Monday, August 21, 2023


I think the dogma of the religionists is a turn off combined w/ all of the horrific pedophile scandals w/ in the catholic church- for what ever reason we dont hear enough so called religious leaders speaking out or at least addressing this issue- When I see some pastors ranting that is a huge turn off not to mention these money pilfering evangevicals they are so transparent how they carry themselves- There is alot of arrogance involved especially w/ in the higher echelons of the Vatican And then you see islamic jihad blowing themselves up on thier way to paradise makes you wonder is that worth getting our guys killed- no- let them blow themselves up just not on our turf- Most people are not fanatics which is a good thing Hypocrisy isnt a good thing- We have a good ag in fla who fights real crimes like the Olympus pools owner who dug alot of holes but never came through- Alot of innocent victims severe fraud was met w/ serious charges and a high bond to boot-Aggravated white collar crime- organized scheme to defraud grand theft and contractor fraud- 1.5 million dollar bond one he cant seem to pay Will the victims ever get fully refunded probaly not thats why their should be theft insurance- In cases like this as long as it is afforfable and well intentioned- At least we live in a lawful society where people usually dont get away w/ that long term which brings me to the protected entities- Somebody can mis appropiate millions in Haiti dig some holes and only build 6 houses- Then the man who was speaking out ends up dead is something wrong w/ this picture- How come no serious investigation because inquiring people want to know- Also these natural diasters seem to be a convenient cover for child trafficking infact Hillarys pal was arrested for that in Haiti What could be a better cover then using your benovolent looking charity as a cover for nefarious and unforgivable crimes- There is no statute of limitations for murder and their are alot of cases out there that need a fresh pair of eyes- I was also thinking after witnessing the contempt for law enforcement in San Fran demonstrated by some street folks- I am wondering why would these people loath the cops they are told to stand down on crime so in essence they are free to commit crimes w/ inpunity- Shouldnt they be grateful- Maybe because certain intentional dividers started a defund the police campaign- Why would anybody w/ a conscience do that maybe some puppet tier billionare who can fund things like this- So my next question is who is the real divider- Maybe some far left radical ideology which is quite destructive to say the least- I am there to make money I can not and do not look at the social consequences of what I do- George Soros Anybody that is trying to turn our country into some fourth world corrupt crime infested wasteland is going to be met w/ fierce resistance- Imagine feeling like some people do about certain countries you cant trust the cops they wont show up and if they do they are on the take- The bad guys are at the top investigations are rigged and they never seem to get locked up but have committed horrific murders- Arkanside anyone- There was a tremendous amount of fentanyl intercepted by Grady Judd and his team guess where it came from California- unchecked in LAX

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