Monday, August 22, 2016

Political Operatives This is a perfect example of what I stated the other day about why we need to support real men like Dan Bongino. I give him credit for swimming with the sharks with people who do absolutely nothing but lie, backstab and take things out of context. These reporters are horrible people. Weasels, lowlifes, dirtballs, they will say anything to get a story regardless of who they throw under the bus. Dan Bongino is running for Congress to make the world a better place because he didn't like the way the country was headed when he was working his Secret Service details. He is the exact opposite of most politicians because he tells you what he feels and he is not politically correct. He isn't even pro Trump, he is his own man. I know how these political operatives work, they are sleazy and unprofessional. They will say one thing and do the exact opposite, anything to get a reaction out of their target. The few good guys out there need our support. I heard him state on Alex Jones or maybe it was Jones that said it that these lowlife dirtball thugs were indirectly harassing him after he came out of the Secret Service as somewhat of a whistleblower. These lowlifes aren't going to continue to get away with this kind of behavior for much longer because the world is changing for the better. We need to somehow someway make sure that Dan Bongino achieves his goals to  make it all the way up the political scale.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Lock Her Up And Build A Wall Ten small to midsize business start up entrepreneurial ventures for Donald Trumps New Economy- 1- Sugar Free energy drink that sells for $1.50 but with 300 milligrams of caffeine. Vitamin enhancement as well. 2- Seeking Sugar Babes- dating site with high class women set up like with membership fees- 3- Holistic MBS Sober homes with equine and k-9 therapy. No sitting around chain smoking talking about dope war stories. This also includes Ibogaine trips when they first get sober. 4- Gluten Free Organic Donut franchise concept. 5- Wellness Center- Botox And Hormone Replacement- This means selling steroids legally. Small amounts for men and women over 35. The best cutting edge HGH with legal prescriptions that are actually affordable. Amino Acid Therapy not just for recovering folks. This one stop shop will also include chiropractic and massage and talk therapy. 6- Affordable MD walk in clinics where one doesn't need insurance franchise concept.7- Rent a Date male escort service non sexual modeled after Cavendish Knights in the UK. 8- Dog Walking Service 45 Minute guaranteed walks with ones k-9. This will solve all behavior problems with ones best friend. Franchise concept. You see a lot of dog walking services but how many dogs get real walks? The number one reason that dogs get sent to the pound is due to lack of exercise. 9- Instead of phony trips for billionaires into space for missions that don't even exist there will be affordable trips for the common folks to see what is really up and over there. Antarctica missions with real training to fight against potential ETs. 10- Vet EMS service comparable to the real EMS. Instead of 911 people will dial 912 to have trained veterinarians dispatched to respond to  any emergency in regard to your pet. Instead of racing your animal to the vet if something bad happens trained personal will come to you and there will be a pet ambulance if need be.

Dan Bongino

Dan Bongino was calling out Don Lemon. I believe a 12 year Secret Service Agent over some TV guy as Dan called him. Dan Bongino appears to be a stand up man that is running for Congress. He needs support  because there needs to be more Dan Bonginos in the political world

Not So Mysterious Arkansides

Bad Karma Olympic Swimmers This is bad news. It looks like these swimmers made up a fake story. That is an insult to both the US as well as Brazil. If you are going to be an American Olympic athlete you are expected to uphold a certain standard. This means not acting like sophomoric little children that are less then high school age. There are a few cardinal rules to abide by. Don't lie under oath and never file a false  police report. It doesn't mean that you tell all once you are arrested, you can lawyer up. I have been arrested a lot of times but I have a great deal of respect for law. If somebody makes up a fairy tale story which is alleged to have occurred in Rio this shows some serious flaws in character. I would throw the book at these athletes just out of principle. Let me tell you something Ryan Loche if you stated that these corrupt police had a weapon against your head and that really wasn't that case I know some good therapists that need to help you out because this shows some serious maladaptive behavior. I don't care how many hours a day you and your swimmer buds train you all acted like clowns on the biggest stage of all the United States Olympics in a country where you were guests.  

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

List Of Real Heros I received an e-mail that said Sen Marc Rubio needs to hear from me. I was waiting for this opportunity because when I saw that he was requesting blood donations for an event in Orlando where I don't think there was any real carnage I was quite disgusted by this. These people really are disturbed. Until we see real forensic evidence I am stating that these events are staged and that they are egregious frauds. Emotionally manipulating the masses is terrorism pure and simple. Fear mongering combined with Islamophobia and weapon snatching is sleazy and very low level. What more can one expect from these Master manipulators. I drew the line with these assholes with 9-11 and Sandy Hook, they need to be called out and a lot of people need to be held accountable. What is one to do when this is considered legal? I don't know but I am losing role models. I used to think being an FBI Agent would be a dream job filled with honor and dignity but lets take a look at these people. Comey born on Sandy Hook anniversary and living 15 miles away in Westport what are the chances he doesn't know what is really up? I used to think Louis Freeh was the man with plenty of respect from his Field Agents based on the book Cold Zero. Stew Webb stated that DEVGRU seems to have felt differently. FBI HRT are elite I at least know that much. Those Snipers have to pass some serious hard core training including USMC Scout Sniper school. The best of the best but I heard that Mueller's dad was a Nazi. We all know that JE Hoover was a gambling homo that was compromised so maybe being in the FBI isn't so great after all? It appears that Special Agent Aron Hodge from Criminal Minds couldn't keep his cool on the set. I am losing out on role models because being a Special Agent for the FBI BAU is quite impressive. We all have our Walter Mitty moments. I would much rather be taking down bad guys then selling insurance working for AFLAC or working as a data imputer wow how boring and tedious. Right now I am applying to jobs where I would be scrubbing toilets so real work is not beneath me. Now I know that growing up having dreams about becoming a NASA Astronaut is nothing more then a scam. The Parabolic Curve is quite deceitful. I never really respected NASA however because they always had this aura of being phony. So who are our real heroes then? Its really not the Olympic athletes although they do deserve a lot of respect for their dedication to God And Country. Our  real heroes are our Spec Forces guys Tier One all the way Delta operators and many others that are so dark nobody would ever know who and where they were. Of course DEVGRU but after Extortion 17 that really shows how fucked up things are in this country. Who else are our hero's? Guys like Wolfgang, James Tracy, Stew Webb, Dr P, Alex Jones calls people out for who and what they are. Guys at VT had my respect there for a while, anybody that is not politically correct in my book is a hero. That is why this bs that Rubio and his subversive allies are coming out with about Trump is a total pysop. Trump respects Veterans and all Patriots are rallying around this man. Does anybody really listen to these clowns like Rubio and Move On? Trump is a Patriot and he hopefully will be our next Commander in Chief.. He wants Americans to keep their weapons and he is going to create a lot of jobs stateside. Maybe he will get rid of all of the back stabbing bureaucrats what a relief that would be. The hero list also includes many humble civil servants that don't even consider themselves as hero's. Cops, Feds, Military guys, Security Operators, EP Secret Service Types, Medics, Whistle Blowers, Doctors, Nurses, Fireman, Smoke Jumpers, EMS guys, Private eyes, Certified Fraud Analysts, Jet pilots the list is very long. We cant forget about Interventionists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists, Sponsors and Sober coaches. Pro athletes really aren't on the list because its just a game filled with Bread and Circus. NFL UFC athletes are the toughest guys in the room but they don't risk as much as all of the others. Think about how much responsibility a cop has. They are carrying all the time and they are expected to do the right thing if the time ever comes. Prosecuting attorneys definitely make the cut on the hero's list,  you notice how I didn't say defense attorneys? Everybody deserves their day in court but some people have been alleged to do some very heinous things and shouldn't be represented at all just out of pure principle. I know that many great defense attorneys will disagree with me. Instead of getting into a moral debate about this especially if the client is really innocent I will just say that defense attorneys are needed but since they have to represent some real moral retro bates they don't qualify as true heroes. Prosecutors are the true humble civil servants that are not in it for the money otherwise they would be in private practice making a lot more money as a defense attorney. They love going after real bad guys as well because that is what its all about. Non Agenda driven DAs make the cut as well, we cant forget about those guys. Judges and good Teachers and non Partisan Professors can also be included on the hero list.        

Monday, August 15, 2016

Alex Jones Secret Service Source I was listening to Alex Jones break the news with Joe Biggs from their  source inside the Secret Service that Hillary may have Parkinson's. He also mentioned that the Clintons stole from the White House. Wow, that family steals everything. Judge Jeanne mentioned that other lower level politicians went to jail over far less then what this woman has already done. I don't wish her ill health its just that this is a National Security matter. Do the right thing Democratic Party and come clean with something that definitely affects the future of this country   

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Controlled Opposition In Flat Earth Speaking truth to power, there is a reason why flat earth doesn't get much action from the alternative media and it wasn't one of the reasons listed in this article. Jamie from aplanetruth did mention a few agent provocateurs like Jeranism and Mark Sargent but what about all of the others? I have come to the conclusion that most of the so called truthers in alternative media are controlled opposition. They are allowed to speak the truth but not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They are getting backed by somebody and this seems to be an off limits topic. It only discredits them especially when we know that they are aware of it and have been presented with the evidence. They have enough intel to come to their own conclusion which is what a real investigative journalist is supposed to do. They will talk about 9-11, NWO and the overall evils of this world but seem to run for the hills when it comes to the NASA pedophiles. I can understand why AJ doesn't go there. He  has some heavy corporate sponsors, he isn't that far off from Main Stream Media, they are just not ready to get involved with this conspiracy yet. I see Sofia Smallstorm has, she is a smart girl. What about all of the others? Its hard to come to grips with but most of these people seem legit but they aren't the real deal. Does that mean that the barometer measure of a real deal investigative journalist comes down to acknowledging FE? Yes and No. Its just not something that would advance most of these peoples careers at this point in time. They are mostly controlled and have backers somewhere pulling their strings. I remember Steve Quayle mentioning that he had legit sources on the ground during the Orlando shooting and  they stated that there was real carnage and it was gruesome. Are we really supposed to believe this bull shit? These people have followers and basically their job in itself is to sway as many people their way as possible- Limited Hangout Operations. Its quite effective, Limited Hangouts with some Truth Nuggets sprinkled in as Dr Preston James calls it. In time the heavy hitting players in Alternative Media will address the FE, the world is just not ready for this yet. Hopefully when they do open this can of worms it will be an earth shattering event with plenty of ripple effects. Also some people are compartmentalized. In other words Dane Wigging ton doesn't want to talk FE just like Wolfgang doesn't want to talk about 9-11. In these particular cases I can understand this because their focus is on specific events and issues. This actually increases their credibility because it shows that they are professional and have a specialty so its not relevant or appropriate to distract them with other details or conspiracies that have no relevance to their overall objective. The best is when you have controlled opposition in alternative media that seem legit calling out other people as trolls or shills. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. 

A Coward Dies One Thousand Deaths- A Brave Man Only Once

Its the first drink that gets you drunk that is why my spiritual malady has to be addressed. The Big Book talks about a phenanomon of craving which means all bets are off once that first drink or drug is ingested. There is no real difference between a drug addict and alcoholic. Addressing the spiritual malady has very little to do with sitting around with a group of drunks just "white knuckling it" It means change, being humble and addressing the character defects. For example I was dry for a long time during various points in my life. I wasn't happy because  I wasn't practicing a spiritual program. I did things that I was not proud of and this was when I was completely dry from all mood altering substances. That is why they say drinking is just a symptom of the disease. It can rear its ugly head in a myriad of ways. I remember binging on junk food when I  was dry. I didn't have bulimia I was just unhappy. Emotional Dysregulation, that is what dry drunk alcoholism is all about. This is why people with many years of quality sobriety go to meetings almost daily. Drinking is off the table for them they go for the spiritual release, the ease and comfort that they feel around their fellow alcoholics. This is addressing the spiritual malady. Most of these people are actually recovered from this disease however they go to meetings because it greatly enhances the quality of their life. The Big Book has a chapter about a former USMC pilot who was thrown in Federal Prison as a Captain for a commercial airliner for being drunk. His quote "A coward dies a thousand deaths a brave man only once." He lost his wings and mostly everything else to go along with it but he stayed sober. He did about 15 months locked up but the Feds didn't want them congregating for their weekly AA meeting. Are you kidding me this is a perfect example of the screwed up system. Why wouldn't they encourage this considering most of the people in jail and prison have the disease of addiction? I went to some meetings in jail, I even went to confession. I wouldn't say that it was foxhole prayers because I wanted to stay clean and sober but this still didn't even stop me from using drugs in jail. I can relate to being in a spiritual abyss on more then one occasion. The only problem was that after jail I went back to my dry drunk ways, codependence and very few meetings. I didn't change or address the spiritual malady on a daily basis so this pretty much guaranteed that I would go back to mood altering substances. So if the phenomenon of craving goes off the charts once a substance is picked up life still isn't that great before this happens that is why the chemical abuse becomes imminent. The ability to justify drugs and alcohol after it has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that one has the disease. That is one of the definitions of insanity that they talk about in the second step. Continued to do the same thing and expecting different results. My self esteem wasn't so great when I was abusing chemicals. It wasn't so great when I was dry either, that is one of the reasons I sought  relief and solace in a power greater then myself which was drugs and alcohol. I had a spiritual awakening when I was in rehab. It wasn't a white light experience, it was just a realization that I went down the wrong path after I consciously repudiated the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. Even when I had so called quality sobriety there was still a spiritual malady to some extent. There is no way however that one can address the spiritual malady without being sober and at least trying to practice the program on a daily basis. There are certain alcoholics the Big Book talks about that don't have a spiritual malady and are not really character defective they are simply allergic to alcohol. I used to think that I fell into that category however I learned that I am not. I have defects of character and resentments that will kill me. Today I am  just another drunk trying to get better. The (Group Of Drunks) GOD- is definitely a power greater then myself.     

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Need To Know Hidden Agendas This article seemed to create some controversy which is for the most part always a good thing. A thinking mans article, critical minded and full of rhetoric. Donald Trump is somewhat of a Demagogue is that really such a bad thing? He appeals to the masses, this will help him get elected. I don't agree that he is in bed with the Zionist regime. I am no longer even convinced that Israel is our real enemy anyway, so if the Donald is in tight with certain people so what? He made it in real estate in the Big Apple so of course he has rubbed elbows with some mobsters what's the big deal? He is a Nationalist and he wants to create jobs and put the USA back on the map again as a number 1 Super Power is that really such a bad thing? It appears that he doesn't even use a teleprompter so this business about him being part of a script I really don't buy it. He is not always politically correct which is also a really good thing. He is a breath of fresh air, that is why the establishment is trying to disrupt his campaign. What is the main difference between Hillary and The Donald? I do believe that he would put his country before himself that is a big one. For example if The Donald had some debilitating health issue that would interfere with his ability to lead this country he would step down to do the right thing. Do you think Hillary would ever put our country before herself? Her entire career has led up to this point since it didn't work out as planned in 2008, maybe this time she can finally become the first woman Potus. Whatever it takes is how her team looks at it. Isn't that what the problem has been all along with these political animals and two faced Free Mason Janus Principle Jokers? How many of our so called elected officials are nothing more then narcissistic self aggrandizing puppets who just want to get ahead no matter what? It sounds like the way some of my associates have told me what MBA and Law School was like. Mostly back stabbers that are all smiles on top of the table meanwhile they are f ing you underneath it. Whatever I say behind your back is what I will happily tell you in person. Donald Trump doesn't have to kiss anybody's ass and he is nobody's puppet, what a breath of fresh air that is. These cia puppets are all about subterfuge and hidden agendas. Everything is pretty much the opposite of what they say meanwhile hiding behind a wall of need to know National Security. I was watching this cia special on cable channel with a bunch of neo cons a few months ago. They were the Bush neocon cronies post 9-11 that were talking about how deep dark and covert their Drone strikes were and that nobody could tell us about this due to how Top Secret it is. They had that clown Gonzalez on that show as well. How are we supposed to believe that these people that are getting taken out by our drones are really bad guys? That is pretty much what the cia is all about, shadowy think tanks that take advantage of the masses naiveté because  they know that nobody will ever really challenge them. Well I don't believe that these Drone Strike victims are really imminent threats to the USA so why are these people being taken out? This article also makes Trump appear to be an aggressive war hawk that will only increase the cias chaos and destabilization plan in the Middle East. I know that he wants to make the USA great again so this means more jobs stateside because right now it is really pathetic. 25-30% unemployment. Minimum wage food industry jobs is that the only thing out there? I cant even get one of these jobs because I don't have experience as a server. Its bad, I don't like living in a Banana Republic but this is what this country has become. Can anybody really argue with this? Stand downs at the border, phony false flag tears, Obamacare and overall apathy. Do you think these frauds really care about the American people? Donald Trump does I know that for sure.                

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I have an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind. This means that when I watch the movie Limitless I was intrigued with this super pill. Bradley Cooper gained superhuman skills with this new wonder drug, it enabled him to utilize all facets of his brain. He went from a  drug addict/ alcoholic struggling author to a superman within 30 seconds. Soon he was making millions of dollars and nothing could stop him. This movie is based in reality because without the drug he would die just like many others. It wasn't approved by the FDA yet. I remember how I felt the first time I tried Adderall. I was so excited to do the most mundane things like housework. I was already depressed and had untreated alcoholism so this new wonder drug was definitely the answer. After the first day of chasing the dragon it wasn't long before I was flat on my back more depressed then ever losing complete track of time. I knew where I was but that was about it. I had  some creative energies as a warrior poet full of sonets, I could fire off a decent blog or two but inside I knew that I was dying. Not only that it makes you overly paranoid just like cocaine, it was  horrible. This Limitless drug was a combo of Cocaine, Adderall, Marijuana, Lsd and X Ecstasy all wrapped into one. The whole point about Big Pharma is that even if you aren't an alcoholic and drug addict once you get off your super pill you still feel like dying. This is validated by the Xanax Awareness Day video and by triple board certified top notch psychiatrists like Kelly Brogan. Any decent doctor will have you on meds only temporary unless you have Bi-polar, Schizophrenia, Bpd or some other serious hard core mental illness. I am lucky that I lived through my Opiate and Xanax addiction. Adderall was just another dance with the devil. I thought weed was the answer because it is holistic and it seems to help with cancer but the truth is I just really needed an excuse to get stoned. It doesn't matter that there are few detox effects from weed, for people like me it will only lead to ones imminent demise. I see modern day psychiatry as a junk Science that is taking advantage of innocent but sick people. I don't agree with Dr Silkworth when he said that some drunks are psychopaths that are overly remorseful toward their loved ones when they just cant seem to get sober or have the ability to make a decision. That is a contradiction in terms. Psychopaths aren't capable of remorse, this is only about 4% of the population. If what he was saying was that these people were really psychopathic and faking the remorse I still don't really believe this. The program is for not only people that need it but it is for people that want it. The altruistic nature and camaraderie with ones fellow man creates side effects that supersede any so called miracle drug that big pharma recommends. Dr Silkworth is a hero make no mistake about that however just because somebody is a doctor doesn't mean they automatically get put on superstar status. I know a lot of doctors that are drugging up dope addicts on Suboxone and Subetex and keeping them doped up on purpose for months on end. Suboxone is a heavy narcotic, this was this girls drug of choice on the show Intervention. She was shooting it up so its really not much different then heroin itself. These doctors need to be monitored to make sure they are doing the right thing. Amino Acid therapy is the name of the game for recovering drug addicts. They should also get off cigarettes as well because nicotine is just as addictive as heroin and meth. What does it mean to have an allergy of the body and an obsession of the mind? It means that you can get a DWI after two VOPs and spend 6.5 months in jail and still justify Weed and Adderall.  Its a disease that tries to take you out so I take this personally. Anything or anybody that is trying to take me out is going to be met with ruthless aggression. Its a disease that tells you that you don't really have one and that weed is ok and that you don't really need those meetings. Its time to arrest the disease one day at a time by helping others and getting out of self.This is the only thing that  works because there really is a solution.  

Monday, August 8, 2016

Headshrinker Scam

Obamas America

Welcome to Obamas America where it is ok to have stand downs at the border and set up phony health care plans that actually end up increasing your premiums three fold. I was riding my bike to a meeting and some kid littered his soda can. I admonished the kid right in front of his mom and this is when another good samara tin confronted her as well. The mom says "oh its ok its only his soda" This is where I upped my confrontation and we both had a few choice words. That is the problem right there. In Obamas America its ok to litter and nobody ever gets in trouble. I said keep America beautiful, she didn't see it that way. Instead of spying on innocent people and arresting whistle blowers why doesn't Obamas America enforce litter fines? If I were running things you would see a drastic decrease in litter. Once people start getting real tickets you will see America the beautiful once again. First we need to have some pride because these same litter bugs are the ones that are taking my minimum wage job opportunities. Nothing else seems to be available to me in Obamas America. I watched an add that was making Trump look bad for outsourcing to maybe Indonesia. I have outsourced my tech details for my dot com not because I wanted to. The problem is with Nafta insurance premiums for small to medium sized businesses this has made it very difficult to stay in business. I had the tech geeks putting cars on line for me and doing some social networking. They were good, honest and efficient however this wasn't my first choice. I kept trying to get Americans to help me out as a potential business partner but it just didn't work out. I couldn't afford $25 dollars an hour either for a virtual dot com with no angel investors. The point is that I am a nationalist but these criminals have stolen all the money and squashed out the entrepreneurial spirit. Benefits in companies from what I can see are no longer a reality that is because this is Obamas America. Small to midsize businesses cant compete and some of these owners out of necessity end up outsourcing to China or India. All of the factories are shut down, Unions are a thing of the past, assembly lines don't exist unless its a sweat shop that pays $5 per hour and greed mongers like Jeff Bezos have put a lot of mom and pops under with his Amazon operation. Not to mention these big conglomerates like Waltons Walmart. It makes it nearly impossible to start a business let alone survive in Obamas America. Donald Trump is going to claw that stolen money back after he audits the fed and he will make it possible to actually get a decent job in America. There will be pride once again and Rosie the Riveter jobs will come back home again. We don't need to go to war in order to get rid of the criminals to bring jobs back to this country. I am not proud to be an American because we have people like Obama and Hillary trying to run things. I will be proud when Trump turns things around. Maybe I can find something better because as of now  Dunkin Donuts and Publix doesn't even want me. I want to see Dinesh D'Souza's new movie about the real Democratic party

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Sandy Hook Justice Fraud, Perjury, Lies Cover Ups Scandal Cowardice.  Using children to perpetuate an agenda while terrorizing the masses. I don't think Donald Trump will ignore this when he becomes Potus. This is the ultimate demonstration of pathetic weakness greed and disgrace. Having these so called grieving parents with phony tears making their talk circuit rounds. What about the Security companies like Safe And Sound that were created as a direct result of this scam? The arrogance that these people have, getting James Tracey fired. What do these politicians have to say for themselves? Wolfgang has 2 Ct State troopers that are willing to testify under oath. False Affidavits and coercion from all Main Stream Media News outlets. What about having these faux kids and their parents taking Air Force 1 are you kidding me? What a rip off con job of epic proportions all at the expense of the American people. Gun snatching of so called assault weapons that are not even real assault weapons. Using Nazi regime propaganda tactics with their increased awareness of Asperger's and having the New York Times write huge articles about this. The only thing that causes violence and suicide ideation are the massive amounts of psychotropics these shrinks give innocent patients. It is all being exposed right now so these con jobs days are numbered. Psychiatry is all junk Science and Adam Lanza never even existed, these people are cold calculating and despicable individuals. Is Ct still gun snatching that is what I want to know? Do they still have their Mossad- Stassi squads trolling the web on peoples fb page looking and scheming for ways to eliminate the weapons in that state? See Something Say something well I am saying something "you people are disgusting criminals and soon enough their will be a judge to sign off on this."

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Donald Trump An Unstoppable Force Donald Trump will only get stronger over the next couple of months. That is because he has very thick skin and will continue to unleash truth bombs. Today I saw him on lame stream media talking about rigged elections. He knows how to compete and he knows how to win. He did this his entire life legit unlike his competitors. I feel that he is the real deal and was meant to become President. Watching the Trump Over The Years video it clearly shows his indignation toward the establishment. Just think how creepy it is to know that our leaders were in bed with the Nazi regime funding both sides. We have traitors of the highest order pulling the strings. I was watching Judge Jeanne, I would vote for somebody like her as president. I wouldn't have a problem having a woman as Potus that isn't the issue. I saw her lambaste this establishment mouthpiece on her program. This woman was so weak with her arguments talking about how the Bush crownies didn't want to back Donald. Wow what a loss that is for America. Donald Trump cares about the American people. Hillary hates America, that is what slick Willys x girlfriend said. She is mentally unbalanced to say the least. Slick Willys x stated that she is addicted to power for powers sake alone and that she couldn't give a dam about what happens to the masses. Donald Trump wants us to make a living and to be happy and successful. Hillary would only want us to suffer just as miserably as she clearly is. Slick Willys x stated that she hates herself and hates America and more then likely in her opinion was sexually abused. How could somebody like this help us to become successful and happy? Our role models as Potus over the years have been quite horrendous. The Bush regime wasn't even supposed to be Potus because they were brought up on Treason charges in WW-2.  So how come they were still allowed to become Potus that is a reasonable question? Obummer wasn't even born here and has phony false flag tears how is this man considered a role model according to Oreilly? Donald Trump is a real man and I believe that is his real and only name. The cia are a bunch of slime balls. Who would want to have two names? Unless you are doing deep cover noc work overseas in operations that have the American peoples interests at heart first and foremost why waste your time? I know that there are some good people at cia but overall it seems like a shady operation. There was an x cia guy that was grilling Comey he was quite impressive. I still cant figure out how having a secret back door server in your basement with classified intel was not prosecutable? He clearly stated how illegal it was but then said but no reasonable prosecutor would indict does that make any sense? He said that at the very least his guys would get fired for doing this then how is she still allowed to run for Potus? The problem is that the establishment have been doing horrific things for so long with complete impunity so at this point it is all a joke because they are all considered to be untouchable. Just wait until Donald Trump becomes our Potus, things will turn around for certain.

Medical Fraud Cancer Scam Adderal is another dangerous drug. If you are a so called normal person then using this drug to cram for an exam or to use it for long sorties in Iraq as a jet pilot then that is understandable. If you are an athlete and you take some before a marathon its fine but that is only if you are normal and not an alcoholic. The majority of the ADHD diagnosis are fraudulent. How could there be such an exponential increase in all of these so called mental illnesses the past 25 years? Society is doing a number on us that is for sure but there is no way people have what these psychiatrists are alleging in such massive numbers. I took Adderal to self medicate for depression which was really untreated alcoholism. When I was a kid I was hyperactive and some say that I could have used Ritalin but that wasnt really true. Hyperactive behavior  is somewhat normal for most kids plus that is a sign that one may develop alcoholism at an early age which turned out to be true. Adderal isn't as dangerous as Xanax but its still pretty bad. Of course I didn't take it as directed, that is nearly impossible to do for people with untreated alcoholism however the side effects were still quite severe. My depression increased ten fold and I even lost track of time. It really messed with my motor skills, I could barely walk at times. For people with this illness meaning alcoholism any psychotropic is like playing Russian Roulette, even with non narcotic meds. The technocrats have some very smart people pulling the strings. This means that they are creating environments with the pressures of every day life to compete with the Jonesers that creates anxiety fear and depression. This is the Darwinian plan in its finest form that the Eugenicists thrive off of and swear by. This is a perfect storm for all of their Nazi Psychiatrists that were brought over after WW-2. So not only is big Pharma making alot of money they are fulfilling their massive depopulation plan through dangerous psychotropics and heroin/fetanayl that is killing people at rates that nobody has ever seen before. You dont think that this was planned way in advance? It keeps the top 1% in their Darwinian bracket and wipes out the masses. They are very proud of themselves for this grand master plan. Vaccines, they have mds that have legal backing and protection at such high levels I doubt these people will ever get taken down. The rates of Autism and Aspberger have increased in massive numbers, unfortunately most of these diagnosis are not fraudulent. They are legit directly related to poison vaccines. Cancer that is another grand master plan that continues to fulfill their democide agenda. They are setting people up with cancer and making a killing off of chemo treatment. They dont want prevention, its all about a cure so they need alot of money from donations for research. There will never be a cure because they dont want one. This will be expanded on in a future blog. These technocrats are evil lets be honest. The only problem is that Darwin and evolution is a scam. Its all pseudo junk science backed by these Free Mason Nasa pedophiles.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kennel Dogs And Caged People People are not that different from dogs. Kennelosis is what k-9S get from being locked up in a cage either as a death row dog or one from a puppy mill. People are not meant to be locked up in a cage either. Kennelosis leads to social problems and aggression but so does jail and prison. If it has already proven not to work then why are so many non violent drug addicts still locked up? Recidivism rates are through the roof because it just doesn't work.What Cameron Douglas had to endure was abhorrent.That was stone age draconian archaic punishment which has already been proven to be miserably ineffective. How is locking him up in solitary for a dirty urren really going to help him get sober? In the past I have made the argument that the criminal justice system can be quite effective but only if its done properly. In other words most probation and parole officers dont want to lock anybody up, infact most good ones will go the extra yard to make sure that you dont get locked up. This is where AIC (Alternative Incarceration Programs) come into play and most of these are drug and alcohol treatment. Whether a long term hardcore in treatment state program (up to 1 year or more) or IOP Intensive Outpatient business is booming in both the public and private sector. The conundrum is that the actual recovery rate is quite slim especially for people that get locked up intermittently over the years for VOPs Violation Of Probation.  Almost every guy I talked to when I was in jail said that they used the day that they got out.The reason for this is because being locked in a cage is quite traumatizing, depressing and unnatural. I can only imagine what Cameron Douglas had to deal with. For that reason alone this will send people to self medicate and in many cases do so right inside the lock up. Why did they treat this man with such indignity for non violent drug offenses? The system is in shambles and unless some big changes come down the pipeline it doesn't look that great for future drug addicts who end up in prison. There is a small percentage of people that need to be locked up. These are the Slick Willys of this world, predators, real criminals that just need to be separated from the human race so they dont take out any more innocent victims. Sociopaths, Psychopaths and Psychotics need to be managed closely in prison or the pych ward but drug addicts and alcoholics? Alot of these violent crimes are committed by drug addicts that were robbing just to get their fix and inadvertently got caught up in a violent situation but that wasn't their motive. The only real solution is the hard core AA-NA  program. Any rehab that is any good will tell you that you can never safely ingest any mind altering chemical one day at a time for the rest of your life and without ongoing support from the group on a daily basis you are basically doomed. That is alot better then locking somebody up in a cage and throwing them in solitary for a dirty urine wtf what country do we live in? When are we going to arrest the real drug dealers bringing the dope into this country? We need to stop treating drug addicts like criminals. They just need the program in a tough love calm but assertive manner. Dogs dont like cages because its not natural, neither do people, we deserve much better then that. Most alcoholics and drug addicts really want to get sober but just haven't yet. Give time time but make sure they get an intervention before they die. Being locked up actually increases ones chances of using again because it is so alienating and isolating. It creates aggression and resentment.When one leaves they are for the most part more broke then when they went in so self medicating sometimes seems like the only reasonable option. Its cunning baffling and powerful. Character has nothing to do with it, that is why the daily spiritual solution is the only answer 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Slick Willy Has Bills To Pay Sorry Obummer the world is flat. I am tired of these elected officials that pose as good guys but are nothing more then cut outs from these major crime families. I was watching one of Slick Willys rape victims on Infowars. She basically stated that she had faith in Comey and that Hillary would eventually get indicted. Money Laundering HSBC- International crime family hub to make dirty money appear to look legit. Instead of going to jail these people then decide to run for the highest office in our land. That should be an insult to every American that has a pulse. I watched Clinton Cash the movie, it was quite interesting. Slick Willy said that "he had bills to pay" They sent all our jobs overseas with NAFTA, he repealed Glass Steagall, he did alot of blow and raped alot of women." I have bills to pay" Slick Willy and I cant even find a minimum wage job. Even if I was offered ridiculous amounts of money per speech I wouldn't take it unless I knew that I really earned it. How much money do these greed mongers need and what do they do with it all? Who would ever listen to the Clintons that is what I want to know? They have sold out the American economy but hey Willy "has bills to pay." So the Clintons give speeches to Wall Street what can they honestly say that warrants them making exorbitant amounts of money for speaking fees? Has any of their money ever been legit? The Clinton Foundation is dirty money where they stole from the poor folk in Haiti under the phony guise of disaster relief and did business with Nigerian crime family members. Slick Willy comes off as so golly Gee innocent, he is intelligent and affable that is the problem. So this basketball coach is going away for 14 years for sexting a 15 year old but Slick Willy never got in any trouble for vicious, brutal and sadistic predator type rapes of multiple women? The head shed FBI guy didnt get the job done when his country needed him most. He used to be an executive at HSBC now we can connect the dots. What a horrible job. Who would want to be a stooge for major crime families when they are supposed to be one of the highest Law Enforcement Officials in our Land? I would have resigned a long time ago if I were Comey. Guys like Comey are nothing more then political animals that obviously arent out to protect "We the People". Comey can redeem himself there is still time. We just need to see some real criminals get arrested, indicted and not pardoned and then some faith may get restored in our system. Unfortunately I dont see that happening. I dont put Comey in Loretta Lynchs category but he isn't that far behind. So there you have it our Attorney General and FBI Director are not exactly the best of the best to say the least. More like the worst of the worst. Hillary is a total war monger. I was checking out Abby Martins video on Preston James new article on VT. It appears that she is no dove in relation to Iran, infact she considers Iran our enemy. These people do absolutely nothing except cause problems and create non existent enemies and they really expect us to fall for it. When are we getting a new FBI director that is what I want to know? In the meantime maybe I will find a minimum wage job.    

Missing Sandy Hook Kids I am still trying to figure out what happened to the rest of the children on that horrific Dec day in 2012? There should have been at least 500 other kids according to how many were on the roster? Where were they and who were they inquiring people want to know? I want to interview their parents. Instead we had a bunch of kids walking around in circles and a few staged pics, that is not very convincing.