Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Big Guy

Welcome to Bidens America the imposter in chief- Its where Cloward and Piven have seized the day- I dont know if the election thief is actually aware that he was placed into office w/ one of the biggest criminal heists of all time- I actually feel for some politicians like London Breed and more because I believe that they care and are well meaning- Being put into such a chaotic situation isnt easy and there are many bureaucratic obstacles to overcome- One of those recalled San Fran prosecutors was recalled because he really stood down on crime. She feels that was a step in the right direction- Her own car was broken into nobody feels good about the situation. Unfortunately there were too many horrible laws put into place. It is a hole that will take years to get out of if ever- Does it make sense to let severe drug addicts to their own devices- These dens of death or SROs single room occupancies that they have provided for the homeless arent working out- One resident said it was like living in a prison but worse- Housing First where they let people get high and drunk od and die w/ out supervision- Then some establishments dont serve to cops on duty because they are armed this is a bad situation but hopefully not going to get any worse- So the people who risk their lives making minimum wage arent able to shoot a bad guy like they do in fla- So one of the workers got beaten to death w/ a baseball bat after the thief came back for a second time- The biggest obstacle to an open society is capitalism according to Soros- Apparently that also means hard working people need to allow themselves to get run over by drugs and thieves- Whatever happened to refuse to be a victim.
 There arent that many robberies in fla because bad guys know there is a pretty good chance they are going to get shot. Isn't that in our in our constitution something about the second amendment- I can only surmise that there are so many bureaucratic loopholes in Cal just like NY to get a weapon that people are forced to get one not exactly of by the book measures- The big guy and many of his far left accomplices arent doing America any favors- What is it like in NY no stand your ground so you cant even defend yourself w/ out fear of being arrested and sued- I am a proponent of restorative justice it just needs to be implemented the right way- The rehabilitation needs to take place off of the street but also not in a prison- How much rehab has been going on in our jails and prisons Inmates get a chance to talk about drugs and crime and learn more of how to beat the street tactics- If that isnt bad enough they get tortured in solitary confinement which does more harm then good- It has been a miserable failure but AIC is where it needs to go- That is supervised drug/alcohol free minimum security living w/ mandated therapy and recovery programs

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