Friday, February 14, 2014

The Real Deal this is what is really going on Watson the Army is gearing up for war stateside against the Tea Party members, gun owners and conservatives.etc.. Basically anybody they can blame a false flag on so do us all a favor and man up and spell it out directly in the article and don't be so passive. Those are US cities down under in VA not mosques and middle east mock city type scenarios and terrain.Alex Jones wasn't very happy w/ you beating around the bush because you have alot of responsibility so you must tell the American people the straight out truth. People are very busy and they don't have time to listen to Alex every day so they need to rely on articles as the next best thing.We need to face up to what we are dealing with and call it exactly the way it is because people come at me looking for real world facts so I need to be able to have articles that are not politically correct. There is no more time for reading between the lines OK because alot of people are pissed off and spooked out and they need trusted sources.This isn't grade school anymore my fellow Americans this is the USA in Feb 2014 the more truth seeker force multipliers we have trying to help our fellow man the better- Happy V-Day

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