Wednesday, February 26, 2014

All The Worlds A Stage

Shakespeare was dead on w/ that one, it looks like Todd Beamer wasn't such a hero on Flight 93 after all-.his wife got plenty rich by her fake crocodile tears. If this wasn't bad enough some NYPD cops really feigned ill, they got a doctors note from the nurse and really raked it in while stealing from the 9-11 victims fund payed for by the hard working American tax payers based off of real emotions for the real victims.Good job Manhattan DA for exposing these pathetic individuals who are a disgrace to anybody that ever represented truth justice in the American way- Serpico didn't like thugs like you too bad those boys in blue left Serpico for dead when he was shot in the face.Judgement day will come for all pathetic crisis actors and all of the boys in blue on every local state and federal level that continue to disgrace and dishonor this country-

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