very few that has the guts to stand up and say "I hate lying to people and I love my country and I don't care how many threats I get as long as I don't get killed" you will be a much happier person in the long run I can guarantee you this.At least you can get out in time and make sure you are one of the good guys and gals on this side of history. Look at Amber Lyon she is a perfect example.She is gorgeous, highly intelligent and has plenty of courage. It was all over for CNN when she exposed the Bahrain kickback con game, please we need more people like Amber Lyon    .

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