Wednesday, February 26, 2014

All The Worlds A Stage

Shakespeare was dead on w/ that one, it looks like Todd Beamer wasn't such a hero on Flight 93 after all-.his wife got plenty rich by her fake crocodile tears. If this wasn't bad enough some NYPD cops really feigned ill, they got a doctors note from the nurse and really raked it in while stealing from the 9-11 victims fund payed for by the hard working American tax payers based off of real emotions for the real victims.Good job Manhattan DA for exposing these pathetic individuals who are a disgrace to anybody that ever represented truth justice in the American way- Serpico didn't like thugs like you too bad those boys in blue left Serpico for dead when he was shot in the face.Judgement day will come for all pathetic crisis actors and all of the boys in blue on every local state and federal level that continue to disgrace and dishonor this country-

Game Over Establishment Media

We need to celebrate our victories that fraudulent red coat Piers Morgan from CNN It was all over when Matt Drudge sent a tip that Alex should go on CNN and they got completely destroyed will commence again if you try to take our firearms.CNN is down MSNBC is next and Oreilly say goodbye to your fraud based spin program sometime in the near future as well..Oreilly you make me sick you are such a puppet and everybody knows this.Back in the day I had alot of respect for you because I thought you were real.How can you sleep at night knowing you are just an establishment based Murdoch mouthpiece? I saw that softball Superbowl interview w/ that joke of a president.You said his heart was in the right place w/ Obamacare Benghazi etc Game over Oreilly you are done.Benghazi was another highly illegal Manpad back door off line shadow cia scam that involved Hilary Clinton Obama Brennan etc,, According to Dr P it is Watergate on steroids.Lies manipulation propaganda you are good at that Oreilly. I couldn't read the article because I would have thrown up but I read that you said Obama is a Patriot how much is Murdoch really paying you?A few years back you basically called for violence toward 9-11 victims family members that were raising awareness to the inside job by interupting speeches etc..What if your family was murdered Oreilly in 9-11 by the Bush regime? I also notice  how you cut off anybody who is real and never have anybody on your show that is a threat to the establishment.Since Oswald acted alone I am sure Oklohoma City, 9-11, Sandy Hook,Extortion 17 and Benghazi were all just business as usual for the robots in dinosaur media.Let me tell you something Oreilly I am calling you out to put me on your show I would like to talk about 9-11 and alot more.When your show goes under I am sure you can still retire w/ all of your millions but how do you really want to be remembered?    

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ct Gun Grabbing False Flag Scam

So let me get this straight most of the gun owners in Ct know that Sandy Hook is a false flag scam but they are still being harassed and are now targets for felony arrests? I know we live in the Twilight Zone my fellow Americans but we have reached new levels of space alien invasion of the body snatchers type lows-1984 here we all are in 2014

Wolfgang FOIA Inquiry Fema

Freedom of Information Act Request:

Can you please provide me with the F.E.M.A. Sandy Hook School Shooting NIMS or ICS evaluations.

You had over 8 F.E.M.A evaluators on site during the shooting since you could see their I.D badges with pictures provided by observers from the Catholic Church.

NIMS and ICS is your brainchild which requires every school district to have all staff members trained in the NIMS or ICS Emergency Response protocols.

So I cannot imagine that after millions and millions of tax payer dollars that FEMA would not want to evaluate one of the most heinous and horrendous crimes in US school history.

How did NIMS work or How did the ICS command Center work at Sandy Hook on Dec 14, 2012?

It show clearly show who the stupid person in the command center was that did not request the Trauma Helicopters for children and school staff's urgent medical care.

It should clearly show who the stupid individual was at the command center who did not allow the paramedics or the EMT'S inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School to provide immediate medical care to those clinging to life.

It should show who the stupid individual at the command center was who declared all 25 children and adults legally dead within the first 8 minutes of the school shooting.

It should show pictures of this massive school evacuation of 500 children and school staff. I am sure that the command center would have documented that massive evacuation.

It should show in the evaluations as to why the first police units parked a 1/4 of a mile away from the school when first responding and waiting for backup. That is not the first responder new protocols is it?

It should show why a 24 year veteran of the Newtown police department on an off duty work detail at a construction site not respond to shots fired at an Elementary School until 2 and a half hours after shots are fired. He stayed at the construction site. Is that a new FEMA directive ?

When are parents not allowed to see their dead children at the morgue? Is that a new FEMA directive?

Please provide all of those answers as quickly as possible since I am the Chief Investigator for the Children's Safety Institute that protects Children with Autism and now since this shooting has cast a malicious stigmatizing effect on all children with Autism as potential killers if not supervised properly, this report is vital.

Thank you and please mail your FEMA evaluation to 25526 Hawks Run Lane, Sorrento, Fla 32776

Wolfgang W Halbig

Wolfgang Has 16 Questions For Sandy Hook

Good morning everyone and now lets look at two more huge questions that hopefully someone helping to solve this puzzzle might have. If you do please let me and all of us know.
Sandy Hook Justice Puzzle
16 simple questions ever changing that MUST require an answer.
Updated Feb 24, 2014
Please stay focused on the first 16 questions then we go to the next ten questions and then we go to the videos and police reports.
1. Who directed the New Haven FBI field offices to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting on Dec 14, 2012?
2. Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was a Mass casualty shooting incident?
3. Who on Dec 14, 2012 was the Incident Commander as required by the Federal Emergency Management Administration in directing the Mass Casualty Shooting Incident at the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
• Who on Dec 14, 2012 at the Incident Command Center made the ordering of Porta Potties a high priority since they were delivered within 3 hours of the school shooting? Never ever heard off.
• Who ordered those Port Potties from Southbury, Ct?
• When I called the Porta Pottie Company after searching for over a week as to who and when they were ordered I was told that it is classified and they are not allowed to share that information with me.
• The next morning I received a phone call from the Southbury Police Department at my home telling me not to call that company again since I was harassing them.
• High priority for toilets but not for Life Star Trauma helicopters or paramedics.
4. Who and Why did they not request the Life Star Helicopters knowing that children and school staff are seriously injured and clinging to life?
5. Who and Why did they not allow the Paramedics and the EMT’S inside the Sandy Hook School to treat the seriously injured or those children and school staff clinging to life?
6. Who declared all 18 children and six school staff members legally dead within the first 8 minutes?
7. Who was the Certified Environmental Bio-Hazard Decontamination company contracted by the Newtown Public Schools to remove 45-65 gallons of blood, skull fragments, brain tissues, bodily fluids, blood soaked carpets and any other decontaminated are a inside the Sandy Hook School?
8. Why does an off duty Lt from the Newtown Police Department refuse to leave his off duty work assignment at a construction site on Dec 14, 2012 when hearing that shots have been fired at the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
9. Who at the Newtown Public Schools notified all of the parents in writing as required by CT law that had children attending the Sandy Hook Elementary School as well as every school staff member every school year of all the potential life threatening chemical hazards. The school had high levels of lead paint throughout the entire school, Asbestos in the ceiling time and floor tile, asbestos in the insulation and most of all the school had very high levels of PCB?
10. Who provided the urgent medical care to the two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an hour after the school was deemed safe for that 15-mile drive?
11. Who treated those two children who had been shot multiple times like three to 11 times since they did not allow the paramedics and EMT’S inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
12. Why did the parents of the two children who died at the Danbury hospital not allow their children to donate their organs to other children waiting for the gift of life?
13. What happened to the 500 children and 60 school staff members from Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec 14, 2012?
14. Who was the police officer calling into the Newtown Police dispatcher stating in his words that he has multiple weapons, he has a rifle and a shotgun and who has the rifle and the shotgun as the chain of evidence should show that was found in classroom eight (8)?
15. Why would a police officer by the name of Lt Vangehle at 9:45:21 am on Dec 14, 2012 from the Newtown Police Department after finding a kindergarten female child in the hallway make her go into room eight (8) and leave her? Room eight is a gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff. Why?
16. Why would two CT State Troopers enter room ten (10) at 9:55:31 am on Dec 14, 2012 which is a gruesome crime scene with dead bodies of children and school staff and tell a kindergarten boy who they find in the bathroom who’s name is redacted and tell them so it must be more than one to stay and they will be both back when it is safe?
Please all focus on those 16 questions then we will move to the next ten questions.
If you know of a company, business or individual who would like to help hire a Bulldog Attorney please consider helping it will not work just taliking about on facebook.
my address is 25526 Hawks Run Lane, Sorrento, Florida 32776 until we figure out how to do Paypal which I don't.

Monday, February 24, 2014

We Need To Buy More Guns

 stop buying up all the ammo we need the right to defend ourselves from tyrants and thugs.It isn't right to stage false flags and then deplete the ammo supply by purchasing 2 billion rounds of hollow point w/ targets of women and children-that is quite disturbing- why don't you purchase targets of real deal guys ones that can defend themselves instead

Chaos Fear Subjugation

Hegelian Dialectic-Problem Reaction Solution- Mind Control- Denial Distraction Deception- keep us all dumbed down so we never see it coming but then when we do get hit run the other way to make sure you are all safe and then come out later w/ your fake crocodile tears and new Marshal Law orders and then proceed to have the audacity to blame somebody else- wow what courage, your parents should be real proud 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Down The Rabbit Hole We Must Go

John Douglas is the founder of the FBI BAU (behavioral analysis unit)He wrote Mindhunter and many more best sellers, I read most of these books because this man changed the Bureau entirely w/ a new way of approaching investigations.This is what became known as "Profiling".The tv show Criminal Minds is modeled after the BAU so its important to note how John was able to crack many cases that many thought were unsolvable.It starts by getting inside the mind and understanding the profile of a sociopath, sexual sadist, serial killer etc One must be able to call evil out for what it is and then step up and attack it with ruthless aggression.How did everything get so evil in this world?After the thugs and criminals took out JFK it was all over.It looks like the Bush Regime took out JFK jr as well because he was a direct threat and not only was he asking questions about his fathers death and the bs Warren commission  he also announced to a select few insiders that he may run for president.Let me explain something about the Bush Regime.Their family was in bed w/ the Nazis during WW2 w/ IBM and the Rockefellers.They were in so tight that they even tried a military coup in 1933 in the US w/ US Major General Smedley Butler.They couldn't wait to wipe the US out w/ a Hitler type Eugenics based program..Remember Hitler was a follower the real demons go all the way back to the Jacobite's and the Rothchield Family.Most people know this cult as the Illuminati.Its all about (mind control 2 plus 2 equals 5 and black is white and white is black) if you believe otherwise the real demons demonize the sane individuals.Clinton was a creepy  rapist who used to violently rape defenseless women in a way that can only be described as a serial rapist and sexual sadist.The Lewinsky scandal was just a cover story and Larry Klayman had to worry about being killed or having something planted on his luggage because he was the attorney who had all the dirt on the Clintons.Klayman broke up ATT w/ Divestiture and he knew all about the 9-11 inside job because he had trusted sources like David Shippers on his team.Klayman is the lawyer for Charles Strange the father of Michael the Seal Team 6 cryptologist who was murdered by the Obama administration (Extortion 17) along w/29 other Americans.Not everybody running the show is evil that must be noted however the 3-5% of the sociopaths have been pulling the strings from way up above for a very long time.Not everybody who hangs out at the Bohemian Grove is a sadist however it must be duly noted that is a demonic ritual that worships burning babies.I really don't think we should make believe 2 plus 2 equals 5 anymore my fellow Americans.This inst a joke this is the real deal and this is what we are all up against moving forward.I will end this blog w/ a man called Lee Attwater.This was Bush seniors official dirtslinger in the 80s.This man lied cheat and stole and made up so many lies about Dole and Dukakis those two men never had a chance.His tactics were so low level but that is the name of the game in the dirty world of politics.This was a man that was used by the Bush regime because everybody knew if he didn't produce results and get the head shed cia man elected he would have been immediately discarded and thrown to the wolves and ruined for life.Well in the karma world things actually do happen for a reason.He did in fact get the Bush regime elected but he died an ugly death of cancer shortly thereafter at a very early age.During the final months of his life he actually came clean and maned up to his lies deceit and treachery and tried to repent his sins more then likely in a last minute desperate attempt to reverse the karma gods fate on his soul.He talked about the Bible and how sorry he was but at that point it was too late he died a lonely miserable and ugly death shortly thereafter.Most people cant go down the rabbit hole to call out evil and accept it for what it really is however if we are ever going to turn this country around we must do this in large numbers.For the people who are apathetic out there to the fate and direction of this country and who are too busy watching Justin Biebers latest antics and gossiping about the dumbest and most inconsequential things on earth for these people you deserve what you get in the years to come .

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Let us never forget the sacrifice of Terrance Yeakey and many more heroes that were clearly murdered as a result of the Oklahoma City false flag in 95 that killed 168 women and children.He didn't want to play ball or change his story so the thugs and tyrants do what they do best they kill people to shut them up.You can threaten harass and intimidate Wolfgang all you want but I don't think it will work this time because your cover is completely blown and you have killed too many people already so its now game over.Today there is the internet, that is the last thing these tyrants are trying to control.They can scrub alot but that cant scrub everything because their are too many force multipliers who know the con game and people are completely disgusted and fed up w/ these tyrants and thugs.Everybody knows Wolfgang is a total leo professional, he is a gentleman at the highest level not some whacked out conspiracy theorist living on the fringes of society.Wolfgang calls Sandy Hook an illusion but I call it a poorly executed false flag event.Since 9-11 was a false flag stand down and an inside job they tried to ruin and destroy (Susan Lindauer cia asset) under the the Patriot Act.They had her locked up in federal prison and turned her life into a living hell.They made her look like an unstable incompetent who was a threat to herself and others, unfit for trial w/ a long history of depression. I am surprised they didn't kill her like they did to countless others but this woman is solid, sober and very intelligent. I urge all Americans to buy her book (Extreme Prejudice).She is what I would call a reliable trusted source and we must show her alot of respect.She also happens to be Andy Cards cousin. Remember that guy the one who whispered in Ws ear about the towers being hit when he was reading to little school children?What a reaction he had, that was pretty pathetic no emotion whatsoever.Susan is a good girl, she was trying to prevent the needless bloodshed of 9-11 and Iraq because she was in tight w/ the Iraqis and if they listened to her the entire fraud con game of the war on terror would have been prevented so seriously I am surprised she is still alive.She paid a heavy price when she was locked up and treated like a terrorist under the Patriot Act. The following is an article about Terrance Yeakay the good guy cop who was taken out for the Oklahoma City bombing  .

Sandy Hook False Flag Hoax Illusion

Friday, February 21, 2014

Wolfgang Threatened Again

It looks like Wolfgang is still ruffling some feathers, since homicide detectives threatened him in Dec for asking 7 basic questions and requesting a completely legal FOIA he was visited 2 more times by local leos at his home in Fla yest.This was.for a radio interview, his phone was clearly tapped what is he doing illegal?This is the third time this man was harassed because he simply wants answers for 7 basic investigative questions.Wolfgang has questions and I have a few clues to add.He mentioned that Holder rolled into town in his private jet w/ a 3.8 million dollar check for the Newtown PD shortly thereafter wow what a nice guy.This is the same guy who was deputy AG during the Oklahoma City false flag in 95 where 168 women and children were murdered.That was a false flag by the FBI and many good guy cops were taken out for not playing ball.Back then very little was digital so when that  Federal building was rigged for demolition the evidence was turned over to who else, the FBI the very same guys who planned it..It must be noted that these are criminal elements that have infiltrated our state and federal intel agencies however this doesn't mean all agencies are corrupted across the board.This means a small percentage of rogue operatives in each agency that have been ruining it for everybody and believe me when I tell you this upsets the good guys in these agencies more then people may ever know.Getting back to Holder, this guy is so diabolical and corrupt, we need to ask questions to Susan Collins the 600 million dollar author of Hunger Games who lives in Newtown. It looks like their pathetic poorly executed false flag stage show came out of her empire of books and movies.We cant forget about the Project Longevity CT gun snatching campaign and all of the skull and bones weirdo shrinks at Yale Univ..Please take 1 hr and 37 min to listen to what Wolfgang has to say however he couldn't complete the interview because cops rolled up to his home again.I thought he was a cop? yes he is, a retired Fla state trooper w/ an impeccable resume as a fed as well.These tyrants are trying to make him look crazy but that is only going to create more blowback for the evil doers in the long run..  This is the USA and in the land of the free and home of the brave 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 5- did you hear that you Orwellian science fiction based aliens like Karl Rove and Eric Holder

1984 Here We All Are In 2014

I put Paul Craig Roberts through the wringer for stating that the families of the seals that were murdered by the Obama administration (Extortion 17) weren't that smart however he just wrote a great article about the Army teams that are training and planning to wage war against the American people.The lies go so deep at first they stated the mock city in VA had a mosque but we all know it was a church. Seriously is anybody upset about this or is the latest reality tv show more important?We live in a science fiction based technocratic dumbed down society that is for certain. My mother just sent me the book 1984 .I havent read this in years, it must be noted that George Orwell was a pseudonym of Eric Blair.Blair was MI5 and NWO didn't want that book to hit the shelves because it was too real. He was taken out at 47 years old in 1950. Nice people we have running the NWO show ie-(murderers,liars,, thieves, extortion, drug runners,false flags making believe little children were executed at point blank range,  fraudulent charities) wow these people are great role models. We cant. forget the manipulative register and confiscate scam for real gun owning Americans, some of these people actually thought people really died in Sandy Hook. This is a very bad situation my fellow Americans the following is Roberts article

JP Morgan Clean Up Operation

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

You Didn't Build That

what great leadership we have at the top somebody who says that if you own a business you didnt build that somebody else did.Then a health care scam where premiums double and triple where you could definitely keep your old premium sounds like a con game to me. A NDAA act signed in secret on New Years Eve after he told everybody he wasn't going to. A trusted source said that this alien cia operative who was born in Hawaii whos parents were all cia is from the corrupt streets of Chicago is as diabolical and mendacious as they come.A trusted source said for that Resco scam back in the day in Chicago that Obama was part of has guys doing hard time right now. Then he comes out and says I can do what ever the f I want because I am the prez are you kidding me?.Holder and this guy are like two peas in a pod working overtime working on the next false flag that they are going to blame on a Patriot group.People who value the Bill of Rights our US constitution are now the new terrorists since their cover is blown and everybody knows that the phony hoax war on terror was the biggest con game fraud in modern history.They now need somebody to blame for their next act of high treason. It is not a good situation when a real solid officer of the law takes the initiative to do an honest investigation of Sandy Hook but then gets direct threats from homicide detectives in his own home in Fla.What did he do wrong he simply did a FOIA request in order to try to put pieces of a blatant con game false flag together?.Ct state police are going to file charges on him for what? Ct state police was that Holders buddy who just retired after the Sandy Hook scam? What about the millions of dollars worth of fraudulent money raised by the charities and Bloomberg who came out w/"get ready for the media blitz" the day before Sandy Hook are you serious?Stealing money from honest Americans and emotionally manipulating them to donate money because they really thought little school children died these people are sick and twisted and beyond any hope what so ever.That is what makes it so disturbing because these aliens are running our country.Then homicide detectives tell a solid investigator w/ a resume that includes working as a LEO on both a state and federal level that bad things are going to happen to him if he doesn't shut up and CT st police are going to file charges on him and that he should get an attorney what did he do wrong? We are seriously living in the Twilight zone my fellow Americans so we all must come to grips w/ this.What about Yale Univ skull and bones weirdos that were on the take for Sandy Hook Project Longevity Eric Holder second amend gun snatching campaign to pay off these Yale weirdos w/ the hard working tax money of.the American people did anybody throw up yet?Fema cia Darpa DHS kickback scams to pay off the skull and bones weirdo shrinks at Yale and then they pay off these pathetic crisis actors who wouldn't even get a second go see in the real world that is how ridiculous these aliens really are. Please check out Wolfgangs interview he goes into great detail about his Sandy Hook investigation and he is never backing down because these thugs and tyrants have only made him more determined and if you thugs take him out we are going to know all about this as well 45 min video

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Never Bring A Knife To A Gunfight

this is very important for anybody involved in executive protection. It is all about advance work and preparation, hope for the best but always prepare for the worst. This means knowing all of the choke points for a potential ambush and knowing what alternative routes there are including knowing at least two different ways to get to the nearest hospitals and local law enforcement must be on stand by at all times.There is so much work involved as an ep agent most people have no idea. Alot of the work is gopher work and this upsets alot of good guys because they feel under appreciated and used at times because these are the very same people that the client must trust their life with. During the hour upon hour of endless monotony and boredom they must have the highest level of mental acuity 24/7 because if their client gets hit or if an attempt is made guess who is going to get the blame no matter what? If you are not game on during that moment this will haunt you for the rest of your life. It isn't about retaliation it is all about getting the client out of harms way first and foremost. This means getting off the x to execute an immediate blow and go scenario.This means advanced driving skills j turns and s turns and much more need to be second nature.CAT (counter assault teams) must be at the ready because once bad things happen everybody has to be all set  for what may come next.Although a good ep agent is highly skilled in saving lives and getting their client off the x they always have to have alot of ammo tucked and hidden away that is easily accessible even when walking around in public w/ their client..It all must be concealed but plenty of back up mags need to be in reach and this includes many long guns in the trunk of the car and this also includes a few MP-5s ready to go on full auto.The LAPD learned that lesson the hard way about 10 years ago during the North Hollywood Shoot out. Other then that it is all about keeping a low profile and being able to communicate w/ the client on their level and even become part of the family.That is why Dr K makes it very clear that a black tie gala or country club scenario is so much different then overseas psd work, it is seriously as different as night and day.I know alot of great guys that never get the chance to work as an ep agent stateside because of a stereotype of what kind of things they did overseas but I am going to make sure this changes in the years to come. These are the lowest profile guys in the world used to force recon and scout sniper missions and if it were up to Eric Prince he never would have been rolling down the road like hells bells attracting unwanted attention in Iraq.It would have been exactly like my SAS operator friend, low profile w/ a beat up old car to safely transport said principle from point  A to B. Unfortunately it wasn't his call it was the state dept.    

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Founding Fathers Were Terrorists?

In 01 Fema was training guys in Kansas and this thug instructor asked the question who was the first terrorist organization in the US? You guessed it Washington Revere Jefferson. If that wasn't bad enough right inside the Army training manuals for Conus operations it states that warning shots against the American citizens will not be fired.Does this upset anybody or is everybody too busy watching The Kardashians? Let me explain something to the uninitiated in Iraq there were 3 shots to be fired 2 of these were warning shots- one up in the air then one in the radiator and the last one was to go through the windshield to hit the driver of a suspected suicide car bomber if they didn't get the message at that point to slam on the brakes to cease and desist. In 2005 in Katrina National Guard and some police units were ordered house to house and they were told to take out American citizens who didn't turn their weapons over. This was in high and dry areas and these were innocent Americans who didn't do anything wrong.There was one man who had his shotgun taken and this was to be used as the last line of defense from thugs and looters so he no longer had the ability to protect his families life and property from thugs and tyrants hell bent on rape plunder and pillage.What happened to the Castle law? Now we  have a science fiction based alien bureaucrat calling for all weapons to be snatched off the street because her sister died in Sandy Hook. I feel so sorry for this poor woman her non existent crisis actor where they knocked down the building  to contaminate the scene even more and had the construction crew sign non disclosures to guarantee zip lock mouths had her sister die I feel so sorry for her. There was even a bureaucrat in Ct who said alot of Ct residents are guilty of class D felonies because most of them didn't register their so called assault weapons.These gun owners know what is going on and they don't like thugs and tyrants staging false flags in their state taking advantage of the Americans peoples emotions in a ruthless and diabolical attempt to declare Marshal Law.News flash for all of you thugs and tyrants out there you will never disarm the American people regardless of how hard you try and how sick and twisted your scams are and how deep and ugly they go however you may very well get your civil/Revolutionary war.(The means of defense against foreign danger have always been the instruments of Tyranny at home) James Madison- the following video is clear evidence that the Army is gearing up for war against the American people w/ a false flag that they are going to blame on an American Patriot group. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dr P. Real Spy Talk

when Dr P speaks we must all listen remember this is the real life Jack Ryan- I don't understand exactly what he is saying in reference to Snowden. I am not reading too much into it, the only thing I know for sure is that Snowden absconded w/ alot of classified info working as a green badger for Booze Allen Hamilton and the head sheds are not too pleased- Dr P breaks down his insights w/ the following 15 min video On a separate note alot of executives are jumping off the higher towers of finance to their deaths eerily reminiscent of 1929.The charts are screaming bubble material and a few weeks ago Drudge told us all to have an exit strategy.People in the know feel that these executives were taken out and these aren't suicides but flat out murders because they may know where the bodies are buried.The bubble hasn't burst yet so why would these executives be ending it all? Maybe they were about to come out as whistle blowers, stay tuned this is going to get very interesting

Terrorism 101 5 Min Vid its not a good situation when a ten year old is smarter and has more knowledge then 95% of the adults out there.This kid is brilliant but so is his dad so he has a good role model

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Real Deal this is what is really going on Watson the Army is gearing up for war stateside against the Tea Party members, gun owners and conservatives.etc.. Basically anybody they can blame a false flag on so do us all a favor and man up and spell it out directly in the article and don't be so passive. Those are US cities down under in VA not mosques and middle east mock city type scenarios and terrain.Alex Jones wasn't very happy w/ you beating around the bush because you have alot of responsibility so you must tell the American people the straight out truth. People are very busy and they don't have time to listen to Alex every day so they need to rely on articles as the next best thing.We need to face up to what we are dealing with and call it exactly the way it is because people come at me looking for real world facts so I need to be able to have articles that are not politically correct. There is no more time for reading between the lines OK because alot of people are pissed off and spooked out and they need trusted sources.This isn't grade school anymore my fellow Americans this is the USA in Feb 2014 the more truth seeker force multipliers we have trying to help our fellow man the better- Happy V-Day

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Real Deep Cover

I had a friend from junior high school that I had a crush on for a while who also happened to be close friends w/ my twin sister.She was the daughter of Michael Levine the DEAs Top Cop who has 500 cases that he has testified as an expert witness on both a criminal and civil level.This man is as real as you would ever get because he went Deep Cover and wrote  books about his experience- Deep Cover and Triangle of Death The Big White Lie.Michael really wanted to make a difference because his brother was a heroin addict for many years and Michael actually discovered and identified the body w/ some other LEOs when he died of an od He wasn't too happy to say the least when a leo referred to his brother in a pejorative manner "just another junkie" because at that moment he didn't know that they were brothers. He had a son named Keith who I was friends with as well, he was a good kid and I knew when he went into the NYPD he would be following in the footsteps of his dad which meant really trying to take down bad guys. Unfortunately he died as a hero when he was shot to death while chasing one of the bad guys very early on in his NYPD career. Michael has suffered immeasurably so things really weren't that great for him during his overseas deep cover work because people have no idea what that is really like for the most part. Creating an identity and sticking w/ that and infiltrating an organisation like.La Corporation the powerful and deadly group considered the GM of cocaine w/ their Mexico Panama and Bolivia operation is as serious a job as I can ever imagine.It is not a good situation when you are at serious risk of being discovered and killed but then no real bad guys get locked up because cia wanted the drugs coming in which meant he got stonewalled every step of the way.Things weren't so great when he came back stateside and had all kinds of threats coming at him both direct and indirect.The cia doesn't want to stop the drugs from coming in where do you think 90% of the pure grade dope is coming from now Afghanistan of course. Initially I thought my friends died and were ruined for life because they were trying to fight bad guy UBL type terrorists, I guess not and this was even after I read all of Levine's books. The name of the game is to control all of the drugs and take all the weapons off the street and lock up some small fry dealers and have genius level actors od on some really powerful stuff.They don't want it legal because they need to control the black market because that is a gold mine.So while the rest of us go down under the good old guys make billions off of drugs while hunkering us down into Marshal Law to protect us from the next Patriot group ready to go postal what is wrong w/ this picture? 1oo trillion a year carbon tax going off shore billions of dollars worth of drug cash while our economy is about to default again that isn't really the good guy system I really believed in. They even created the stuxnet virus to get control over our personal computers..Michael Levine is definitely one of the good guys so please I urge all Americans to buy his books...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Registration Then Confiscate

We have some serious sneaky bastards running this country who continue to take advantage of honest Americans by making believe they really care. They want to keep everybody safe because look at all of these false flag staged school shootings.Patsies that were whacked out of their mind on Dr Jolly West Mk Ultra psychotropics. So basically it comes down to voluntarily hand over your weapons or register them because they want to keep everybody safe from the next govt stage show which is coming very soon.We all know that once everybody registers the weapons this will make them the target and shortly thereafter these weapons will be confiscated. Pretty diabolical if you ask me. I am putting on record that Gabby Gifford was a false flag, Virginia Tech in 07 more then likely was.There is a solid chance that Columbine in 99 was a false flag. That Batman clown Manchurian Candidate Jolly West in Aurora and the nonsensical narrative of Adam Lanza without question.The Navy Yard shooting was a false flag and I believe Miriam Carey from Stamford Ct was as well. The following article is what that sneaky billionaire Bloomberg and all of his zionist power hungry minions are really up to

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Are You Serious?

I am very close with somebody whos grandfather was a famous high ranking NYPD detective and SAC special agent in charge of Churchills detail when he came to town. Legend has it that they used to throw a few down together behind closed doors.Her brother was on the ground during Operation Just Cause in 89 Panama.His best friend was the USMC officer that went down and this is what escalated the invasion.He wasn't one of the original 4 that were either killed or wounded however he just happened to be very close to Cpt Paz who lost his life.We have many brave warriors from Westchester County Ny.There also happens to be alot of money in Rye, Harrison Scarsdale, Bronxville etc..They pay the highest taxes in the country and this is backed up by the highest intelligence levels,wealth and a long warrior code tradition.My next question goes straight on up to gov Cuomo because he came out w/(if you are pro life and pro gun you are not welcome in NY) Are you serious? I don't think Churchills NYPD detective would be too happy with that statement if he were alive today in fact I know he wouldn't be because he would have seen right through this.Churchill saved us all because he was able to convince Roosevelt how dangerous Hitler really was and he was overjoyed when we got hit during Pearl Harbor because he really needed us to get into the fight.We had real enemies not manufactured ones there is a huge difference.Hirohitos indefatigable imperial Empire of Japan were as serious as you would ever get, these people were ferocious and they gave our devil dogs in the Pacific the fight of their lives.We lost thousands of brave warriors over the years and many were ruined for life and they sacrificed everything specifically for the right to defend themselves from Tyrannical Regimes like Hitler Stalin and Mao.So why did Cuomo say that? Does he have a long warrior tradition in his family or is he part of the new American Tyrannical Regime that is now targeting gun owners, Tea Party members and veterans and labeling them as terrorists? That doesn't make alot of sense because everybody knows when we no longer have weapons to defend ourselves from Tyrants and Thugs its all over for us and violence will go through the roof just like in England. I thought we sacrificed enough brave warriors over the years to earn the right to bear arms and have freedom of speech and not to have veterans tags specifically targeted and scanned when they came back from theater to charge them with felonies due to manufactured new gun laws?..All of the millionaires I talk to in Westchester are indignant that the gov would make a statement like that.They believe what ever the hell they want and they dont like it when thier leader is forcing his agenda down everybody's throat.They pay enough money in property tax and every other tax one can possibly imagine.What happened to the way America used to be before all of the tyrants started staging school shootings and forcing their agendas down everybodys  throat?    

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Emperor Has No Clothes

Its been very hard for me to dig deep to face up to certain truths.I don't like criticizing my leaders because  I was born for love of god and country however this is the reason I am doing this because the truth shall set me free.If nobody listens its not my problem at least I can sleep at night.After much reflection I have determined that the head sheds went into Iraq w/ a battle plan they knew long before would be a disaster and would end up being a quagmire for many years.I have come to the conclusion that it wasn't incompetence or a lack of proper planning but more of a premeditated suicide mission.I didn't accept the fact that 9-11 was an inside job until recently so by now we all know that they didn't care how many people died on both sides or how long they would torture our soldiers by multiple deployments.They knew dam well that a mop up blitzkrieg wouldn't be good for the war machine thus the reason they ignored all the real leaders Gen Shinsenki etc.Instead they went w/ a plan that was so unprofessional and half baked w/ conventional army units completely undermanned to begin with.Rumsfeld made his big announcement on Sept 10 2001 that the Frankenstein monster that Ike warned us all about was going private.Why else would Bremer go in there and immediately fire the Republican Guard to absolutely guarantee the insurgency by putting a few hundred thousand starving Iraqs on the street? These people were all set to be used as the trusted source but after that it was all over for us however it was just the very beginning of what the ultimate goal was for the evil doers.Bring in the contractors and keep the war going for as long as possible (many years)We all know now that this had nothing to do w/ Patriotism, the false flag of 9-11 was the pretext for world wide hegemony.The soldiers drove around in their un armored Humvees w/ little or no rules of engagement just waiting to get blown up by ieds. They lost wives and they lost lives, limbs, hearts and minds and many souls were irrevocably broken on both sides.There was absolutely no threat whats ever from Iraq they even came up w/ phony pics of roving labs that were supposed to be wmds but were really helium balloon sites or some con job to that effect.Obviously Afghanistan has been a con game the entire time as well.OBL died a few months after 9-11 of Marfan Syndrome.He was best buds w/ the Bush regime so  his patsies had plenty of cover. Opium heroin sure why not lots of drugs to move in on over there so what the hell difference does it make?.The point I am trying to get across is please stop the bs one police state garbage and now militarizing certain leos the whole thing is complete insanity.Nobody likes it everybody is very upset. This country needs boys in blue not boys in black. Black is for overseas not stateside operations.When I heard the reason for all of the Viper teams and Blackhawks for the Super bowl was to make sure we didn't have another Boston Massacre situation I almost threw up.Main stream media please wake up and start telling the truth. I know its difficult your hands are tied but so what just quit and start your own show, if you do that people will have alot of respect for you.You will be the very few that has the guts to stand up and say "I hate lying to people and I love my country and I don't care how many threats I get as long as I don't get killed" you will be a much happier person in the long run I can guarantee you this.At least you can get out in time and make sure you are one of the good guys and gals on this side of history. Look at Amber Lyon she is a perfect example.She is gorgeous, highly intelligent and has plenty of courage. It was all over for CNN when she exposed the Bahrain kickback con game, please we need more people like Amber Lyon    .

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hidden In Plain View

Its not a good situation when a good guy cop from New Mex gets placed on the bad guy tsa nsa grid just because he is an oath keeper.I seem to remember a real bad guy cop from Utah recently who just took out his entire family.There were some warning signs there that is for sure, I took one look at him and I said juicer.These are the cops that need to be red flagged not blonde hair blue eyed police chiefs that are quiet professionals very humble and really consider their position as one as a public servant.Remember the good old days before the evil doers from way up above found their way into local leos and politicians back pockets?New Mex wasn't that the state that just had a false flag school shooting last month?The only reason they backed off of this good guy cop was because of public outrage coming from the real good guys like Alex Jones and Matt Drudge etc.. I need to make another thing loud and clear.People better stop laughing at Jones and Drudge because the masses are going to get a dose of what they have both been saying for years sometime in the very near future.All of the dis info minions that are stashed away in their pyh op stations at the Pentagon and Naval War college getting paid big dollars are now going all out in a last ditch effort to dis credit the very few good people who exist in the alternative news world.It is also highly illegal for pentagon phy ops teams to work stateside in RI. There is something called fraud, libel and slander when a dis info minion calls out somebody for being a fraud in an attempt to discredit when that is the pot calling the kettle black Calling somebody out for being a fraud when they are the real frauds not only inst very ethical but that is obviously fraud as well..There is only going to be a short window of time left so all of the sell outs should come clean now and repent their sins for cashing in and doing absolutely nothing except acting as a mouth piece for the establishment.That is correct Bill Oreilly and how Oswald was a great shooter and the Warren commission were straight shooters as well.Mark Furmhan I used to have alot of respect for you because you stepped into a hornets nest in Greenwich and actually blasted through alot of stonewalling campaigns. Furmhan your book about how Oswald acted alone and now I see how you had some solid establishment appearances when people started asking you questions during the nsa backlash on how to get a warrant for a cell phone etc.Who needs a warrant when the big eye in the sky sees all including scrubbing whatever they want from social media. I thought they didn't do that isn't this what all of our trusted sources at the top told us? The sell outs can get out now and I recommend that they do because very soon they are all going to be on the other side of history and everybody knows who the sell outs are so now is your time to come clean and repent.I will tell you a nice brave warrior girl came out of the Air Force a few years ago and she blew the whistle to the highest of all heavens because she was disgusted by chem trails and con jobs at every level.She is a fearless leader and she paid the price heavily because everywhere she traveled tsa backed her into a private room and shook her down because she was now on the bad girl list are you kidding me? There is going to be an incredible amount of blow back in the years to come and the establishment knows this that is why they are in a last ditch effort to try to kill us all.I believe 2014 will be a very historical year in many ways This is my instinct and it certainly is backed up by highly intelligent trusted sources like Matt Drudge.He along w/ Jones have been following their playbook for years and last week Drudge came out w/ 4 words and I don't believe he is a fear monger- "Have an Exit Strategy" What does this mean? I have no idea a false flag dirty bomb, nuke, depression by design scenario? Who knows the only thing I know for sure is that we have advance teams already in place for our clients My advice to the masses is to get the hell out of dodge when the lights go out meaning a national blackout.A high level EMP electro magnetic pulse caused by a low level detonation of a mini nuke cyber attack will paralyze the critical infrastructure of this entire country.After this we will be sitting ducks and then the good old guys can do whatever they want ie-Let people starve and cause mass riots or better yet this is when they will hit us w/ a real tactical nuke so its all over after this one.There will be a few days to get out of town during a national power grid failure.This is when the masses will start to panic and this will cause major grid lock. This is when cog will be implemented and chaos will transpire in the streets. .