Friday, August 18, 2023


Trying to dismiss people by calling them conspiracy nut jobs that are unfit doesn't work anymore because the cat is ot of the bag-MTG says many things that are on the money and she should be given credit for this The conspiracy label was used against Warren Commission doubters- Am I unfit because I doubt what the report said- Not only that there are many truths that have come out of Q as well- Maybe you start should speaking more truth Steve S- google crossed out the part where I said MTG says many things that are on the money MTG is the only politician in congreess that has the courage to talk about the 9-11 fraud- The official story on that one doesnt add up either- When are the critics who label her a nut job like Steve Schmidt going to earn some respect by concurring w/ certain points? They probably wont because that would put them in too uncomfortable of a position- Just maybe if more people had the courage as MTG has then the entire house of cards will come down- That means JFK- too bad the perps are allready dead on that one but some are still alive w/ the 9-11 charade- Kissinger just turned 100- I will say another thing I think it was Dulles who stated that intel agencies were a perfect cover to commit crimes I have reason to believe that the fbi was involved in both the cover up of jfk and 9-11- So when I get these books by Andy McCabe and the fbi way by Frank L its hard to read them in good faith- McCabe seems like a decent man and started his career taking down Russian mobsters- Until our feds and intel agencies get completely cleaned out of criminals who have used our most sacred institutions to if not commit definitely cover up crimes of the century we will have nothing. One of the top deep cover dea agents Hector Berrellez knew things were bad when he had to kill bad guys who were dealing in pounds but knew our government was bringing in tons- If people dont know this by now its too late for them anyway but we need to start somewhere. The networks are obsessed w/ Trump but not focussing on the destruction of our country by certain individuals who have made some horrific descisions-I think the starting point is realizing who we mean when we say the deep state and that chances are quite high this plandemic is just another example of high crimes and fraud that were inflicted onto we the people- Our intel agencies have failed us miserably- Definite wmds in Iraq but nobody seems to talk about building 7 and more

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