Monday, August 1, 2016

Slick Willy Has Bills To Pay Sorry Obummer the world is flat. I am tired of these elected officials that pose as good guys but are nothing more then cut outs from these major crime families. I was watching one of Slick Willys rape victims on Infowars. She basically stated that she had faith in Comey and that Hillary would eventually get indicted. Money Laundering HSBC- International crime family hub to make dirty money appear to look legit. Instead of going to jail these people then decide to run for the highest office in our land. That should be an insult to every American that has a pulse. I watched Clinton Cash the movie, it was quite interesting. Slick Willy said that "he had bills to pay" They sent all our jobs overseas with NAFTA, he repealed Glass Steagall, he did alot of blow and raped alot of women." I have bills to pay" Slick Willy and I cant even find a minimum wage job. Even if I was offered ridiculous amounts of money per speech I wouldn't take it unless I knew that I really earned it. How much money do these greed mongers need and what do they do with it all? Who would ever listen to the Clintons that is what I want to know? They have sold out the American economy but hey Willy "has bills to pay." So the Clintons give speeches to Wall Street what can they honestly say that warrants them making exorbitant amounts of money for speaking fees? Has any of their money ever been legit? The Clinton Foundation is dirty money where they stole from the poor folk in Haiti under the phony guise of disaster relief and did business with Nigerian crime family members. Slick Willy comes off as so golly Gee innocent, he is intelligent and affable that is the problem. So this basketball coach is going away for 14 years for sexting a 15 year old but Slick Willy never got in any trouble for vicious, brutal and sadistic predator type rapes of multiple women? The head shed FBI guy didnt get the job done when his country needed him most. He used to be an executive at HSBC now we can connect the dots. What a horrible job. Who would want to be a stooge for major crime families when they are supposed to be one of the highest Law Enforcement Officials in our Land? I would have resigned a long time ago if I were Comey. Guys like Comey are nothing more then political animals that obviously arent out to protect "We the People". Comey can redeem himself there is still time. We just need to see some real criminals get arrested, indicted and not pardoned and then some faith may get restored in our system. Unfortunately I dont see that happening. I dont put Comey in Loretta Lynchs category but he isn't that far behind. So there you have it our Attorney General and FBI Director are not exactly the best of the best to say the least. More like the worst of the worst. Hillary is a total war monger. I was checking out Abby Martins video on Preston James new article on VT. It appears that she is no dove in relation to Iran, infact she considers Iran our enemy. These people do absolutely nothing except cause problems and create non existent enemies and they really expect us to fall for it. When are we getting a new FBI director that is what I want to know? In the meantime maybe I will find a minimum wage job.    

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