Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Operation Maui Dew

America is in third world territory w/ the mail in ballot scam- That is why most developed countries ban it because of all of the previous fraud- The ga dems sued Brad Raffensperger a year before the election to get him to water down requirements of checking signatures on mail in ballots and they also got rid of any meaningful signature match So then we had this real trustworthy individual that just lied to congress that guaranteed a severe viral pandemic actually that was even before that-Event 201 came right in time however- Phil Waldren stated that a forensic audit concluded that Dominion machine was designed to create systemic fraud- If true then why did fox news settle for 3/4 of a billion dollars- Murdoch hasn't been doing the right thing for a long time I ascertained that after Oreillys full support of Oswald as the crack shot lone gunman fraud story- As a matter of fact there probably are people that are still alive that were on the grassy knoll we should talk to them- So here we are many years later only to have a suspicious fire in Hawaii- Operation Mountain Dew as in Direct Energy Weapons- I saw them on fetzers blog Stephanie Sledge- and Jack Mullen- I just bought Fetzers book on how cia mossad and dod allegedly nuked our country on 9-11- I also bought Stephanie's book about Sandy Hook- I think fetzers analysis on 9-11 makes sense because Gordon Duff stated that John Oneill and Roger Carnaby were working the real Able Danger investigation which involved the proliferation of Israeli nuclear weapons.  In 2012 I created a website called false flag investigations,org- Let me tell you I was more then a little upset to discover what really happened to JFK and what they did to us on 9-11- So Facebook permanently banned my site and then I got a phone call from an investigator because I was marketing to investigators and some man from Texas called and threatened my family's life and that he knew exactly who they were- How honorable not man enough to come after me or threaten my life or confront me directly.  I was taken back and flustered to say the least so after I hung up I called him back and asked him who he was- He told me from what I gathered after some due diligence he  worked investigations but his father was fbi- Imagine that an fbi family calling me up to threaten my families life just because I created a website called falseflaginvestigations.org- Wouldn't fbi be interested in something like explaining how jet fuel could take down steal girders in a massive controlled implosion so quickly- not to mention explaining building 7-  From what I remember didn't the late not so great Donny Rumsfeld say there was something like 3 trillion missing a few days or maybe even the day before 9-11 because inquiring people want to know more- Some very smart people are suspicious how 1500 degrees incinerates metal in Hawaii when you really need over 2500 degrees- Fire And Fury came out two days after the fire on Amazon- It usually takes a little longer then that to publish a book right

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