Saturday, August 13, 2016

Need To Know Hidden Agendas This article seemed to create some controversy which is for the most part always a good thing. A thinking mans article, critical minded and full of rhetoric. Donald Trump is somewhat of a Demagogue is that really such a bad thing? He appeals to the masses, this will help him get elected. I don't agree that he is in bed with the Zionist regime. I am no longer even convinced that Israel is our real enemy anyway, so if the Donald is in tight with certain people so what? He made it in real estate in the Big Apple so of course he has rubbed elbows with some mobsters what's the big deal? He is a Nationalist and he wants to create jobs and put the USA back on the map again as a number 1 Super Power is that really such a bad thing? It appears that he doesn't even use a teleprompter so this business about him being part of a script I really don't buy it. He is not always politically correct which is also a really good thing. He is a breath of fresh air, that is why the establishment is trying to disrupt his campaign. What is the main difference between Hillary and The Donald? I do believe that he would put his country before himself that is a big one. For example if The Donald had some debilitating health issue that would interfere with his ability to lead this country he would step down to do the right thing. Do you think Hillary would ever put our country before herself? Her entire career has led up to this point since it didn't work out as planned in 2008, maybe this time she can finally become the first woman Potus. Whatever it takes is how her team looks at it. Isn't that what the problem has been all along with these political animals and two faced Free Mason Janus Principle Jokers? How many of our so called elected officials are nothing more then narcissistic self aggrandizing puppets who just want to get ahead no matter what? It sounds like the way some of my associates have told me what MBA and Law School was like. Mostly back stabbers that are all smiles on top of the table meanwhile they are f ing you underneath it. Whatever I say behind your back is what I will happily tell you in person. Donald Trump doesn't have to kiss anybody's ass and he is nobody's puppet, what a breath of fresh air that is. These cia puppets are all about subterfuge and hidden agendas. Everything is pretty much the opposite of what they say meanwhile hiding behind a wall of need to know National Security. I was watching this cia special on cable channel with a bunch of neo cons a few months ago. They were the Bush neocon cronies post 9-11 that were talking about how deep dark and covert their Drone strikes were and that nobody could tell us about this due to how Top Secret it is. They had that clown Gonzalez on that show as well. How are we supposed to believe that these people that are getting taken out by our drones are really bad guys? That is pretty much what the cia is all about, shadowy think tanks that take advantage of the masses naiveté because  they know that nobody will ever really challenge them. Well I don't believe that these Drone Strike victims are really imminent threats to the USA so why are these people being taken out? This article also makes Trump appear to be an aggressive war hawk that will only increase the cias chaos and destabilization plan in the Middle East. I know that he wants to make the USA great again so this means more jobs stateside because right now it is really pathetic. 25-30% unemployment. Minimum wage food industry jobs is that the only thing out there? I cant even get one of these jobs because I don't have experience as a server. Its bad, I don't like living in a Banana Republic but this is what this country has become. Can anybody really argue with this? Stand downs at the border, phony false flag tears, Obamacare and overall apathy. Do you think these frauds really care about the American people? Donald Trump does I know that for sure.                

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