Monday, August 8, 2016

Obamas America

Welcome to Obamas America where it is ok to have stand downs at the border and set up phony health care plans that actually end up increasing your premiums three fold. I was riding my bike to a meeting and some kid littered his soda can. I admonished the kid right in front of his mom and this is when another good samara tin confronted her as well. The mom says "oh its ok its only his soda" This is where I upped my confrontation and we both had a few choice words. That is the problem right there. In Obamas America its ok to litter and nobody ever gets in trouble. I said keep America beautiful, she didn't see it that way. Instead of spying on innocent people and arresting whistle blowers why doesn't Obamas America enforce litter fines? If I were running things you would see a drastic decrease in litter. Once people start getting real tickets you will see America the beautiful once again. First we need to have some pride because these same litter bugs are the ones that are taking my minimum wage job opportunities. Nothing else seems to be available to me in Obamas America. I watched an add that was making Trump look bad for outsourcing to maybe Indonesia. I have outsourced my tech details for my dot com not because I wanted to. The problem is with Nafta insurance premiums for small to medium sized businesses this has made it very difficult to stay in business. I had the tech geeks putting cars on line for me and doing some social networking. They were good, honest and efficient however this wasn't my first choice. I kept trying to get Americans to help me out as a potential business partner but it just didn't work out. I couldn't afford $25 dollars an hour either for a virtual dot com with no angel investors. The point is that I am a nationalist but these criminals have stolen all the money and squashed out the entrepreneurial spirit. Benefits in companies from what I can see are no longer a reality that is because this is Obamas America. Small to midsize businesses cant compete and some of these owners out of necessity end up outsourcing to China or India. All of the factories are shut down, Unions are a thing of the past, assembly lines don't exist unless its a sweat shop that pays $5 per hour and greed mongers like Jeff Bezos have put a lot of mom and pops under with his Amazon operation. Not to mention these big conglomerates like Waltons Walmart. It makes it nearly impossible to start a business let alone survive in Obamas America. Donald Trump is going to claw that stolen money back after he audits the fed and he will make it possible to actually get a decent job in America. There will be pride once again and Rosie the Riveter jobs will come back home again. We don't need to go to war in order to get rid of the criminals to bring jobs back to this country. I am not proud to be an American because we have people like Obama and Hillary trying to run things. I will be proud when Trump turns things around. Maybe I can find something better because as of now  Dunkin Donuts and Publix doesn't even want me. I want to see Dinesh D'Souza's new movie about the real Democratic party

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