Sunday, August 14, 2016

Controlled Opposition In Flat Earth Speaking truth to power, there is a reason why flat earth doesn't get much action from the alternative media and it wasn't one of the reasons listed in this article. Jamie from aplanetruth did mention a few agent provocateurs like Jeranism and Mark Sargent but what about all of the others? I have come to the conclusion that most of the so called truthers in alternative media are controlled opposition. They are allowed to speak the truth but not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are getting backed by somebody and this seems to be an off limits topic. It only discredits them especially when we know that they are aware of it and have been presented with the evidence. They have enough intel to come to their own conclusion which is what a real investigative journalist is supposed to do. They will talk about 9-11, NWO and the overall evils of this world but seem to run for the hills when it comes to the NASA pedophiles. I can understand why AJ doesn't go there. He  has some heavy corporate sponsors, he isn't that far off from Main Stream Media, they are just not ready to get involved with this conspiracy yet. I see Sofia Smallstorm has, she is a smart girl. What about all of the others? Its hard to come to grips with but most of these people seem legit but they aren't the real deal. Does that mean that the barometer measure of a real deal investigative journalist comes down to acknowledging FE? Yes and No. Its just not something that would advance most of these peoples careers at this point in time. They are mostly controlled and have backers somewhere pulling their strings. I remember Steve Quayle mentioning that he had legit sources on the ground during the Orlando shooting and  they stated that there was real carnage and it was gruesome. Are we really supposed to believe this bull shit? These people have followers and basically their job in itself is to sway as many people their way as possible- Limited Hangout Operations. Its quite effective, Limited Hangouts with some Truth Nuggets sprinkled in as Dr Preston James calls it. In time the heavy hitting players in Alternative Media will address the FE, the world is just not ready for this yet. Hopefully when they do open this can of worms it will be an earth shattering event with plenty of ripple effects. Also some people are compartmentalized. In other words Dane Wigging ton doesn't want to talk FE just like Wolfgang doesn't want to talk about 9-11. In these particular cases I can understand this because their focus is on specific events and issues. This actually increases their credibility because it shows that they are professional and have a specialty so its not relevant or appropriate to distract them with other details or conspiracies that have no relevance to their overall objective. The best is when you have controlled opposition in alternative media that seem legit calling out other people as trolls or shills. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. 

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