Sunday, February 23, 2014

Down The Rabbit Hole We Must Go

John Douglas is the founder of the FBI BAU (behavioral analysis unit)He wrote Mindhunter and many more best sellers, I read most of these books because this man changed the Bureau entirely w/ a new way of approaching investigations.This is what became known as "Profiling".The tv show Criminal Minds is modeled after the BAU so its important to note how John was able to crack many cases that many thought were unsolvable.It starts by getting inside the mind and understanding the profile of a sociopath, sexual sadist, serial killer etc One must be able to call evil out for what it is and then step up and attack it with ruthless aggression.How did everything get so evil in this world?After the thugs and criminals took out JFK it was all over.It looks like the Bush Regime took out JFK jr as well because he was a direct threat and not only was he asking questions about his fathers death and the bs Warren commission  he also announced to a select few insiders that he may run for president.Let me explain something about the Bush Regime.Their family was in bed w/ the Nazis during WW2 w/ IBM and the Rockefellers.They were in so tight that they even tried a military coup in 1933 in the US w/ US Major General Smedley Butler.They couldn't wait to wipe the US out w/ a Hitler type Eugenics based program..Remember Hitler was a follower the real demons go all the way back to the Jacobite's and the Rothchield Family.Most people know this cult as the Illuminati.Its all about (mind control 2 plus 2 equals 5 and black is white and white is black) if you believe otherwise the real demons demonize the sane individuals.Clinton was a creepy  rapist who used to violently rape defenseless women in a way that can only be described as a serial rapist and sexual sadist.The Lewinsky scandal was just a cover story and Larry Klayman had to worry about being killed or having something planted on his luggage because he was the attorney who had all the dirt on the Clintons.Klayman broke up ATT w/ Divestiture and he knew all about the 9-11 inside job because he had trusted sources like David Shippers on his team.Klayman is the lawyer for Charles Strange the father of Michael the Seal Team 6 cryptologist who was murdered by the Obama administration (Extortion 17) along w/29 other Americans.Not everybody running the show is evil that must be noted however the 3-5% of the sociopaths have been pulling the strings from way up above for a very long time.Not everybody who hangs out at the Bohemian Grove is a sadist however it must be duly noted that is a demonic ritual that worships burning babies.I really don't think we should make believe 2 plus 2 equals 5 anymore my fellow Americans.This inst a joke this is the real deal and this is what we are all up against moving forward.I will end this blog w/ a man called Lee Attwater.This was Bush seniors official dirtslinger in the 80s.This man lied cheat and stole and made up so many lies about Dole and Dukakis those two men never had a chance.His tactics were so low level but that is the name of the game in the dirty world of politics.This was a man that was used by the Bush regime because everybody knew if he didn't produce results and get the head shed cia man elected he would have been immediately discarded and thrown to the wolves and ruined for life.Well in the karma world things actually do happen for a reason.He did in fact get the Bush regime elected but he died an ugly death of cancer shortly thereafter at a very early age.During the final months of his life he actually came clean and maned up to his lies deceit and treachery and tried to repent his sins more then likely in a last minute desperate attempt to reverse the karma gods fate on his soul.He talked about the Bible and how sorry he was but at that point it was too late he died a lonely miserable and ugly death shortly thereafter.Most people cant go down the rabbit hole to call out evil and accept it for what it really is however if we are ever going to turn this country around we must do this in large numbers.For the people who are apathetic out there to the fate and direction of this country and who are too busy watching Justin Biebers latest antics and gossiping about the dumbest and most inconsequential things on earth for these people you deserve what you get in the years to come .

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