Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Never Bring A Knife To A Gunfight

this is very important for anybody involved in executive protection. It is all about advance work and preparation, hope for the best but always prepare for the worst. This means knowing all of the choke points for a potential ambush and knowing what alternative routes there are including knowing at least two different ways to get to the nearest hospitals and local law enforcement must be on stand by at all times.There is so much work involved as an ep agent most people have no idea. Alot of the work is gopher work and this upsets alot of good guys because they feel under appreciated and used at times because these are the very same people that the client must trust their life with. During the hour upon hour of endless monotony and boredom they must have the highest level of mental acuity 24/7 because if their client gets hit or if an attempt is made guess who is going to get the blame no matter what? If you are not game on during that moment this will haunt you for the rest of your life. It isn't about retaliation it is all about getting the client out of harms way first and foremost. This means getting off the x to execute an immediate blow and go scenario.This means advanced driving skills j turns and s turns and much more need to be second nature.CAT (counter assault teams) must be at the ready because once bad things happen everybody has to be all set  for what may come next.Although a good ep agent is highly skilled in saving lives and getting their client off the x they always have to have alot of ammo tucked and hidden away that is easily accessible even when walking around in public w/ their client..It all must be concealed but plenty of back up mags need to be in reach and this includes many long guns in the trunk of the car and this also includes a few MP-5s ready to go on full auto.The LAPD learned that lesson the hard way about 10 years ago during the North Hollywood Shoot out. Other then that it is all about keeping a low profile and being able to communicate w/ the client on their level and even become part of the family.That is why Dr K makes it very clear that a black tie gala or country club scenario is so much different then overseas psd work, it is seriously as different as night and day.I know alot of great guys that never get the chance to work as an ep agent stateside because of a stereotype of what kind of things they did overseas but I am going to make sure this changes in the years to come. These are the lowest profile guys in the world used to force recon and scout sniper missions and if it were up to Eric Prince he never would have been rolling down the road like hells bells attracting unwanted attention in Iraq.It would have been exactly like my SAS operator friend, low profile w/ a beat up old car to safely transport said principle from point  A to B. Unfortunately it wasn't his call it was the state dept.    

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