Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Donald Trump An Unstoppable Force Donald Trump will only get stronger over the next couple of months. That is because he has very thick skin and will continue to unleash truth bombs. Today I saw him on lame stream media talking about rigged elections. He knows how to compete and he knows how to win. He did this his entire life legit unlike his competitors. I feel that he is the real deal and was meant to become President. Watching the Trump Over The Years video it clearly shows his indignation toward the establishment. Just think how creepy it is to know that our leaders were in bed with the Nazi regime funding both sides. We have traitors of the highest order pulling the strings. I was watching Judge Jeanne, I would vote for somebody like her as president. I wouldn't have a problem having a woman as Potus that isn't the issue. I saw her lambaste this establishment mouthpiece on her program. This woman was so weak with her arguments talking about how the Bush crownies didn't want to back Donald. Wow what a loss that is for America. Donald Trump cares about the American people. Hillary hates America, that is what slick Willys x girlfriend said. She is mentally unbalanced to say the least. Slick Willys x stated that she is addicted to power for powers sake alone and that she couldn't give a dam about what happens to the masses. Donald Trump wants us to make a living and to be happy and successful. Hillary would only want us to suffer just as miserably as she clearly is. Slick Willys x stated that she hates herself and hates America and more then likely in her opinion was sexually abused. How could somebody like this help us to become successful and happy? Our role models as Potus over the years have been quite horrendous. The Bush regime wasn't even supposed to be Potus because they were brought up on Treason charges in WW-2.  So how come they were still allowed to become Potus that is a reasonable question? Obummer wasn't even born here and has phony false flag tears how is this man considered a role model according to Oreilly? Donald Trump is a real man and I believe that is his real and only name. The cia are a bunch of slime balls. Who would want to have two names? Unless you are doing deep cover noc work overseas in operations that have the American peoples interests at heart first and foremost why waste your time? I know that there are some good people at cia but overall it seems like a shady operation. There was an x cia guy that was grilling Comey he was quite impressive. I still cant figure out how having a secret back door server in your basement with classified intel was not prosecutable? He clearly stated how illegal it was but then said but no reasonable prosecutor would indict does that make any sense? He said that at the very least his guys would get fired for doing this then how is she still allowed to run for Potus? The problem is that the establishment have been doing horrific things for so long with complete impunity so at this point it is all a joke because they are all considered to be untouchable. Just wait until Donald Trump becomes our Potus, things will turn around for certain.

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