Wednesday, February 19, 2014

You Didn't Build That

what great leadership we have at the top somebody who says that if you own a business you didnt build that somebody else did.Then a health care scam where premiums double and triple where you could definitely keep your old premium sounds like a con game to me. A NDAA act signed in secret on New Years Eve after he told everybody he wasn't going to. A trusted source said that this alien cia operative who was born in Hawaii whos parents were all cia is from the corrupt streets of Chicago is as diabolical and mendacious as they come.A trusted source said for that Resco scam back in the day in Chicago that Obama was part of has guys doing hard time right now. Then he comes out and says I can do what ever the f I want because I am the prez are you kidding me?.Holder and this guy are like two peas in a pod working overtime working on the next false flag that they are going to blame on a Patriot group.People who value the Bill of Rights our US constitution are now the new terrorists since their cover is blown and everybody knows that the phony hoax war on terror was the biggest con game fraud in modern history.They now need somebody to blame for their next act of high treason. It is not a good situation when a real solid officer of the law takes the initiative to do an honest investigation of Sandy Hook but then gets direct threats from homicide detectives in his own home in Fla.What did he do wrong he simply did a FOIA request in order to try to put pieces of a blatant con game false flag together?.Ct state police are going to file charges on him for what? Ct state police was that Holders buddy who just retired after the Sandy Hook scam? What about the millions of dollars worth of fraudulent money raised by the charities and Bloomberg who came out w/"get ready for the media blitz" the day before Sandy Hook are you serious?Stealing money from honest Americans and emotionally manipulating them to donate money because they really thought little school children died these people are sick and twisted and beyond any hope what so ever.That is what makes it so disturbing because these aliens are running our country.Then homicide detectives tell a solid investigator w/ a resume that includes working as a LEO on both a state and federal level that bad things are going to happen to him if he doesn't shut up and CT st police are going to file charges on him and that he should get an attorney what did he do wrong? We are seriously living in the Twilight zone my fellow Americans so we all must come to grips w/ this.What about Yale Univ skull and bones weirdos that were on the take for Sandy Hook Project Longevity Eric Holder second amend gun snatching campaign to pay off these Yale weirdos w/ the hard working tax money of.the American people did anybody throw up yet?Fema cia Darpa DHS kickback scams to pay off the skull and bones weirdo shrinks at Yale and then they pay off these pathetic crisis actors who wouldn't even get a second go see in the real world that is how ridiculous these aliens really are. Please check out Wolfgangs interview he goes into great detail about his Sandy Hook investigation and he is never backing down because these thugs and tyrants have only made him more determined and if you thugs take him out we are going to know all about this as well 45 min video

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