Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Medical Fraud Cancer Scam Adderal is another dangerous drug. If you are a so called normal person then using this drug to cram for an exam or to use it for long sorties in Iraq as a jet pilot then that is understandable. If you are an athlete and you take some before a marathon its fine but that is only if you are normal and not an alcoholic. The majority of the ADHD diagnosis are fraudulent. How could there be such an exponential increase in all of these so called mental illnesses the past 25 years? Society is doing a number on us that is for sure but there is no way people have what these psychiatrists are alleging in such massive numbers. I took Adderal to self medicate for depression which was really untreated alcoholism. When I was a kid I was hyperactive and some say that I could have used Ritalin but that wasnt really true. Hyperactive behavior  is somewhat normal for most kids plus that is a sign that one may develop alcoholism at an early age which turned out to be true. Adderal isn't as dangerous as Xanax but its still pretty bad. Of course I didn't take it as directed, that is nearly impossible to do for people with untreated alcoholism however the side effects were still quite severe. My depression increased ten fold and I even lost track of time. It really messed with my motor skills, I could barely walk at times. For people with this illness meaning alcoholism any psychotropic is like playing Russian Roulette, even with non narcotic meds. The technocrats have some very smart people pulling the strings. This means that they are creating environments with the pressures of every day life to compete with the Jonesers that creates anxiety fear and depression. This is the Darwinian plan in its finest form that the Eugenicists thrive off of and swear by. This is a perfect storm for all of their Nazi Psychiatrists that were brought over after WW-2. So not only is big Pharma making alot of money they are fulfilling their massive depopulation plan through dangerous psychotropics and heroin/fetanayl that is killing people at rates that nobody has ever seen before. You dont think that this was planned way in advance? It keeps the top 1% in their Darwinian bracket and wipes out the masses. They are very proud of themselves for this grand master plan. Vaccines, they have mds that have legal backing and protection at such high levels I doubt these people will ever get taken down. The rates of Autism and Aspberger have increased in massive numbers, unfortunately most of these diagnosis are not fraudulent. They are legit directly related to poison vaccines. Cancer that is another grand master plan that continues to fulfill their democide agenda. They are setting people up with cancer and making a killing off of chemo treatment. They dont want prevention, its all about a cure so they need alot of money from donations for research. There will never be a cure because they dont want one. This will be expanded on in a future blog. These technocrats are evil lets be honest. The only problem is that Darwin and evolution is a scam. Its all pseudo junk science backed by these Free Mason Nasa pedophiles.

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