Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kennel Dogs And Caged People

http://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/celebrity/cameron-douglas-dark-days-his-battle-with-addiction-and-life-in-prison/ar-BBv74Pj?ocid=SL5BDHP People are not that different from dogs. Kennelosis is what k-9S get from being locked up in a cage either as a death row dog or one from a puppy mill. People are not meant to be locked up in a cage either. Kennelosis leads to social problems and aggression but so does jail and prison. If it has already proven not to work then why are so many non violent drug addicts still locked up? Recidivism rates are through the roof because it just doesn't work.What Cameron Douglas had to endure was abhorrent.That was stone age draconian archaic punishment which has already been proven to be miserably ineffective. How is locking him up in solitary for a dirty urren really going to help him get sober? In the past I have made the argument that the criminal justice system can be quite effective but only if its done properly. In other words most probation and parole officers dont want to lock anybody up, infact most good ones will go the extra yard to make sure that you dont get locked up. This is where AIC (Alternative Incarceration Programs) come into play and most of these are drug and alcohol treatment. Whether a long term hardcore in treatment state program (up to 1 year or more) or IOP Intensive Outpatient business is booming in both the public and private sector. The conundrum is that the actual recovery rate is quite slim especially for people that get locked up intermittently over the years for VOPs Violation Of Probation.  Almost every guy I talked to when I was in jail said that they used the day that they got out.The reason for this is because being locked in a cage is quite traumatizing, depressing and unnatural. I can only imagine what Cameron Douglas had to deal with. For that reason alone this will send people to self medicate and in many cases do so right inside the lock up. Why did they treat this man with such indignity for non violent drug offenses? The system is in shambles and unless some big changes come down the pipeline it doesn't look that great for future drug addicts who end up in prison. There is a small percentage of people that need to be locked up. These are the Slick Willys of this world, predators, real criminals that just need to be separated from the human race so they dont take out any more innocent victims. Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Psychotics need to be managed closely in prison or the pych ward but drug addicts and alcoholics? Alot of these violent crimes are committed by drug addicts that were robbing just to get their fix and inadvertently got caught up in a violent situation but that wasn't their motive. The only real solution is the hard core AA-NA  program. Any rehab that is any good will tell you that you can never safely ingest any mind altering chemical one day at a time for the rest of your life and without ongoing support from the group on a daily basis you are basically doomed. That is alot better then locking somebody up in a cage and throwing them in solitary for a dirty urine wtf what country do we live in? When are we going to arrest the real drug dealers bringing the dope into this country? We need to stop treating drug addicts like criminals. They just need the program in a tough love calm but assertive manner. Dogs dont like cages because its not natural, neither do people, we deserve much better then that. Most alcoholics and drug addicts really want to get sober but just haven't yet. Give time time but make sure they get an intervention before they die. Being locked up actually increases ones chances of using again because it is so alienating and isolating. It creates aggression and resentment.When one leaves they are for the most part more broke then when they went in so self medicating sometimes seems like the only reasonable option. Its cunning baffling and powerful. Character has nothing to do with it, that is why the daily spiritual solution is the only answer 

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