Thursday, August 24, 2023

Humanitarian Crisis

Excellent point that you cant build your way out of homelessness- Perfect dysfunctional example of why that doesn't work w/ out supervision was Canada who gave out free lodging to addicts on the street-Not only that they gave them drugs- That is a crime- It turned into a drug den w/ many ods- Residents dont want drug dens around them because this leads to crime- You can build for homeless w/ supervision- Just like flas model no drugs period but you need to get a job- Then have phase 1 2 and three get rid of insurance backed testing - People want to work and to be productive they just need a chance- Leaving sick people on the street is cruel and unusual, This also creates resentment and tension for the residents. It is also a form of terrorism- People pay high taxes in expectation that their cities will be safe from crime and homelesness When good intentioned non profits walk around asking the sick homeless if they want a better life the answer is no. That is why it needs to be an involuntary intervention because many people have fear and trauma. The majority are addicted- Mandates need to come from the higher ups for involuntary street clean ups that need to take place- Nobody wants tent shanty towns in thier once beautiful cities- This is a humanitarian crisis that needs to be dealt with by tough love

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