Friday, August 4, 2023

Trump Land

(We have the FACTS in the case that will play out in a court of law where lying has consequences. Perjury is a thing in court. There are big consequences. The judge will stick to the facts and Trump loses on the facts. Period! And then we have the lovely media game where there are NO consequences. Most everything is propagandized bullshit designed to brainwash for power and control. This is TrumpLandia! Jack Smith is playing the game in a court of law where truth matters and Trump is playing the game on the public streets where the biggest lies matter and have the most influence; two different games. Johnny Punish) Punish explains to say Trump was indicted by Biden is an insult to we the people- He was indicted by a grand jury- So getting a doj employee to do Trumps dirty work of weaponizing the exact thing Trumplandias cronies have whined about what the other side has done. Phony elector scam in the battleground states its not looking to favorable as far as character is concerned- Just because he didnt like the results and suspected fraud doesnt mean its acceptable to engage in fraud and serious crimes. And then putting an emmense amount of pressure on the vp and continuously lied that he could put a halt to the certification process. Then he had one of his co- conspirators from the doj tell the ag that he was being replaced by him how much more corrupt can this man be- He plays mind games w/ people because he thinks he is the king- Trumpland just wants to win in 24 somehow and someway so he can pardon himself of all of his horrific sins- Thats not how its going to work in America because this isnt Trumpland- In his world everything revolves around him like he said in DC yesterday as soon as he left office DC turned into a dilapadated wasteland- When people have an overly exaggerated opinion of themselves and no real conscience this is what we get as a result- His pal Rudy was brazen in this criminal scheme- He provided no solid evidence of voter fraud just theory but decided to try and overturn the results anyway-

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