Saturday, August 12, 2023


Its a combo of everything you touch upon- Its impossible to stay in business- High rent w/ high crime nobody wants to shop or visit San Fransisco and they are just one city- Only criminals would think of this scam of normalizing looking like a criminal- Store owners cant even defend their own property- Mom and pops dont stand a chance to stay in business- These public serpents never worked a day in their life nor do they respect the citizens who pay their salary- This house of cards needs to fall much sooner rather then later- This is organized crime set up by the higher ups- especially decriminalizing crime- This is premeditated and has been planned out for a long time. Like Peggy Hall states organized crime from the people that steal its not shoplifting but planned out w/ thier theft rings- Organized crime on top of the lower level crime as well by the higher ups who plan on continuing to sink Cal and its major cities like the Titanic- That way companies like Blackrock and other private equity firms can buy up everything once the values hits the skids along w/ the economy- These people dont care about people we all figured that out years ago. My friend was car jacked during a delivery- I was there about 1 hour earlier and sensed some real bad guy vibes- The bad guys were wearing masks since this became normalized- I couldnt identify the face only the mask what a horrible and diabolical scam these nwos created. My friend was pistol whipped and they stole his truck- I believe cops found the bad guys eventually but the main perp was allready locked up Thats the difference between Cal and Fla usually criminals stay locked up here- California is a hellhole and the people who are responsible for this need to be held into account- San Fransisco and Cal. in general started to go down precipitously after the covid scam was initiated- Seems like quite the coincidence. This is what the magas are calling out if anybody wants to know what the deep state is- Conspiracy is organized crime- Its all about the 1 percent making the dollar while everybody else gets screwed- Bidenomics isnt working out too well 4 dollars for gas and every time we go into the grocery store the prices are constantly being raised- I love real democrats but it appears that many of the dems were way in on this covid scam and continued implosion of states like Cal and many others- So how are these people going to get voted out and held criminally liable- Extremes on both ends dont work out for the betterment of society- That would be both the far right and far left- Somewhere in the middle makes alot more sense-There are so many different layers of fraud that we have been hit w/- Every major investigation for the most part has been a cover up and a con. This is to the people who claim there isnt a deep state and who continue to state how pure and sacred our institutions have been

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