Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Game Over Establishment Media

We need to celebrate our victories that fraudulent red coat Piers Morgan from CNN It was all over when Matt Drudge sent a tip that Alex should go on CNN and they got completely destroyed will commence again if you try to take our firearms.CNN is down MSNBC is next and Oreilly say goodbye to your fraud based spin program sometime in the near future as well..Oreilly you make me sick you are such a puppet and everybody knows this.Back in the day I had alot of respect for you because I thought you were real.How can you sleep at night knowing you are just an establishment based Murdoch mouthpiece? I saw that softball Superbowl interview w/ that joke of a president.You said his heart was in the right place w/ Obamacare Benghazi etc Game over Oreilly you are done.Benghazi was another highly illegal Manpad back door off line shadow cia scam that involved Hilary Clinton Obama Brennan etc,, According to Dr P it is Watergate on steroids.Lies manipulation propaganda you are good at that Oreilly. I couldn't read the article because I would have thrown up but I read that you said Obama is a Patriot how much is Murdoch really paying you?A few years back you basically called for violence toward 9-11 victims family members that were raising awareness to the inside job by interupting speeches etc..What if your family was murdered Oreilly in 9-11 by the Bush regime? I also notice  how you cut off anybody who is real and never have anybody on your show that is a threat to the establishment.Since Oswald acted alone I am sure Oklohoma City, 9-11, Sandy Hook,Extortion 17 and Benghazi were all just business as usual for the robots in dinosaur media.Let me tell you something Oreilly I am calling you out to put me on your show I would like to talk about 9-11 and alot more.When your show goes under I am sure you can still retire w/ all of your millions but how do you really want to be remembered?    

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