Sunday, February 9, 2014

Are You Serious?

I am very close with somebody whos grandfather was a famous high ranking NYPD detective and SAC special agent in charge of Churchills detail when he came to town. Legend has it that they used to throw a few down together behind closed doors.Her brother was on the ground during Operation Just Cause in 89 Panama.His best friend was the USMC officer that went down and this is what escalated the invasion.He wasn't one of the original 4 that were either killed or wounded however he just happened to be very close to Cpt Paz who lost his life.We have many brave warriors from Westchester County Ny.There also happens to be alot of money in Rye, Harrison Scarsdale, Bronxville etc..They pay the highest taxes in the country and this is backed up by the highest intelligence levels,wealth and a long warrior code tradition.My next question goes straight on up to gov Cuomo because he came out w/(if you are pro life and pro gun you are not welcome in NY) Are you serious? I don't think Churchills NYPD detective would be too happy with that statement if he were alive today in fact I know he wouldn't be because he would have seen right through this.Churchill saved us all because he was able to convince Roosevelt how dangerous Hitler really was and he was overjoyed when we got hit during Pearl Harbor because he really needed us to get into the fight.We had real enemies not manufactured ones there is a huge difference.Hirohitos indefatigable imperial Empire of Japan were as serious as you would ever get, these people were ferocious and they gave our devil dogs in the Pacific the fight of their lives.We lost thousands of brave warriors over the years and many were ruined for life and they sacrificed everything specifically for the right to defend themselves from Tyrannical Regimes like Hitler Stalin and Mao.So why did Cuomo say that? Does he have a long warrior tradition in his family or is he part of the new American Tyrannical Regime that is now targeting gun owners, Tea Party members and veterans and labeling them as terrorists? That doesn't make alot of sense because everybody knows when we no longer have weapons to defend ourselves from Tyrants and Thugs its all over for us and violence will go through the roof just like in England. I thought we sacrificed enough brave warriors over the years to earn the right to bear arms and have freedom of speech and not to have veterans tags specifically targeted and scanned when they came back from theater to charge them with felonies due to manufactured new gun laws?..All of the millionaires I talk to in Westchester are indignant that the gov would make a statement like that.They believe what ever the hell they want and they dont like it when thier leader is forcing his agenda down everybody's throat.They pay enough money in property tax and every other tax one can possibly imagine.What happened to the way America used to be before all of the tyrants started staging school shootings and forcing their agendas down everybodys  throat?    

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