Wednesday, August 16, 2023


I started reading Sickening by John Abramson md I was interested because I thought that I would get some solid truth but soon came to somewhat of an old revelation that became new again- Sickening about big pharmas corruption etc- So for starters he said he was interviewed by Katie Couric but didnt know who she was and someone had to point her out. Thats red flag number one how can anybody not know who one of Americas most beloved woman was- what is he saying he lives under a rock in a cave- I had to stop after he mentioned that the vaccines werent part of big pharmas corruption something like that- I think pharma has people write cover books for them since we all know how corrupt they are and they know that as well- So basically its like this is how our game works and it works very well- We will keep pumping these drugs out to who ever is gullible enough to imbibe and we dont care because we will never get locked up. Along the way there will be some civil suits but that wont be a problem because we make billions and billions of dollars- hundreds of thousands will die but dont worry because doj will never turn them into serious cartel like crimes just like Purdue Pharma was supposed to be. They only locked up a few small fries. Along the way we will have some cover mds writing about our dirty deeds and corruption but ofcourse they will never go all the way- If thats not bad enough I read somewhere to read this book Pharma which was supposed to be a non partisan straight shooting expose about this racket. I was excited because I thought maybe I would get a book comparable to Deadly Medicine and organized crime you know real deal intel not cover story bs garbage that we continually get inundated with- So I do a little bit of due diligence on the author and turns out this man wrote a book that was a cover story for the Warren Commisssion- Pathetic thats as far as it went no more thank you very much. I am just curious how did they come out w/ such a great vaccine if they never purified or isolated this so called virus? A guaranteed safe and effective experiment that was created by various companies in record time that definitely and without question saved millions of lives- I believe this plandemic as well as our addiction epidemic if it wasnt 100% planned it was definitely predicted. Lets take a look at Operation Newsome in California- Big pharmas hooks go above law enforcemrnt intel agencies and politicians- they know where thier bread is butterd- So basically its like tell the world we have this drug which is substantially more potent then morphine only meant for dying cancer patients and market it as safe and non addictive even for minor scenarios- We know that they knew how addictive morphine was so what could be better then creating a new wonder drug much more powerful.It went from ms contin to oxy pure and simple- So the Sacklers dont get thier name on a few musuems and art dispays boo hoo they still have plenty of billions left over- Now they give out free hydromorphone a drug even more powerful then oxy getting us ready for the next phase. What happens to real crime cartels lets face it in a world w/ real justice- They get alot more then a fine- You know a real crime syndicate- rico confiscate all of the assets many lifetimes in prison the usual- This is the world we live in today w/ Operation Newsome- The entire state is destroyed by addiction crime and homelessness- Certain individuals were told to Fabian socialize our entire country along w/ Canada- Stand down on crime as well as the border and remember always push the jab. Bankrupt the small business w/ the plandemic and generally make life a living hell for the average entrepreneur just trying to hang a shingle and make a few dollars- These people deserve alot of credit for the destruction they created- That is what is truely sickening.

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