Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Let us never forget the sacrifice of Terrance Yeakey and many more heroes that were clearly murdered as a result of the Oklahoma City false flag in 95 that killed 168 women and children.He didn't want to play ball or change his story so the thugs and tyrants do what they do best they kill people to shut them up.You can threaten harass and intimidate Wolfgang all you want but I don't think it will work this time because your cover is completely blown and you have killed too many people already so its now game over.Today there is the internet, that is the last thing these tyrants are trying to control.They can scrub alot but that cant scrub everything because their are too many force multipliers who know the con game and people are completely disgusted and fed up w/ these tyrants and thugs.Everybody knows Wolfgang is a total leo professional, he is a gentleman at the highest level not some whacked out conspiracy theorist living on the fringes of society.Wolfgang calls Sandy Hook an illusion but I call it a poorly executed false flag event.Since 9-11 was a false flag stand down and an inside job they tried to ruin and destroy (Susan Lindauer cia asset) under the the Patriot Act.They had her locked up in federal prison and turned her life into a living hell.They made her look like an unstable incompetent who was a threat to herself and others, unfit for trial w/ a long history of depression. I am surprised they didn't kill her like they did to countless others but this woman is solid, sober and very intelligent. I urge all Americans to buy her book (Extreme Prejudice).She is what I would call a reliable trusted source and we must show her alot of respect.She also happens to be Andy Cards cousin. Remember that guy the one who whispered in Ws ear about the towers being hit when he was reading to little school children?What a reaction he had, that was pretty pathetic no emotion whatsoever.Susan is a good girl, she was trying to prevent the needless bloodshed of 9-11 and Iraq because she was in tight w/ the Iraqis and if they listened to her the entire fraud con game of the war on terror would have been prevented so seriously I am surprised she is still alive.She paid a heavy price when she was locked up and treated like a terrorist under the Patriot Act. The following is an article about Terrance Yeakay the good guy cop who was taken out for the Oklahoma City bombing  .

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