Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I have an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. This means that when I watch the movie Limitless I was intrigued with this super pill. Bradley Cooper gained superhuman skills with this new wonder drug, it enabled him to utilize all facets of his brain. He went from a  drug addict/ alcoholic struggling author to a superman within 30 seconds. Soon he was making millions of dollars and nothing could stop him. This movie is based in reality because without the drug he would die just like many others. It wasn't approved by the FDA yet. I remember how I felt the first time I tried Adderall. I was so excited to do the most mundane things like housework. I was already depressed and had untreated alcoholism so this new wonder drug was definitely the answer. After the first day of chasing the dragon it wasn't long before I was flat on my back more depressed then ever losing complete track of time. I knew where I was but that was about it. I had  some creative energies as a warrior poet full of sonets, I could fire off a decent blog or two but inside I knew that I was dying. Not only that it makes you overly paranoid just like cocaine, it was  horrible. This Limitless drug was a combo of Cocaine, Adderall, Marijuana, Lsd and X Ecstasy all wrapped into one. The whole point about Big Pharma is that even if you aren't an alcoholic and drug addict once you get off your super pill you still feel like dying. This is validated by the Xanax Awareness Day video and by triple board certified top notch psychiatrists like Kelly Brogan. Any decent doctor will have you on meds only temporary unless you have Bi-polar, Schizophrenia, Bpd or some other serious hard core mental illness. I am lucky that I lived through my Opiate and Xanax addiction. Adderall was just another dance with the devil. I thought weed was the answer because it is holistic and it seems to help with cancer but the truth is I just really needed an excuse to get stoned. It doesn't matter that there are few detox effects from weed, for people like me it will only lead to ones imminent demise. I see modern day psychiatry as a junk Science that is taking advantage of innocent but sick people. I don't agree with Dr Silkworth when he said that some drunks are psychopaths that are overly remorseful toward their loved ones when they just cant seem to get sober or have the ability to make a decision. That is a contradiction in terms. Psychopaths aren't capable of remorse, this is only about 4% of the population. If what he was saying was that these people were really psychopathic and faking the remorse I still don't really believe this. The program is for not only people that need it but it is for people that want it. The altruistic nature and camaraderie with ones fellow man creates side effects that supersede any so called miracle drug that big pharma recommends. Dr Silkworth is a hero make no mistake about that however just because somebody is a doctor doesn't mean they automatically get put on superstar status. I know a lot of doctors that are drugging up dope addicts on Suboxone and Subetex and keeping them doped up on purpose for months on end. Suboxone is a heavy narcotic, this was this girls drug of choice on the show Intervention. She was shooting it up so its really not much different then heroin itself. These doctors need to be monitored to make sure they are doing the right thing. Amino Acid therapy is the name of the game for recovering drug addicts. They should also get off cigarettes as well because nicotine is just as addictive as heroin and meth. What does it mean to have an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind? It means that you can get a DWI after two VOPs and spend 6.5 months in jail and still justify Weed and Adderall.  Its a disease that tries to take you out so I take this personally. Anything or anybody that is trying to take me out is going to be met with ruthless aggression. Its a disease that tells you that you don't really have one and that weed is ok and that you don't really need those meetings. Its time to arrest the disease one day at a time by helping others and getting out of self.This is the only thing that  works because there really is a solution.  

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