Thursday, August 4, 2016

Sandy Hook Justice Fraud, Perjury, Lies Cover Ups Scandal Cowardice.  Using children to perpetuate an agenda while terrorizing the masses. I don't think Donald Trump will ignore this when he becomes Potus. This is the ultimate demonstration of pathetic weakness greed and disgrace. Having these so called grieving parents with phony tears making their talk circuit rounds. What about the Security companies like Safe And Sound that were created as a direct result of this scam? The arrogance that these people have, getting James Tracey fired. What do these politicians have to say for themselves? Wolfgang has 2 Ct State troopers that are willing to testify under oath. False Affidavits and coercion from all Main Stream Media News outlets. What about having these faux kids and their parents taking Air Force 1 are you kidding me? What a rip off con job of epic proportions all at the expense of the American people. Gun snatching of so called assault weapons that are not even real assault weapons. Using Nazi regime propaganda tactics with their increased awareness of Asperger's and having the New York Times write huge articles about this. The only thing that causes violence and suicide ideation are the massive amounts of psychotropics these shrinks give innocent patients. It is all being exposed right now so these con jobs days are numbered. Psychiatry is all junk Science and Adam Lanza never even existed, these people are cold calculating and despicable individuals. Is Ct still gun snatching that is what I want to know? Do they still have their Mossad- Stassi squads trolling the web on peoples fb page looking and scheming for ways to eliminate the weapons in that state? See Something Say something well I am saying something "you people are disgusting criminals and soon enough their will be a judge to sign off on this."

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