Friday, November 29, 2013

This Country Is In Shambles

Its a bad situation when the best guys in the world are sent to their death on a premeditated well planned out suicide mission with plenty of motive by rogue operatives at the top. This isn't about politics this is about right and wrong. The guys doing it the right way all along (up in the air on the ground and underwater) knew who the enemy was in the very beginning. I really don't care why these rogue operatives did it I just want to see them all go to jail and get Treason charges..Benghazi was another scam.Some say this is all tied together that Ambassador Stevens was taken out because he knew too much and didn't want to be involved with the modern day version of Iran Contra by running (ManPads heat seeking missiles) from Libya into Syria. I really don't care what they do as long as it doesn't put our guys lives in danger and it doesn't help our enemies. The only thing I know for certain is our guys are getting set up to be killed and stand down orders seem to be the ROEs of choice these days. I want to know if the Taliban have these ManPads as well because because a lucky shot RPG from 700 meters away in the pitch dark that clipped a rotor blade didn't happen I am putting that on record. There was a stand down order given in Benghazi as well. Lets see 11 years to the day of 9-11 where the bravest Americans came from all over the country to help out and do whatever they possibly could to help and make sense out of something that was simply beyond comprehension and then in Benghazi they made up a bull shit story for starters.Lets examine the date 11 years to the day 9-11 how many 911 emergency codes do we need? There were operators on  the ground in Croatia doing training and they were all set to go in their birds(C-110 sf team) and they would have been on the ground in 4-6 hours plenty of time before the second attack that killed Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty(at least 2 assets readily available) They at the very least could have evacuated the wounded and facilitated the exfil because nobody knew what could have happened next, second attacks are what the bad guys do they set up the first one just to make things even worse.These operators are trained for QRF quick reaction force ugly situations and they are no stranger to danger. Glen Doherty commandeered (cia global response team) a jet from Tripoli along with 7 others(on his own) and buzzed over to the CIA annex 1 mile down the road from the Diplomatic compound that got hit 7 hours earlier.Why did this hero have to commandeer a jet along w/ team, how come their were highly trained DSS and Spec ops operators(at least 15)in Tripoli and they were told to stand down? On 9-11 we had volunteers coming from all over the country to help out and absolutely nobody told them to go in but they went anyway let us all never forget these brave Americans. However when bad things started happening in Lybia they were given the stand down order and these men had to commandeer a jet on their own to help us all, what was that all about? I am going to put on record that bad things started happening when Biden blew the cover of Seal Team 6 and did the lets not forget the most secretive unit in the world political posturing because that upset everybody in that community.. That was the beginning of the end because there were leaks going on from that day forward so now we know who we can blame.Do you think these operators wanted their cover blown when they work in the shadows? They are movies made and books and video games and everything else in between but these are all vetted before they ever hit the big screens and the shelves. Delta wanted that job and they were upset that they didn't get it but I am putting on record that Seals are not the high profile Hollywood types they are made out to be by the Bidens of this world. That is not who they are or why they do it because they would never ever make it if that was their intention and Don Shiply tells them this in his train up before they ever think about going to BUDS..These guys were set up to get slaughtered by rogue operatives at the top and we are all going to get some answers because Panneta is looking very suspicious in this entire situation as well.The arrogance of the people at the top is mind blowing. The guys (on the ground up in the air and underwater) are the ones protecting these people and they are the ones being set up to get killed. Why did the Navy Yard situation have to happen? These brave Americans were doing their job inside a military compound but they didn't even have a weapon to protect themselves from a maniac going postal because that's not politically correct. However the suits that start our wars and do all the stonewalling, cover ups and distortion campaigns they get all types of protection because they are much more important and these are the very same people that send the best ones out to not only  protect them but to protect us all and they are the ones getting killed, what is wrong with this picture?Doretys heroics never made it to the official State Dept review because according to Mike Mullen"its not reasonable nor feasible to tether every high risk post in the world." Are you kidding me this cover up is obviously linked to what they did to DEVGRU, it is all a sham and those responsible at the top are going to have to answer alot of questions and if found guilty they better get sent to jail and get Treason charges. Lybia and the Tangi Valley are perfect examples of what I have been saying all along, our enemies are the ones at the top not our guys (up in the air underwater and on the ground) and they are the very ones protecting these people,.what is wrong with this picture?.An operator put on record that without Doretys heroics that situation would have been much worse, at least 2o hostages and many more would have been killed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Justice For Seal Team 6

Seal Team 6 DEVGRU are the most elite operators in the world. They have the highest budget and were set up years ago to act as an all star team picked from the elite of the Seal Teams into one unit so in essence there is a train up if you are picked so this means there is no guarantee you will become a member and if you do make it then you are the equivalent of both the MLB All Star team and the NFL Pro Bowl. However they do not train for 1 week to play 1 game they stay together as a unit to keep us all safe and do things most of us can never imagine as far as their elite skill, the best of all Olympians we can safely state that as well. My next question goes to the top of what used to be the Twin Towers all the way to our Commander in Chief ("Why were they set up by rogue members in on our government to their death on Aug 6 2011 into the biggest hornets nest in that entire country the Tangi Valley the stronghold of  the Taliban) Let us all dig deep on this one because I have already shed some tears on this and it will be my life mission to seek justice not only for the family members of these elite warriors but for all Americans because right now we are on the ground floor of this investigation and this one is going straight to the top Barack Obama because we are all going to have some very big questions for you and Biden.For starters these warriors use the MH47 and MH60 Blackhawk everybody knows that. The Taliban were tipped off and everybody involved will be held accountable. The parents of many of these Seals were told something like this was coming before hand by their sons so did the Taliban on May 11 a few days after this team allegedly took out Bin Laden.Why were 7 of the Afganis who were on the flight manifest not the ones who went down in this mission and they came on board last minute and nobody knew who they were? Why were these men sent out in an obsolete CH47 Chinook a Vietnam era dilapidated piece of garbage and 22 Seals 38 total were crammed into one helo, something that would never happen?The most elite warriors in the world use the MH47 and MH60 Blackhawks, since they were allegedly going into a nasty firefight there would have been at least one AC130 gunship used as an escort and their would have been plenty of pre assault fire. How come there were 7 Afghanis on board that came on last minute that weren't on the flight manifest and nobody knew who they were? Who were the two Afghanis on top of a tower on the way over that were allegedly hanging crops at 2 am did somebody say night vision goggles? Why did the top brass have 2 of their sensors knocked out so they were essentially out of the loop and where was the Drone they always have with eyes on? The order came from way up above, the multiple star Generals hands were tied that is the answer. How did they get hit a lucky shot by an RPG from 700 meters away in the pitch dark and what ever happened to the black box it got washed away in a flash flood are you kidding me? Why were the bodies allegedly cremated because they were all burned beyond recognition but when one of the brave warriors father asked for the autopsy report his son was on the ground with his weapon in his hand which meant he was fighting to the death? How come there was a stand down order given for our elite SAR, Soar and Pathfinder teams? The pilots were either taken out by the Afghanis on board or it was a heat seeking missile or a suicide bomber on board but it wouldn't have taken out the entire team because the brave warrior in the autopsy report was intact with a picture with his weapon in his hand on the ground.The good news is that there are some very smart people involved in this investigation, this will never be swept under the rug because JFK was 50 years ago, anybody that mysteriously disappears we are going to know about this as well.Those responsible will be held accountable Karzi, Biden etc Do you think you would be able to get away with sending the most elite warriors in the world on a premeditated and well planned out suicide mission with plenty of motive, think again because the war has just begun        

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Enemy Within

I am tired of reading horrible things about how deep dark and sinister the NSA is.The latest is how evil it is to have 50000 sleeper agents in malicious software form that are just waiting to be launched at the push of a button across the globe in order to gain access to sensitive information. Its getting to the point that I wish these reporters moved out of dodge, please get out of this country and stay away and go hang out w/ Snowden.The way these articles are written make it make it look as if the NSA has no business doing this and our surveillance state the Orweillan 1984 paranoia message they are trying to convey is annoying to say the least.We have been utilizing spies since the dawn of time. I am going to bring this back to Col Jessup Jack Nicholson ''you have the luxury of not knowing what I know and I have a greater responsibility then you can possibly fathom." Like I mentioned on my bio if even a few solid citizens became members of FBI Infarguard they would see the threats that come at us each and every day in every way and many attacks are prevented that the press never even knew about.Today we are talking about an all out cyber war vs China for starters.They steal 300 billion worth of intellectual property alone from the biggest names we have in our capitalist system such as google and Microsoft and that is just the big names. This doesn't include how Hidden Lynx has special operation teams that have hacked directly into our military industrial complex.. Do any of these subversive reporters have any respect for what case officers do across the globe or NOCs just as Valerie Plame was and how they risk their life each and every day?As mentioned in my deep cover blog if you are a NOC when you go deep and if you are discovered you are trained to deny any connection to our government so this means no diplomatic immunity .Do these reporters know what really goes on out there across the globe or is really just about  how deep, dark and sinister our eye in the sky NSA is? Go away and move to Russia and have toast and tea with Snowden because that is the exact message these articles convey and it is stomach turning for me. Leon Panetta the cias former director who took over during the Obama administration was more then likely the only choice to placate the left under the circumstances. I had an uneasy feeling right away,he didn't have a hardened military background, he was a lawyer and a professor that says it all right there.Do you think Roosevelt a democrat and a great one at that would have a lawyer and professor running his OSS division leading up to the CIAs creation in 1945?.Not only was Panetta going after Bin Laden he had to deal with all of the heat about Bushs black sites and enhanced interrogation techniques which have never proven to be effective.The press went after Pannetta like wild fire which is what ultimately led him to leak a bw secret program of working w/ the cia to load bombs onto drones in Pakistan. Earlier on the bw black ops program to essentially eliminate all known terrorists became tabloid fodder as well..These are still major leaks, although we created alot of the world wide terrorists by blowing up bridges and making enemies to have a classified program make it to the front page of the New York Times was an unequivocal breach. I haven't read any pro NSA surveillance articles, however I do remember quite clearly how the biggest spy chiefs in this country made clear how damaging Snowdens espionage act of treason was. I am not black and white, my Anonymous blog explains full well how there are reasons why transparency is needed and desired but please these far left reporters have to go. Snowden is being viewed as a hero in certain circles here and across the globe.Even the founder of the world wide web had the following to say "Sir Tim Berners Lee described the effects of surveillance as “chilling” and “insidious".The problem here and what alot of people don't understand is that classified means none of your god dam business.I must say the spys in the sky have themselves to blame to some extent  because they set themselves up in certain ways. Top Secret America has a multi billion dollar budget, that is why to have Anonymous come in and directly hack their way into Booze Allen and Stratfor is inexcusable.These hackers actually sent them a bill mocking them for their white hat security consultation by exposing vulnerabilities in their system and the bill was nominal. In essence what they were saying was you guys are the head sheds that have both the cia and Fbi report to you but you left yourself wide open to get hit by us hackers and it was a piece of cake. In reality the Antisec faction of Anonymous are as black hat as you will ever get and they are getting ready to unleash alot of classified info within the next few years and alot of it came straight out of Wiki Leaks. Big Army has itself to blame for Bradley Manning, if they had their head on square there is no possible way they would let a loose cannon like that become an intel analyst.This kid barely made it through boot camp, he was gay and admitted he was a woman and had alot of problems,ie-suicidal etc. The doctor said he was a threat to himself and others and may end it all before the end of boot camp ,he was not in a good place to say the least. I have no problem with a few gay soldiers don't ask don't tell that kind of thing but the point is this kid was a psychological wreck and was sent out to theaters of operation with access to classified intel that put our brave.warriors at risk. When Manning teamed up with Wiki Leaks they had some footage of some very ugly things our helos were involved with overseas.My question is do the American people really want to know or do they want to see how ugly war really is? in WW2 our Marines in the Pacific took out so many pows because they had no choice, they were involved with an indefatigable adversary the Imperial Empire of Japan.Once we came on shore as exemplified in Hiroshima they absolutely needed every man to focus on the task at hand not guarding the pows. This brings me to the movie the Lone Survivor, a book by Marcuss Lutrell that will be hitting the big screens in a few weeks.It is a harrowing tale about what choices his Seal Team had to make with potential pows, the book had me almost in tears. That is the point, these reporters don't have a clue about what its really like out there so I will end this blog by asking one of them this question.Since data mining is so evil although it apprehended the DC sniper and all of our enemies across the globe come at us each and every day with their advanced data mining skills what happens if you become a victim of a ruthless cyber crook? How would you feel if you were hit by an id thief, malicious reviews about you that weren't true but just put you out of business and it was too late because the damage was done already? Maybe some sociopathic cyber crook chose you at random and they decided to turn your life upside down in every way possible because that is exactly what happens to victims of this type of crime. Where or who will you turn to in order to seek justice or to attempt to expose the bad guy? Maybe you know who the bad guy is but you just cant prove it then what will you do since slander and libel is civil suit material not a criminal charge? Are we really all that evil in this country, so please go away subversive far left reporters. I want to start reading about what great things our federal and local law enforcement agencies do every day to keep these reporters safe from now on.  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Keeping Guys Alive By Building Bridges And Keeping Low Profile For Actionable Intel

In 2008 I lived with and was part of a training team that had a former SAS member.This is England's premier elite unit, our Delta force was modeled specifically after these warriors.He had some interesting stories of how he was able to survive the selection process. In fact the Ministry of Defense was ordered to tone down its severity recently because 3 warriors fell ill and died in the Brecon Beacons during one of the hottest days of the year on one of the highest mountains in South Wales. If there were any questions to be asked it was usually coming from me being directed toward my SAS friend however he did have 1 major question and that was "why were those blackwater guys driving down the road like hells bells pissing everybody off, it attracted unwanted attention which made them even much easier targets to get hit"? I had no answer at that moment but this is a point which becomes the major premise of alot of my blogs. Specialized units know exactly what to do in that kind of environment, in a counter insurgence guerrilla war they are the few that know you must blend in and keep a low profile while gaining incredible intel about your various enemies because in a civil war there are many, its unequivocally not a black and white situation. In fact this is so ingrained in their mindset they will be the first ones to tell you how many more enemies you create when the indigenous people have their friends and family killed and their homes destroyed.As a former Seal Eric Prince knew this very well, that is why he never wanted to conduct business that way. In fact he had no choice but to listen to the State Dept and go along with what they all dictated. Perimeter defense does not matter when the enemy lies within the gate. Going back to what Col McKnight had to deal with in Somalia w/ no air support as well as reporters waiting on shore set his Delta and Ranger warriors up to be slaughtered, all because of the Clinton Brass. I am putting on record that if the bureaucrats stayed away and listened to Prince they never would have developed a rogue reputation, he explains all of this in his new book Civilian Warriors. Why does this keep happening? My SAS friend had one of his operator friends conducting the exact same work as bw in Iraq but he drove a beat up old car with tinted windows that safely transported said principle from point a to b. The most important thing is to keep a low profile and your guys alive in a war zone. When Prince had his guys doing it the right way there were few and far between firefights, none of his guys were killed as well as the indigenous people around them. So what is States argument? I am assuming they don't want a high ranking diplomat exposed to a nasty hornets nest in a beat up old car when they could have armored Suburbans and convoys and rear gunners etc.. If the bureaucrats don't want to listen to the guys who have been doing it the right way all along and for many years before then please don't send your diplomats down there and let the military teams conduct all of the peace talks.There is such a major disconnect in the mindset of a real military leader and a pencil pushing bureaucrat, that is the only way to effectively describe this ugly situation. The reason I keep reiterating this is because I lost too many friends already..Why aren't these bureaucrats being held accountable for Blowing up Bridges and Making Enemies and having great men lose their life due to their obstinate ignorance and arrogance? My friends knew before they even went in who the real enemy was because there is always a train up process. If the brass listened to Gen Shinseki early on about Iraq there would be no need for so many private contractors because the entire country would have been surrounded and given support and the real Counter Insurgent teams would have went to work, the USMC and the premier SOF units. I am going to take this one step further and say if the bureaucrats never got in the way 9-11 could have been prevented. It goes back to Ambassador Bodine and how she stonewalled the greatest spy ever known John Oneill during the most critical investigation period in our nations history.He was sent to his demise in the greatest towers ever known in a devastating pile of ash and rubble by his own FBI Pickard sabotage team.Bodine didn't want Oneill to ruffle any more feathers with her Yemenis friends so she sent him home. The USS Cole was hit and 17 sailors were killed and 39 of them were injured and they were headed straight for the Twin Towers Pentagon and White House but by having intimidating Marines flexing their muscles surrounding our Mother ship, that was not politically correct .Oneills sources loved him in Yemen, he had incredible intel by building bridges and making friends and there is no better friend and no worse enemy then a United States Marine and that is exactly what being a devil dog is all about. Those are the very guys you want surrounding our mother ship especially when Oneill could have very easily prevented 9-11 along w/ Souffan and their team. Gen Mattis had his devil dogs all set up for a counter insurgence program in Fallujua but Scott Helvenston, the well known former Navy Seal and three of his bw teammates were mutilated on the bridge during a kitchen supply mission (eerily reminiscent of what happened in Somalia w/Col Mcknights team Blackhawk Down) Helvenstons team was sent out in a capacity which resembled low profile w/ out an armored Suburban or gunners etc, they went alone on a non escort mission.This is where the fog of war comes into play because his team was in fact doing it the low profile way which is what Prince wanted all along but it still must be noted that it was a bad call, they were sent out ill-equipped w/ no map The indigenous folk of Fallujah had bad memories and never forgot the First Gulf War of 91 where a smart bomb or 2 went astray. Somehow and someway the insurgents were tipped off that cia were coming through and that's how and why their team was set up on the Fallujah bridge. This shook up Washington to its very core and war is about as emotional as it ever gets. Rumsfeld had Mattis change his multi month train up to an all out assault that basically said "go in and destroy that city." Gen Mattis was so upset about this, he is a warrior monk he said "absolutely not, we are going to create a million enemies, let us go in and find the ones responsible for the bw ambush and then take them all out pure and simple". The rest was history because as we know the brass never listens to the real leaders and shortly thereafter the Marines were ordered out of Fallujua after they had them on the ropes because by that time we were all over the globe and Al Jazeerra and everywhere else back home looking like evil brutal bullies.That didn't create a million enemies that created millions of enemies throughout the globe because this is what shook up the entire world. Mattis was indignant because he never wanted to assault the entire city, he had a no better friend no worse enemy intel gathering doctrine in place which is what everybody needed in the very beginning..However once the order became a demand he at least wanted to finish the job.He actually started to make quotes going back to Napolean, this high ranking General was absolutely livid. That only set things up for Fallujua 2, that is when all the insurgents came from all over the world to stand up to the brutal Americans. .Blackwater never lost a principle during the entire campaign, that is phenomenal under the circumstances, they were hired to keep the diplomats and dignitaries alive in a very dangerous arena, they never lost one but they lost 44 men, we never read about that, it was only bad press. Helvenston is one of the greatest guys ever known and that was known long before he went back in to serve his country in his late 30's. The point is all of this would have been avoided if the Pentagon Brass based bureaucrats moved out of the way. I don't know where the State Dept came up with that bw armored SUV program? They had a great program to work with the Republican Guard until  Bremer came in and put a few hundred thousand more enemies on the street. Prince put on record that Ambassador Stevens and many others would be alive today if his guys were protecting them and I feel the same about Ambassador Bhutto of Pakistan.Before 9-11 Prince had a great training facility that had a 15,000 square ft siminution shoot house called (Hogans Alley R U Ready high school) which was a high speed training compound built like a high school in a real looking town.This was created as a direct result of the Columbine massacre.A man in the know stated that Hogans Alley was more advanced and efficient then the FBIs simulated town training center in Va as well as the Secret Service in Maryland, he was at all 3.It came   complete w/ buildings,streets, signs and an actual high school.This is a perfect asset that should be mandatory for each town in this country that has a high school whether or not they have a SWAT team or light of the tragedy of Sandy Hook 30 minutes from Greenwich..                                

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blackwater Rogue/Objective Analysis?

As mentioned in my previous blog the bw guys knew they were going into a very bad situation in Iraq to act in a protective style only completely undermanned to begin with surrounded by conventional Army units. Then they are asked to protect a man (Bremer) that turned their life into a living hell by getting rid of the Republican Guard to guarantee a few hundred thousand more enemies. For starters this was not the type of work they were really trained for.Many were coming straight from sof backgrounds, in fact they were some of the very few who knew that Iraq was guaranteed to be a nasty hornets nest. Coming into a war zone to act in a manner somewhat comparable to the Secret Service(protection style only) was a mindset that was diametrically opposed to asymmetrical warfare, the very type they all specialize in.This is where we went wrong all along,. it took Condy Rice years to convince everybody that Rumsfeld was off his rocker. Although Rumsfelds mindset of a smaller special force type blitzkrieg initially made a few people happy he didn't take into consideration the long term affect of guaranteed civil wars in between and alot of pissed off people to go along with it..Big Army is trained to go in and blow things up and that is exactly what they did to some extent but still without any clear ROEs which was a nightmare for our soldiers. By putting them in Humvees without a clear objective just to get blown up by ieds for starters but then even more powerful pressure plate ieds once the enemy adapted to our armored vehicles was unconscionable. These Army guys were told they would be in and out within a few months just like the Gulf War of 91 (remember Bush on the USS Abraham Lincoln, May.1 2003 Mission Accomplished) We were the furthest thing from liberators, we were the occupiers, the next thing the Army soldiers were all told "sorry guys- get ready for multiple 15 month deployments both here and in Afghanistan".The suffering our military soldiers have endured is incalculable. Its not the 3 trillion I am so upset about, its the wounded warriors that were at my fathers home for a benefit on 9-11 2010. Thousands of lives are ruined forever on both sides and an infinite number of enemies created across the globe. The wounds our guys have due to these roadside bombs are horrific, this doesn't even include the warriors who were never diagnosed with PTSD but definitely have it to go along with (TBI Traumatic Brain Injury) At the very least we are looking at severe chronic pain and Tinnitus cases in the many thousands(constant ringing in the ears due to ruptured eardrums and lifelong concussive like symptoms). These are the warriors that were never even treated for this and they will be suffering for the rest of their lives.Essentially this is a smaller scale Vietnam situation because I didn't even include all of the warriors who lost their life in Afghanistan due to insufficient gear(war on the cheap) and everything that they went and are still going through. The point is the Pentagon brass needs to be eliminated all together from all military making decisions, its that simple.David Petraeus came in and saved us all, he was one of the very few Army warriors ever trained in Counterinsurgency Warfare and that is what Rice was finally able to convey to the higher ups with a (Clear- Build- Hold)- strategy which the real military leaders knew we needed in the very beginning. She was the only one of the (top 3 or 4) in the Administration that actually went out to the field and listened to what the real leaders were saying from the ground on up. After dropping the ball pre 9-11 w/ Richard Clark she stepped up in a big way in the Iraq war however the higher ups(Rumsfeld,Wolfowitz, Cheney etc).never gave her any respect. She wasn't able to bring this to fruition until they got rid of Rumsfeld which they finally did in 07. That is when the Petraeus surge came about to effectively get us out of that quagmire the only way possible. He rewrote the book at Princeton in asymmetrical warfare which was an aberration for most big Army Generals, most have(obsolete conventional war backgrounds). He knew all along before we ever went in what needed to be done, Rumsfeld never asked him of course, since he is one of the greatest Generals of our time this would give more reason for brass hounds like Rumsfeld and their cronies not to listen since they never ever do anyway, this has been going on pretty much since after WW2. After it was too late to do anything except get us all out of there with some dignity and an admirable exit strategy that is exactly what David Petraues did for us.He must go down as one of the greatest leaders of the 21 century, (Building bridges and making friends is exactly what the true Counter Insurgence Doctrine is all about)  .            

Skakel JFK And Sell Outs

Michael Skakel is getting out of prison on a 1.2 million dollar bond while he awaits a new trial. This is a very interesting case to say the least.The state became convinced that Micky Sherman dropped the ball to some extent during the first one.This case was some what unprecedented, rarely does one get a conviction with zero forensic evidence.Skakel was found guilty on testimony and overwhelming circumstantial evidence alone. I was inside the Skakel home and met Michaels father, the late Rushton Skakel .Growing up I always heard little murmurs from long time residents about the horrible unsolved murder case in Bellhaven that the Skakel boys were definitely involved with. The GPD didn't have any experience in homicide investigations in the early 70S, there simply weren't any murders here.The town is just as safe today however better training and forensics has led to great detective work as exemplified with the conviction of the Andrew Kissel murderer Carlos Trujillo.It is interesting to note who the main players were in the Skakel case as far as bringing it to fruition. The late Dominick Dunne was all over this case from day 1, he actually wrote a book loosely based on this case long before it was reopened (Season in Purgatory) it was made into a tv movie as well. There were two major breaks in the cold case, it started with the Sutton report. This was a report Rushton paid alot of money for to try to help exonerate his two sons when in fact it did just the opposite. This report was sent by an anonymous employee to Dunne many years later which was the big break that completely sent this case to the next level, a place Dunne was hoping for all along. The media started bringing alot of attention to Greenwich as well with big questions about the cold case due to the William Kennedy Smith alleged rape case in Fla in 91 where Smith was with the late Ted Kennedy. The Kennedys always get huge media attention, even if its just the cousins. Mark Fuhrman was a seasoned x LAPD homicide detective that was humiliated during the OJ trial because he committed perjury. They asked him if he ever used the n word and he said no. The people who knew him on a personal level said he wasn't a racist, he had many close black friends but was referring to the criminal element when using that word in the past. He was a seasoned detective from LAPDs mean streets, that is why Dunne got him involved in the case and the rest is history.When Fuhrman came to town he without question ruffled some feathers and he was stonewalled in a big way. Christopher Meloni (Elliot Stabler Law and Order SVU) played Fuhrman in an excellent movie which was definitely an interesting watch. The Dunne/Fuhrman team broke this entire case open which is what ultimately led to Michaels conviction..I had alot of respect for Fuhrman until he wrote a book that tried to convince us that Oswald acted alone. My previous blog explains my indignation toward Bill Oreilly with his best seller. I was very sad when Peter Jennings died but he stood behind the Warren commission as well. Fuhrman didn't exactly support the Warren commission however by stating Oswald acted alone is an insult to us all .I don't know why so many influential people feel the need to sell out to the establishment, people in the know feel Fuhrman was trying to get back in to the establishment and maybe make a few more appearances. There was a World War 2 vet in Dallas, it would be safe to say that this man knows how and where gun fire fire came from. He swore to the higher heavens that shots came directly from the Grassy Knoll. Selling out to the establishment is not what being a true Patriot is all about.     .        

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Brutal Thugs And Message From Anonomyus

I am deeply disturbed after watching the cell phone video of the off duty NYPD offcer getting brutally assaulted on the NYC streets.The beating was the worst thing I ever witnessed, it made me physically ill. I shut down my pc and prayed for the rest of the evening hoping that all of humanity hasn't been irrevocably destroyed by people like this. What added insult to injury was the diabolical thug who filmed it was laughing about it and was actually getting pleasure out of watching this officer getting pummeled to near death. I have been around some very dangerous people in my life in the criminal world but I always showed  them respect as people and I can honestly say it would be hard for me to picture the ones I met on a personal level ever getting any joy in witnessing something like this.. The thug who beat the officer hopefully will get life in prison but please let us find a way to charge that cell phone thug as well. Watching an attempted murder without intervening to prevent more bodily injury should be a criminal charge and then more should be added on top based on the fact he got off on it by filming this and then posting it on fb. Let us all dig deep on this one to push through all the red tape so we can create criminal charges for people who derive great pleasure watching the inhumane suffering of another human being, especially an officer of the law whether he knew it or not at the time is irrelevant. Now I will focus on the group Anonymous. This is a group of hacktivists who keep sending messages to our Federal Agencies and Spy Firms and everywhere else in between with their advanced hacking skills.Generally speaking Anonymous itself is not as subversive and outright dangerous as  some of the mini factions working underneath them such as Anti Sec and LuLZSEC. The deep message within all of their statements comes from a complete mistrust of our government, these people are in tight with Wiki Leaks and the Snowden types. I must say it is important to listen to these people because they are very powerful and have already hacked into Booze Allen and Stratfor a few years back and many other classified agencies.The hacker for Stratfor Jeremy Hammond(28 yrs old) just got sentenced to 10 years, his lawyers argued it was all an act of civil disobedience as opposed to a malevolent conspiracy.Putting LEOs lives in danger by posting all of their personal info all over the web wasn't a very nice thing to do. He considered himself a whistle blower against the real evil doers (the war monger surveillance state our US government.) Some view him as a real Patriot along the lines of Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers Vietnam) or Robin Hood since the money he stole went to charitable causes. His direct quote as follows-("Sometimes laws must be broken to make room for change," to address "the hypocrisy of law and order.") They have been hitting the FBI hard, even the UK organized crime squad as well as of late and they are only growing.  If it becomes an outright war, an us vs them situation then that will make things even worse. For example lets examine what Operation Last Resort is all about. They are indignant because Aron Swartz was arrested by MIT police for allegedly downloading millions of academic papers from their library however he was a research Fellow at Harvard with direct access to the library. Sounds somewhat illegal of course but it also sounds a bit like a fed witch- hunt. The feds came in and put this kid through the wringer. He was on his way to multiple years in Federal prison where one must do 85% of the time before he hung himself after the plea bargain was denied. Swartz was a brilliant computer geek not a sociopathic destruction machine like some ponzi scam artists and a select few of the wall street executives. That is the message we must listen to because if we don't this will become an all out war. There is simply no trust in big government thus the push for transparency, Wiki Leaks etc. The feds just enforce the law, hacktivists have to take their anger out on somebody just like our soldiers had to deal with coming back from Vietnam. Hacktivists and many others don't want a police state which we really aren't but we have to listen to what their messages are because some of these people are very smart just as Swartz was. Watching executives walk away scot free with 100 million dollar bonuses after destroying companies and ruining lives and ruthless ponzi crooks  ie-(harsh criminal charges not just civil suits should be the main focal point)  Not draconian punishments for some brilliant computer geek who many people revered and looked up to. He wasn't diabolical to say the least, he actually helped alot of people, that is the message we must listen to. How many people do you think look up to or trust the people that I used to work for? They put ads in the Wall Street journal making believe they were high speed operators with lucrative overseas anti terror/piracy contracts. They proceeded to steal $1,000,000 from naive investors under the name of private security and investigation which should be a  pure and noble profession and our American flag which is truth and justice, helping people by protecting people and saving lives, that is the American Way. These 2 guys hid like little girls after the SEC came after them and filed for bankruptcy .If that weren't bad enough I was all set to take a class at a high speed compound where the owner Jamie Smith allegedly had cia creds, but definitely had Air Marshal and Air Force contracts and a few international solo kidnap and recovery missions under his belt for private money. I actually looked up to this slimy snake oil salesman for many years. I had no idea he was in bed w/ Troy Titus one of the biggest scam artists of our time. Smith stole 12 mill from an innocent couple making believe he was a Harvard lawyer using the same scam as my x-firm (high speed lucrative overseas contracts w/ high returns). It was premeditated, cold, calculating and there was plenty of motive. He ran away as well and left the country after the civil conviction and when confronted by the military teams and air marshal leaders he said "no that wasn't me that was a firm that sounded like mine.".How much more pathetic can you get then this creep? At least these people are getting exposed but without criminal charges to go along w/ civil ones it doesn't help at all. Some of the details of this guy Jamie Smith were found in Hammonds Stratfor hack. Apparently this guy was still being used as a trusted source with intel about Syria and Benghazi Lybia.. This is the United States of America, I have a serious problem with business associates of Troy Titus who stole 12 million from an innocent couple being used as a trusted source at the highest levels for our government, I am sure the victims, the Samford family do as well.. One can see how many people want and need transparency for the exact reason I just wrote about. I am still recovering from nausea of the thought of being directly and indirectly involved in security firms and training compounds that stole from innocent people under the name of the American Flag.This kind of thing gives the entire private intel industry a bad name, how much worse can you get then that?         .   .   .            

Sunday, November 17, 2013

JFK Biggest White Wash in American History

The gloves are off for me right now as we arrive on the 50 anniversary of JFKs assassination, my indignation is directed right at you Bill Oreilly. You are the man I once had the highest level of respect for with your No 1 No Spin Zone program. I fought for you for hours on end against all of the many critics who kept coming after you over the years for various reasons, some justified, others not so much. I had hope that if there was one man who would have had the courage to expose the truth it would be you regardless of the firestorm that it would have created as a result. Now I know that you really are just a blowhard and a fraud. I sent you e-mails urging for this Whitewash to be exposed to no avail and then after I started reading your JFK book I almost threw up. You were an investigative reporter that exposed the Warren Commission cover up years ago so how could you write a book that backs the biggest bull shit story of all time in this hokie book of yours about how Oswald was a great shooter etc.. in good conscience? You wrote a great book about Lincoln, if you were a man you would refuse to write a sell out Murdoch book and nobody ever would have known about it, aren't you rich enough? It is a sad day for me because most of the role models in my life have let me down in one way or another over the years. Your not the only man you let down that is for sure. Remember when you were on your show after the financial crisis and you were extremely upset about allegedly not knowing anything about the bogus underwriting and toxic CDOs that came minutes away from destroying all of us with economic annihilation? Paulson Geitner and Bernanke saved us all on that one just as JFK did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Instead of sending your boy Jesse Waters around the country to expose injustice you should have read the e-mails from the civilian green badger that he sent you about the egregious fraud he was uncovering when his team waved one red flag after another.Your guys could have put the pieces to the puzzle together and who knows maybe even put a little more heat on what led up to the meltdown of 08. Nobody knows the exact reason of how and why alot of rogue operatives set out to assassinate one of the greatest presidents ever, however it is safe to state that rogue operatives in all of our federal agencies including the Dallas PD as well as the Maphia had a hand in all of it. There were many reasons theoretically that I will not write about because it would take far too long. .At least the Warren Commission was eventually redacted to let us know that 75% of the American people are smart enough to acknowledge their was more then one shooter. Oliver Stone is a brilliant man, his two movies JFK and Born on the 4 of July say it all. When JFK came out  I was as jingoistic as Ronnie Kovik was before he joined the USMC and was sent to Vietnam. Stone has been there before, he knows exactly the way things really are, that is why Stones movie is one of the best war movies ever made. When JFK came out I thought it was a radical subversive left wing destruction machine.Years later my father convinced me about the horrifying truth after he read the book The Grassy Knoll. He certainly wanted to believe just like many of us that the Warren commission was legit and their wasn't a widespread conspiracy by certain rogue members of our government. Stones movie was dead on even the part where they had a man that looked and dressed just like the man in the old black and white movie Rush to Judgement. I am also putting on record that some of the people that were in the know mysteriously disappeared later on in their life. They were on the ground floor with intel that few of us could ever dream of having, knowing the nightmare that transpired 50 years ago and what was eventually uncovered. Kevin Costners character Jim Garrison knew the truth early on and he dedicated his life to trying to tell us all, however nobody really ever believed him, they thought he was as whacked out as Oliver Stone. I urge all Americans to watch Stones movie JFK, this way you don't have to read many different books all contradicting each other. The biggest tragedy about this is that blow hards and sell outs like Oreilly write a book that hit the best seller list and then Rob Lowe comes in to star in a movie based on the book. Is that fair for future generations? Shouldn't our young students learn the ugly truth about how the world really works, otherwise we are just setting them up for  pink clouds and rose colored glasses.          

Friday, November 15, 2013

Lone Wolf

I live with 6 dogs, they are truly mans best friend. I have sole custody of a Lab/Doby combo, and a Lab. Duke the Lab/Doby had a sister that was either eaten by an alligator or kicked by a horse 5 months ago.This created a time of deep mourning that I still haven't recovered from yet,she was absolutely beautiful, I raised her since 5 weeks old. Duke has a tendency to be a lone wolf while out during pack drills.The similarities between wolves and dogs are almost identical, 99% DNA etc (Canis Rufus wolf) (Canis Rufus Familaris dog) Wolves had no choice but to adapt and follow the pack if they weren't the Alpha and if they didn't they would either be left behind or killed by their own. It is the same exact way in the warrior code world, that is why when Pentagon brass bureaucrats make the life of Alpha Military leaders a living hell by not listening to what they need after they already asked them due to their own pathetic political agendas this is truly unconscionable. Alpha leaders have all lost men before and have suffered immeasurably, this job is stressful and beyond comprehension as it is so when an arrogant brass hound makes their life even worse and without question creates even more danger in an arena that's already on the highest level of all danger zones this is unforgivable. I knew the warrior code while attending OCS USMC- I was to lead at the front but in real world I would be standing behind my Sergeant and the Gunnys, the heart and sole of the infantry and if I didn't, I would be taken out by own guys just like in Korea. If I came in as a green pea Officer and starting pushing my sergeants around, the ones that were doing it the right way all along and for many years before me this would automatically put my entire platoon at risk and in the warrior code world this can and will never happen. That is why in Special Forces units rank does not matter, in many cases Sergeant Majors run the entire show when it comes to SF teams and this is just one example of many .I am going  to cut Duke some slack because their was a Lone Wolf inWW2 his name was George Beurling. He was born to fly and took off from Canada to join the RAF. This man was so good that he took off on his own during missions to take out German planes completely leaving behind his brothers.. I now feel the movie Top Gun was based off of this guy especially the inverted maneuver.. He saw things that nobody else ever could even during the  AAR (after action film reports,). They thought he was just an insubordinate cocky kid, he was ostracized around his wolf pack and was thrown to the wolves so to speak due to his lone wolf antics. He got his lucky break in the island of Malta where he was given a fresh start w/ a different flight unit on an island that was getting hammered hard every day by the Germans. He actually gave everybody a much needed dose of adrenaline in his Spitfire, he became the biggest Ace of WW2  where he shot down 27 Axis aircraft in 14 days, 31/1/2 total before his ultimate exit. That is phenomenal, The German Messerschmidt's were no easy target that is for sure, he had superhuman instincts and created and perfected the art of what was to become known as Scanning or Deflection Shooting. This was soon implemented into the training manual of all future flight  training programs.This brings me to the heartbreaking story of the poor Wilton woman who had one of her arms torn off as well as half her other arm by the pet Pit Bull that apparently either one of her sons or both owned. I am now putting it on record that this breed should be extinct. I gave it the benefit of the doubt for many years but this last incident certified the suspicion that I had all along. This breed has a chemical inbalance in the brain chemistry that has nothing to do with being raised to fight or by owner negligence. I really don't think that their are too many Pitbull arenas comparable to Michael Vicks past hobby in the Fairfield County area. In Fla it is a different story however just last week I met a nice girl right here in Delray Beach that had major plastic surgery on her face that was clearly visible from a previous Pit Bull attack. She knew the dog since puphood and I believe what she told me to be the truth ie- (she never raised it in a manner that would create aggression and she was bitten out of nowhere after petting it for 15 minutes).A dog can end up being aggressive just by neglect and by not having a clear Alpha in its life or if its left alone cooped up for hours on end.  I could tell she knew what she was talking about in reference to the right way to raise a dog .This is just one example of many that I can write about, I know alot of  lovers and owners of this breed will come after me for writing this, it is unfortunate because most of them are sweet but the risks are far too great to continue procreating this animal.Wolves evolved into dogs simply by learning to adapt to humans, the aggressive ones who couldn't and acted in a violent manner were left behind or killed by us, therefore that is the only difference between the wolf and a dog. I will base my anecdotal analysis to that of a sociopath. These people make up about 5% of the population, it is a chemical imbalance in the brain that make it impossible for these people to feel any empathy or remorse regardless of their actions. It doesn't matter how many lives are destroyed and ruined in their wake there is no amount of psychotherapy or treatment that will help these people, thus the reason they are so dangerous. The FBI BAU (behavioral analysis unit) has a simple way to explain the criminal mind of a serial killer or for a killer in general. They are either (psychopathic sociopath no remorse) or psychotic, (this gives the killer a little more leniency in the court of law because this is where one may hear voices from the Devil etc Son of Sam) sending them to a jail/ psych ward for the rest of their life may or may not be a better fit). Schizophrenics are known to fit this profile, a well respected doctor wrote an article that stated the kid from Newtown may have had a misdiagnosis, he may have been a schizophrenic which happens all to often. That Alexis creep from the Navy Yard Massacre allegedly heard voices as well..Lets say a prayer for the poor woman from Wilton, I am sure her 2 sons have a few questions  to answer as well.                      

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Plan For Greed Mongers

It is important to point out the difference between Wall Street evil doers and their derivative bombs such as what led up to the financial crisis and the honest investors that make up a large percentage of wall street executives. However It  is tough to actually pinpoint the percentage of brokers who really care about their clients (the way it used to be) After the crisis a few years ago there was a whistle blower that came out of Goldman Sachs Gregory Smith and he wrote an op-ed piece as well as a book about how greed was still good and he just couldn't take the miserable environment anymore. Although I believe him wholenheartedly its hard to support him 100% because apparently the firm sent in digital forensic experts and they didn't find any correspondence via e-mail that was  pejorative in nature as far as clients being refereed to as Muppets etc.Who knows maybe he just wanted to sell out and write a book? The American way of making money is ok even alot of it as long as it is ethical and innocent people don't get ruined for life. Warren Buffet made a quote ""Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked.".The Feds deserve a little empathy because they are so stressed out with what they had to deal with post 9-11 w/ a limited amount of agents when they went full scale toward terrorism diversion. We all must note  that we only got hit once during the Boston Marathon post 9-11, they prevented far more attempts, many that we never even knew about just like the major millennium attack that was prevented by Oneill and his team in Times Square. They simply don't have enough manpower. Its easy to criticize as an outsider looking in that is why the DOJs Lanny Breur must be given his job back. I didn't check the veracity of the report but I read that he was fired because he couldn't indite any wall street executives .A man like that has an incredible amount of pressure on his shoulders,  I believe an "us vs them:" mentality needs to be eradicated .Instead of forcing a man like that out it is much better to help him by making his job easier  The Feds are super stressed, after 9-11 there was Enron, World Com etc ..I don't know how or why the SEC missed out on the Harry Markoplos warnings, he was the Fraud Examiner who was all over Madoff and made it his life mission to expose him, that was a humongous dropped ball. I know how hard it is to get into the FBI so that is the answer to clean up this mess for future reference. With the amount  of corporate malfeasance that transpired post 9-11 the American people demand results, that includes helping naive investors from getting taken advantage by unscrupulous individuals behind mini ponzi scams as well. Special Forces Teams have an extreme shortage of operators, I am a recruiter, the biggest reason for this is because they don't lower the standards, the chances are quite small that somebody will make it all the way through .The Feds have no choice but to expand their budget and recruit. They need to go out in the field just like my Captain did when he came to my college to help me get into OCS. It wont be easy but in order to really find out what is going on in the dark world and black box of wall street you need to infiltrate on the ground floor. This way you have a young man coming out of B-school going directly in and his cover will never get blown. Now you have a young man who is smart enough to get into the major firms making over 6 figures for starters and a career of potential millions giving up that chance for love of God and Country and working on a fed budget as a mole/spy for the FBI- (he/she will be getting paid by the firm as well). Believe me I know they are there just waiting for something like this. I dont know why the federal agencies were always so hard to get into but by not going out into the field to meet talent directly this is the major reason this country is in such bad shape. Having thousands of resumes that come in that they never even look at doesn't help when you have many great college and MBA students that would love to work for the FBI financial crimes unit either directly or as a green badger just waiting to be recruited. The train up process will be as tough as special forces, I know how hard it is to get in on the ground floor at one of the major firms. I had a close friend that I ran track w/ at GHS, a few years later I dated an Olympic skater whos father helped get him a job at a major brokerage house that even survived the crisis and is still standing today..He was on the ground floor of the esoteric world of derivatives in 93. They called him Boy Wizard, Genius etc..The derivative world in itself is not evil because one can trade in a relative safe manner w/ covered positions and make money w/ out anybody getting hurt except the investor but they are big boys who all know about the risks and potential losses going in. The derivatives that were  evil were the toxic cdos that were all in collusion w/ the credit agencies etc but that doesn't mean that all traders are evil and greedy and this is the message that I need to get across. The good traders don't like the self absorbed greed mongers either, they have no problem exposing and getting rid of these kind of people.We must get back to the way it used to be before the hedge fund world turned what used to be alot of money (mllions) into (billions). That was the beginning of the end, it most likely started in the late 90s when Long Term Capital in Greenwich shook the entire world markets w/ their implosion. Smith Barney had a saying "doing it the old fashioned way" We need to bring that mentality back otherwise we will never have a chance to earn back trust and bring this country back together again.           .  

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Tar Pits and Noxious Fumes

We all must figure out a way to help the people in this country who have been irrevocably ruined by toxic chemicals.The DOD has a long history of blowing off and completely ignoring brave men and women that signed up in what was an all volunteer military after Vietnam. And please let us all not forget about the people around ground zero(many have died already and are still suffering tremendously). I will never forget 9-11 I lost some friends, it put me in a severe depression, I cried for days on end, I never got over it and I know that I never will. What kept me going was witnessing the character of the American people as they came from all over the country to help and they did whatever they could to make sense out of something that was simply beyond comprehension. Last time I checked alot of the people with cancer and severe respiratory issues were not being taken care of. There is a difference between Vietnam and today but the easiest way to describe the mini revolutions of today such as Occupy Wall Street and what transpired back then are one in the same. I know of a few parents who lost loved ones in the Towers and they felt justified in dropping bombs on Iraq w/ mini paintings of 9-11 on them etc just as we did back in WW2 after Pearl Harbor. These parents were horrified when they learned the truth and like I mentioned in my previous blog pre-9-11 was the beginning of the end for all of us. I urge all Americans to read Against All Enemies by Richard Clark. That man knows everything and he is our countries number one trusted source. He was flat out stonewalled by the Bush Administration pre-911 when he had code red info, the highest level of all danger zone intel. He was not agenda driven, he worked under both Clinton and Bush and he exposed weaknesses from both sides. After 9-11 the administration did everything in their power to discredit him during the Commission hearings etc but in the end the truth usually not always but for the most part always comes out. Anyway in Vietnam there was Agent Orange but the people back home took out their anger on the soldiers when they came back as if it were their fault. It was a draft situation and although Sen Webb wasn't drafted he went through hell when he came back and went through Law School. Today at least people understand its not right to take out their feelings on the brave warriors but the feelings of mistrust are still the same. After Desert Storm Gulf War syndrome came about but the DOD blew this off as well. They were breathing in fumes from oil well fires and everything else in between how could a future problem not be imminent? Today there is burning tar pits our soldiers are and were exposed to and the only thing comparable in my mind that resembles what they are breathing in was the 9-11. ash burning jet fuel, computer parts etc ad infinitem. Please lets all figure out a way to help our wounded warriors and that includes all of the people at and around Ground Zero that are still suffering today        

Monday, November 4, 2013

Blowing Up Bridges Making Friends The Right Way

Its all history now but before I explain what happened in detail after the Dr Doolite situation its important to briefly touch upon what all number one superpowers are supposed to do and that is to increase their position with imperialistic hegemony and we actually would have if the brass never got in the way. Everybody wanted to get rid of Hussein even his own people, they didn't  have wmds or ties to 9-11 but that doesn't mean we couldn't have accomplished our goal in both Afghanistan and Iraq and everybody would be happy and rich. We wouldn't have wasted trillions and who knows maybe even wall street wouldn't have blown up as well..If everybody listened to Gen Shinsenki there would have been 400,000 boots on the ground with guaranteed civil wars in between but all of our fine devil dogs would have been able to take care of this along with all of our special operation units because they are the only ones that were ever trained in unconventional warfare. Conventional warfare was obsolete before we ever went in this is what makes all of our real military leaders so upset because they knew this all along. Unconventional warfare builds bridges and makes friends that is exactly what the devil dogs were all set to do with Gen Mattis and the sof teams as well but there weren't enough boots around them and nobody saw Bremer coming .Everybody blames some bw contractors for acting a certain way but they knew they were going into a very bad situation because those are the first guys you need to ask because they are the only ones that were ever trained  in guerrilla warfare just like Col Mcknight had to deal with in Somalia. Picture a scenario where you know you are going into a warzone with conventional army units completely undermanned to begin with and your job is to protect and act in a defensive style only and then the very man you are asked to protect goes in and completely blows away the state dept plan of using the Republican Guard as the trusted source. That was the beginning of the end and Gen Tommy Franks knew it and that is when he retired.Can somebody please ask Bremer why he decided on his own without asking anybody that has been there before and after the state dept plan was already in place which started us all off as ugly Americans by losing trust on why he did this?. Not only did he put a few hundred thousand Iraqi soldiers on the street starving to death with no money or pension he actually started to write articles to the Washington Post all by himself as if  he was an emperor or a king and how he was going to save Iraq. And the biggest question we have to ask after that is why is a pentagon based bureaucrat who absolutely has never been there before making one the biggest military blunder decisions of all time when he knows absolutely nothing about military survival warfare.What makes it even worse then that is a brass base bureaucrat should never ever be in a position to make any military decisions to begin with. I lost alot of friends and know many people that have been ruined for life and in Iraq as well. My sf friend watched his former country get destroyed.and he was an American sf warrior.Everybody is very upset and that includes all of our fine men who fought in Vietnam and long before. My grandfather fought in the First World War and that was called the Great War but there was nothing great about it because it was supposed to be the war to end all wars.. Franklin Roosevelt one the greatest presidents if not the greatest president  ever saved us all along with Churchill during the next one and these leaders always talked to the ones that were there before and Eisenhower was definitely one of them. Sen Webb made it clear that this better not ever happen again because he went through hell in Vietnam and his son was a Force Recon Marine during the Iraqi quagmire. .Unless this all changes our country is going down below even further. This is why private military teams make sense because after the Bremer disaster this guaranteed the insurgency. This is when all of the roadside bombs started going off and the real military leaders knew something like this was coming the entire time.              

Building Bridges and Making Friends Better Then Blowing Them Up Making Enemies

All of our Military leaders and Federal state and local  law enforcement agencies along with private detective firms work the same way there is nothing unique about it and that is exactly why this country is so great and they have been protecting us and saving lives for many years. In order to get information it is much easier to do this when you are building bridges and making friends as opposed to blowing them up and making enemies. Perimeter defense does not matter when the enemy lies within the gates, the real enemy for our military leaders has been the pentagon brass based bureaucrats all along. I will bring this back to Somalia where the movie Black Hawk down was created. I met Col McKnight and he told a few of us the movie was 80% accurate but there were a few important events that transpired that weren't in the movie and it all started when the Clinton brass asked him what he needed in order to get his Ranger and Delta warriors ready for the mission and he told them  that he definitely needed air support and alot more for this highly classified operation because men like him know exactly what they are doing because they have been doing it the right way all along. Not only did Col McKnight not get any air support because the brass didn't want to ruffle any feathers and remind people of Vietnam they also jerked him around 2 or 3 times when they gave him the green light but then said no and it only went downhill after that.When he was just about to get on the ground he was asked if he wanted to meet some USA reporters that the Seals found out about when they came in because Connie Chung told the entire world about this highly classified mission and the rest was history because the movie was horrifying for all of us to watch. Nothing upsets a great leader more then when the brass asks him what he needs because  they are the ones that know because their mens lives are at stake.and  they not only aren't  listened to by somebody who has never been there before but thinks they know it all which makes an already extremely dangerous situation infinitely worse. That is what has led us to where we are now because we are all in a deep dark and ugly hole and we need to start digging out of this one immediately otherwise we are going to stay here forever. There were 3 people who knew what was coming before 9-11 Richard Clark John Oneill and Ali Soufan. Richard did everything in his power to make people listen and Oneill is the man who was doing it right all along. He had incredible intel,  his sources loved him because he was building bridges and making friends the entire time. What makes this so sad is that Oneill was sabotaged by the Pickard Bodine team and he was sent to his demise in the greatest towers ever known in a devastating pile of ash and rubble.The only man besides Clark left standing who was doing it right all along and in my opinion would have prevented it by building bridges and making friends was Soufan. Not only was he completely devastated by having the man that took him under his wing underneath a pile of ash and rubble this made him even more determined to get the job done in honor which is what the FBI is supposed to be all about. So please lets get rid of all sabotage teams that get jealous of the kind of men that were trying to prevent ww3. Clark was very upset because the night of 9-11 they were all talking about Iraq so for the most part we all know it was preemptive. Soufan kept doing it right and he was all over the right sources but ended up getting taken down and sent to the ground by somebody who not only has never been there before he is the very one who guaranteed us ww3. Soufan is Arabic and this is the only way to develop trusted sources and he was the only source we all had before 9-11 and he was doing it all by himself with Oneill and their team. This was the beginning of the end for all of us so we must note this time in history and if we want to put a spiritual spin on top of it we can talk about the good vs evil, ugly American, 7 deadly s, demise of the Roman Empire and everything else in between that our enemy was trying to accomplish in the very beginning .We all never recovered from 9-11 psychologically so this is what initiated our imminent demise. Dr Doolitle an American based cia contractor came out of nowhere and obliterated any chance Soufan had because everybody knows when a hostile force comes in and starts shaking everything up this is what absolutely started our future of blowing up bridges and making enemies. Dr Doolitle had zero experience in Arab culture and never had any interrogations to back him and this is what shook up the entire world. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques had no empirical track record, it was a bran new program based off of a sociopathic mindset of a hardened terrorist. Even if that were true building bridges and making friends is how to go about it because that is what started us all to go down to hell. The cia operatives that were doing it knew it never worked because some of them got out and formed a proprietary based Tactical Behavior Assessment program that is now helping honest investors from getting destroyed by greed mongers on wall street .After Dr Doolitle came in everything started blowing up on wall street.and many other hedge funds one that I even worked for as well.. Executives were destroying companies and ruining lives and sending everybody out on the street while they ran for cover with their 100 million dollar bonuses and successfully accomplished their mission of annihilating the capitalist system of being rewarded for success. By walking away with millions after ruining lives, this is why all Americans are so upset. Building bridges and making friends is the only way to start doing this but we all must  figure out how and start working together   .