Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Big Guy

Welcome to Bidens America the imposter in chief- Its where Cloward and Piven have seized the day- I dont know if the election thief is actually aware that he was placed into office w/ one of the biggest criminal heists of all time- I actually feel for some politicians like London Breed and more because I believe that they care and are well meaning- Being put into such a chaotic situation isnt easy and there are many bureaucratic obstacles to overcome- One of those recalled San Fran prosecutors was recalled because he really stood down on crime. She feels that was a step in the right direction- Her own car was broken into nobody feels good about the situation. Unfortunately there were too many horrible laws put into place. It is a hole that will take years to get out of if ever- Does it make sense to let severe drug addicts to their own devices- These dens of death or SROs single room occupancies that they have provided for the homeless arent working out- One resident said it was like living in a prison but worse- Housing First where they let people get high and drunk od and die w/ out supervision- Then some establishments dont serve to cops on duty because they are armed this is a bad situation but hopefully not going to get any worse- So the people who risk their lives making minimum wage arent able to shoot a bad guy like they do in fla- So one of the workers got beaten to death w/ a baseball bat after the thief came back for a second time- The biggest obstacle to an open society is capitalism according to Soros- Apparently that also means hard working people need to allow themselves to get run over by drugs and thieves- Whatever happened to refuse to be a victim.
 There arent that many robberies in fla because bad guys know there is a pretty good chance they are going to get shot. Isn't that in our in our constitution something about the second amendment- I can only surmise that there are so many bureaucratic loopholes in Cal just like NY to get a weapon that people are forced to get one not exactly of by the book measures- The big guy and many of his far left accomplices arent doing America any favors- What is it like in NY no stand your ground so you cant even defend yourself w/ out fear of being arrested and sued- I am a proponent of restorative justice it just needs to be implemented the right way- The rehabilitation needs to take place off of the street but also not in a prison- How much rehab has been going on in our jails and prisons Inmates get a chance to talk about drugs and crime and learn more of how to beat the street tactics- If that isnt bad enough they get tortured in solitary confinement which does more harm then good- It has been a miserable failure but AIC is where it needs to go- That is supervised drug/alcohol free minimum security living w/ mandated therapy and recovery programs

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Operation Maui Dew

America is in third world territory w/ the mail in ballot scam- That is why most developed countries ban it because of all of the previous fraud- The ga dems sued Brad Raffensperger a year before the election to get him to water down requirements of checking signatures on mail in ballots and they also got rid of any meaningful signature match So then we had this real trustworthy individual that just lied to congress that guaranteed a severe viral pandemic actually that was even before that-Event 201 came right in time however- Phil Waldren stated that a forensic audit concluded that Dominion machine was designed to create systemic fraud- If true then why did fox news settle for 3/4 of a billion dollars- Murdoch hasn't been doing the right thing for a long time I ascertained that after Oreillys full support of Oswald as the crack shot lone gunman fraud story- As a matter of fact there probably are people that are still alive that were on the grassy knoll we should talk to them- So here we are many years later only to have a suspicious fire in Hawaii- Operation Mountain Dew as in Direct Energy Weapons- I saw them on fetzers blog Stephanie Sledge- and Jack Mullen- I just bought Fetzers book on how cia mossad and dod allegedly nuked our country on 9-11- I also bought Stephanie's book about Sandy Hook- I think fetzers analysis on 9-11 makes sense because Gordon Duff stated that John Oneill and Roger Carnaby were working the real Able Danger investigation which involved the proliferation of Israeli nuclear weapons.  In 2012 I created a website called false flag investigations,org- Let me tell you I was more then a little upset to discover what really happened to JFK and what they did to us on 9-11- So Facebook permanently banned my site and then I got a phone call from an investigator because I was marketing to investigators and some man from Texas called and threatened my family's life and that he knew exactly who they were- How honorable not man enough to come after me or threaten my life or confront me directly.  I was taken back and flustered to say the least so after I hung up I called him back and asked him who he was- He told me from what I gathered after some due diligence he  worked investigations but his father was fbi- Imagine that an fbi family calling me up to threaten my families life just because I created a website called Wouldn't fbi be interested in something like explaining how jet fuel could take down steal girders in a massive controlled implosion so quickly- not to mention explaining building 7-  From what I remember didn't the late not so great Donny Rumsfeld say there was something like 3 trillion missing a few days or maybe even the day before 9-11 because inquiring people want to know more- Some very smart people are suspicious how 1500 degrees incinerates metal in Hawaii when you really need over 2500 degrees- Fire And Fury came out two days after the fire on Amazon- It usually takes a little longer then that to publish a book right

Monday, August 28, 2023


Conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes extraordinary shadow effort by a well funded cabal of powerful people to oppose Trump- Corporate ceos organized labor left wing activists and democrats all worked together in secret to secure a Biden victory- For Trump these groups represented a powerful Washington and democrat establishment that saw an unremarkable career politician like Biden as merely a vessel for protecting their self interests- pg35- From a Time magazine article- Also 25% of the votes were mail in ballots very shady the entire thing smelled rotten before during and after- Also why have a shadow effort in secret- If you believed in your cause come out into the light that is also a huge red flag- This is Time magazine admitting what transpired in plain sight- If that isnt arrogant I dont know what is at least the article seemed transparent investigative journalism but where was the backlash- It really is too bad that we have to wait to adjudicate fraud in a system that is totally rigged because this is unfair- So we have to go through the wringer just to get a result we know to be the truth before we call out egregious mis conduct- This also means that Trumps multiple charges are fruit from the poisonous tree- As Peggy Hall states those are some pretty rotten apples- What is worse then being rotten is fruit that has been poisoned- Ok for all of Trumps  charges I would say the upcoming financial fraud NY case seems legitimate- Manipulating business records to exaggerate assets in order to get favorable terms that seems like something that is real. The other one paying money to a porn star and falsifying records to do this is that really something that is a deal breaker. No because we knew he had faults and the majority still voted for him- Another huge issue is that we had our say in 2020 but that choice was taken away from us this is our sacrosanct right and that is a tremendous sin to do that to us- And then to demonize and sensor anybody that spoke out about this is just a continuation of the same arrogance and criminality the establishment has been riddled with since day 1-

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Traitor Joe software giant ES&S had machines in use across the country and it was found that many of their machines that were used did not have proper certification which is illegal. Fraud vitiates everything! The criminals in charge of our elections use a variety of methods to steal our elections, ignoring our election laws is just one of them-.Pat Macshay Witholding inculpatory and exculpatory information ftom the grand jury is not a very nice thing to do- The snapshot of what the real results were had Trump winning in a landslide- Traitor Joes blue under 10 states -I knew something was extremely shady just needed the proof- I have to admit they were good the deep state had me convinced Trump is a horrific monster- I was played like a fiddle- The only thing I can equate it to is the Richard Gere character in Primal Fear- His client took him for a ride all the way to the end- I cant remember if he was acquitted or not probably an insanity plea but the point is Geres character believed him hook line and sinker- It was so chillingly creepy but that is how the deep state rolls wolves in sheep clothing- This isnt a politically motivated witch hunt against Trump its criminally motivated because the deep state are the criminals w/ plenty to cover up- They have been doing this for years- This goes way back they always control the crime scene and follow up investigations. Then they control what evidence gets presented to the grand jury. This is a non partisan issue and to have dems still saying that imposer in chief w/ the muzzle on his mug is our legitimate Potus is a crime w/ in itself- They put the bw guys through hell on earth when they were legitimately ambushed protecting people like Traitor Joe and were demonized and then used as political pawns specifically by him when they did nothing wrong- Look what they did to Alex Jpnes multi million dollar civil suits in an attempt to destroy him just because he was too close to the target- Stonewalling Wolfgang Halbig a national school safety expert in regard to foia requests and refused to answer legitimate questions- Jones was utilizing his free speech and they did that to him something is seriously wrong w/ this picture- Trump did nothing wrong either- This needs to end now otherwise they will rig the 24 election again- So they took away our freedom of choice of who we wanted as our president and then force fed an unvetted vaccine down our throat when their were red flags going up all over the place- Blowback is going o be quite severe

Friday, August 25, 2023

Election Fraud January 6, 2021, the Institute for Good Governance—a firm also headed by Edwards—released a joint statement with Nations in Action[5] stating an Italian hacker named Arturo D'Elia had confessed to "using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy" to change U.S. election results.[4] The Italian bureau of prisons later said it was investigating how two American men gained access to the Salerno prison where they tried to interrogate D'Elia.[6] D'Elia told reporters that he had refused to speak with the Americans, and that he had no connection to the alleged conspiracy, saying, "I didn't steal anything. I didn’t pass anything to anyone. I just created malware."[7] wikpedia According to Zack, the operation had been coordinated by the American embassy in Rome, with the help of Italian general Claudio Graziano who was a member of the board of Leonardo This was discredited by the usual suspects which to me gives it more credibility- cia frankfurt executed in Rome 2 days prior to the election. The Vatican they wouldnt have anything to hide right Oh my God. It's true,' Rogan said as he proceeded to read off a Google search result. Oh my God. The Vatican city’s equal age of consent being raised from 12 to 18, following the announcement of an overall the Catholic church criminal code by Pope Francis' rogan podcast- At 12 you are not fully developed both mentally and emotionally and can easily be manipulated by a predator-That is why there is such a backlash against pervs that operate in plain sight and actually mock us through thier advertising campaigns- Grooming this has been going on for a long time and what could be worse then using the cloth to advance your predatorial agenda- Everybody was shocked outraged to thier very core over Penn Stare Epstein etc these crimes need to come to an end and completely prevented

Thursday, August 24, 2023


I agree w. you about ranswarmy something about him is weaselly especially after how he wanted views by telling Tucker that the fbi lied about 9-11 Its if he has been studying hot button populist issues and knew how to get noticed- Desantis is honest and you cant be perfect at everything- Going after perv Disney and much more- Pence no thanks time for him to move on- Desantis is one of the few leaders w/the courage to call out the major injustice and many would say crime called covid

Humanitarian Crisis

Excellent point that you cant build your way out of homelessness- Perfect dysfunctional example of why that doesn't work w/ out supervision was Canada who gave out free lodging to addicts on the street-Not only that they gave them drugs- That is a crime- It turned into a drug den w/ many ods- Residents dont want drug dens around them because this leads to crime- You can build for homeless w/ supervision- Just like flas model no drugs period but you need to get a job- Then have phase 1 2 and three get rid of insurance backed testing - People want to work and to be productive they just need a chance- Leaving sick people on the street is cruel and unusual, This also creates resentment and tension for the residents. It is also a form of terrorism- People pay high taxes in expectation that their cities will be safe from crime and homelesness When good intentioned non profits walk around asking the sick homeless if they want a better life the answer is no. That is why it needs to be an involuntary intervention because many people have fear and trauma. The majority are addicted- Mandates need to come from the higher ups for involuntary street clean ups that need to take place- Nobody wants tent shanty towns in thier once beautiful cities- This is a humanitarian crisis that needs to be dealt with by tough love

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The Last Narc

The dept of justice put Michael Cohen through the wringer- They were trying to find out to see where Trumps bodies were buried- There werent any he is clean so they can keep digging and they still arent going to find what they are looking for. There are many people who have bodies that are buried and some say bodies that are buried but we arent so sure infact we are highly skeptical. Either way wouldnt it be cathartic to see who has blood on thier hands once and for all w/ out interference from various alphabets. Lets take a look at Hector Berrellez The Last Narc and Kiki Camarena his friend also dea who was kidnapped and tortured murdered- Who would do such a horrific thing- mexican cartels working in cahoots w/ cia and dea. Hector was used and abused by his own agency the ones that were supposed to be the good guys on our side- He ended up investigating the murder of Cameron only to uncover some dark and dirty secrets- This is where it went wrong as far as the investigation was concerned- Always do things by the book that way nobody can have anything on you- When one of the head sheds of the dea told him to extrodinary rendition some fat disguisting doctor who aided and abetted in Kikis torture and murder he should have refused- Technicaly legal by cia standards but who needs that when you can get a warrant and extradite that piece of garbage to the USA to face justice- No kidnapping you just go in w/ overwehelming force w/ out some dirty rogue dea and cia spooks running the show that are in cahoots w/ the slimeball politicians in both Mexico and the USA- Wouldnt it be great to expose these wolves in sheeps clothing the ones who have been running our intel agencies for ages- We want to know what happened to John Oneill and why and we also no longer want to have to wait for fbi and cia to declassify information in order to make it official- When you are the fox guarding the hen house you control the narrative and turn everything around on the good people that have tried to do thier job w/ integrity and honor- ricos teeth is international in scope there needs to be more child trafficking invstigations the ones where children go permanently missing- Maybe tied to a charity or two wouldnt it be great to feel intel has our back and taking down scum of the earth who drink childrens blood for energy- ritualistic Child sacrifice the cat is out of the bag get ready for world war 4- pedo scum who use symbols and operate in plain sight. Its all going to come to an end much sooner rather then later. We have a ton of fentanyl coming in are we supposed to believe things have really changed from the 8os-

Monday, August 21, 2023


I think the dogma of the religionists is a turn off combined w/ all of the horrific pedophile scandals w/ in the catholic church- for what ever reason we dont hear enough so called religious leaders speaking out or at least addressing this issue- When I see some pastors ranting that is a huge turn off not to mention these money pilfering evangevicals they are so transparent how they carry themselves- There is alot of arrogance involved especially w/ in the higher echelons of the Vatican And then you see islamic jihad blowing themselves up on thier way to paradise makes you wonder is that worth getting our guys killed- no- let them blow themselves up just not on our turf- Most people are not fanatics which is a good thing Hypocrisy isnt a good thing- We have a good ag in fla who fights real crimes like the Olympus pools owner who dug alot of holes but never came through- Alot of innocent victims severe fraud was met w/ serious charges and a high bond to boot-Aggravated white collar crime- organized scheme to defraud grand theft and contractor fraud- 1.5 million dollar bond one he cant seem to pay Will the victims ever get fully refunded probaly not thats why their should be theft insurance- In cases like this as long as it is afforfable and well intentioned- At least we live in a lawful society where people usually dont get away w/ that long term which brings me to the protected entities- Somebody can mis appropiate millions in Haiti dig some holes and only build 6 houses- Then the man who was speaking out ends up dead is something wrong w/ this picture- How come no serious investigation because inquiring people want to know- Also these natural diasters seem to be a convenient cover for child trafficking infact Hillarys pal was arrested for that in Haiti What could be a better cover then using your benovolent looking charity as a cover for nefarious and unforgivable crimes- There is no statute of limitations for murder and their are alot of cases out there that need a fresh pair of eyes- I was also thinking after witnessing the contempt for law enforcement in San Fran demonstrated by some street folks- I am wondering why would these people loath the cops they are told to stand down on crime so in essence they are free to commit crimes w/ inpunity- Shouldnt they be grateful- Maybe because certain intentional dividers started a defund the police campaign- Why would anybody w/ a conscience do that maybe some puppet tier billionare who can fund things like this- So my next question is who is the real divider- Maybe some far left radical ideology which is quite destructive to say the least- I am there to make money I can not and do not look at the social consequences of what I do- George Soros Anybody that is trying to turn our country into some fourth world corrupt crime infested wasteland is going to be met w/ fierce resistance- Imagine feeling like some people do about certain countries you cant trust the cops they wont show up and if they do they are on the take- The bad guys are at the top investigations are rigged and they never seem to get locked up but have committed horrific murders- Arkanside anyone- There was a tremendous amount of fentanyl intercepted by Grady Judd and his team guess where it came from California- unchecked in LAX

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Arkanside He told acquaintances he feared for his life for his fierce criticism of the Clinton Foundation, World Net Daily (WND) reported.


To be clear, the authors of the memo insist that whatever measure is proposed to 'least developed countries' will be implemented in the United States, as well- Kissingers depopulation program- lets see how many perished in this opiate epidemic 300k the past 10 years- Thats more then both of our wars Iraq Afghanastan Vietnam and Korea That is just Americas numbers in war the other side loses too- Doesnt this all make sense now-world depopulation-He was a great statesman though or so they say- Somebody hungry for dirty wars and depopulation- how enlightening- Dont forget he put his seal of approval on the 9-11 commission report- George W couldnt wait to use him as our top notch investigator

Saturday, August 19, 2023


The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding. Time magazine feb 21- This proves the chaos and destablization role many had- The most secure election in US history even though leading up to it many dems including our VP were complaining how vulnerable the system was to hacks- Also what was the fbis role in investigating allegations of election fraud wouldnt that be thier job- It doesnt matter how great the books are and how solid these main stream sources make it appear I think by now many of us know the truth. Once you lose that trust its all over because many have allready proven themselves- Soros is a wretched creature that has his hooks into our system- He doesnt believe in god and is obsessed w/ money and his new open society at all cost- Is it a coincidence that many of our cities have turned into dilapidated drug and crime infested wastelands- This is a crime perpetrated on we the people

Usual Suspects

The idea that our own government would betray its people in such a way was almost impossible to accept in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election. But after the discovery of massive illegal censorship by the government over discussion of the 2020 election, federal agents planted to agitate the crowd on January 6th, eternal gaslighting from the establishment, and the weaponization of law enforcement to create a two-tiered standard of justice against those claiming fraud occurred – the conclusion that our own government was to blame for the coup that occurred on November 3, 2020, seems obvious.-fetzers blog I think the election was stolen from Trump- I dont feel that means he hasnt been indicted for real crimes- Round up the usual suspects- The ones that have never been rounded up but have continually emgaged in fraud on a massive scale. Another example of the arrogance of certain individuals is people who continue to potray election deniers as bat shit crazy- The fact that we the people havent been acknowledged for something that seemed very suspicious after being informed of Bidens win proves the very arrogance we have been charging against the elites all along All of a sudden Biden became that popular after in our bones we know it showed how far ahead Trump was- it just doesnt add up- There is a long track record of certain individuals who appear to be very credible w/ amazing resumes that have covered up crimes of epic proportions- The same tactics are being used for election deniers. I dont know why people that seemingly wanted to prove fraud placed Mike Lindell in the national spot light because that made it so much easier to discredit the alleged fraud claims- There is no way in my opinion that 2020 was the most secure election in American history- Covid made that highly improbable. Social distancing and there seems to be many individuals that cant wait to testify under oath- The issue is that they have been controlling the narrative for so long this is just another perfect example. What did Sidney Powell write about in License To Lie- witholding exculpatory evidence prosecutorial misconduct the suspicious death of Ted Stevens among many other things that have become routine business in the land of the highly corrupt- Mail in ballots were predicted well in advance to create massive fraud and just maybe covid was rolled out just in time event 201 anyone- I dont know why Jenna Ellis backed down possibly because there isnt enough evidence yet

Friday, August 18, 2023


Trying to dismiss people by calling them conspiracy nut jobs that are unfit doesn't work anymore because the cat is ot of the bag-MTG says many things that are on the money and she should be given credit for this The conspiracy label was used against Warren Commission doubters- Am I unfit because I doubt what the report said- Not only that there are many truths that have come out of Q as well- Maybe you start should speaking more truth Steve S- google crossed out the part where I said MTG says many things that are on the money MTG is the only politician in congreess that has the courage to talk about the 9-11 fraud- The official story on that one doesnt add up either- When are the critics who label her a nut job like Steve Schmidt going to earn some respect by concurring w/ certain points? They probably wont because that would put them in too uncomfortable of a position- Just maybe if more people had the courage as MTG has then the entire house of cards will come down- That means JFK- too bad the perps are allready dead on that one but some are still alive w/ the 9-11 charade- Kissinger just turned 100- I will say another thing I think it was Dulles who stated that intel agencies were a perfect cover to commit crimes I have reason to believe that the fbi was involved in both the cover up of jfk and 9-11- So when I get these books by Andy McCabe and the fbi way by Frank L its hard to read them in good faith- McCabe seems like a decent man and started his career taking down Russian mobsters- Until our feds and intel agencies get completely cleaned out of criminals who have used our most sacred institutions to if not commit definitely cover up crimes of the century we will have nothing. One of the top deep cover dea agents Hector Berrellez knew things were bad when he had to kill bad guys who were dealing in pounds but knew our government was bringing in tons- If people dont know this by now its too late for them anyway but we need to start somewhere. The networks are obsessed w/ Trump but not focussing on the destruction of our country by certain individuals who have made some horrific descisions-I think the starting point is realizing who we mean when we say the deep state and that chances are quite high this plandemic is just another example of high crimes and fraud that were inflicted onto we the people- Our intel agencies have failed us miserably- Definite wmds in Iraq but nobody seems to talk about building 7 and more

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Great Reset

The draconian lockdown measures employed by Western governments managed to accomplish goals of which corporate socialists in the WEF could only dream—above all, the destruction of small businesses, eliminating competitors for corporate monopolists favored by the state. In the U.S. alone, according to the Foundation for Economic Education, millions of small businesses closed their doors due to the lockdowns. Yelp data indicates that 60 percent of those closures are now permanent. Meanwhile companies like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google enjoyed record gains. Epoch Times


I started reading Sickening by John Abramson md I was interested because I thought that I would get some solid truth but soon came to somewhat of an old revelation that became new again- Sickening about big pharmas corruption etc- So for starters he said he was interviewed by Katie Couric but didnt know who she was and someone had to point her out. Thats red flag number one how can anybody not know who one of Americas most beloved woman was- what is he saying he lives under a rock in a cave- I had to stop after he mentioned that the vaccines werent part of big pharmas corruption something like that- I think pharma has people write cover books for them since we all know how corrupt they are and they know that as well- So basically its like this is how our game works and it works very well- We will keep pumping these drugs out to who ever is gullible enough to imbibe and we dont care because we will never get locked up. Along the way there will be some civil suits but that wont be a problem because we make billions and billions of dollars- hundreds of thousands will die but dont worry because doj will never turn them into serious cartel like crimes just like Purdue Pharma was supposed to be. They only locked up a few small fries. Along the way we will have some cover mds writing about our dirty deeds and corruption but ofcourse they will never go all the way- If thats not bad enough I read somewhere to read this book Pharma which was supposed to be a non partisan straight shooting expose about this racket. I was excited because I thought maybe I would get a book comparable to Deadly Medicine and organized crime you know real deal intel not cover story bs garbage that we continually get inundated with- So I do a little bit of due diligence on the author and turns out this man wrote a book that was a cover story for the Warren Commisssion- Pathetic thats as far as it went no more thank you very much. I am just curious how did they come out w/ such a great vaccine if they never purified or isolated this so called virus? A guaranteed safe and effective experiment that was created by various companies in record time that definitely and without question saved millions of lives- I believe this plandemic as well as our addiction epidemic if it wasnt 100% planned it was definitely predicted. Lets take a look at Operation Newsome in California- Big pharmas hooks go above law enforcemrnt intel agencies and politicians- they know where thier bread is butterd- So basically its like tell the world we have this drug which is substantially more potent then morphine only meant for dying cancer patients and market it as safe and non addictive even for minor scenarios- We know that they knew how addictive morphine was so what could be better then creating a new wonder drug much more powerful.It went from ms contin to oxy pure and simple- So the Sacklers dont get thier name on a few musuems and art dispays boo hoo they still have plenty of billions left over- Now they give out free hydromorphone a drug even more powerful then oxy getting us ready for the next phase. What happens to real crime cartels lets face it in a world w/ real justice- They get alot more then a fine- You know a real crime syndicate- rico confiscate all of the assets many lifetimes in prison the usual- This is the world we live in today w/ Operation Newsome- The entire state is destroyed by addiction crime and homelessness- Certain individuals were told to Fabian socialize our entire country along w/ Canada- Stand down on crime as well as the border and remember always push the jab. Bankrupt the small business w/ the plandemic and generally make life a living hell for the average entrepreneur just trying to hang a shingle and make a few dollars- These people deserve alot of credit for the destruction they created- That is what is truely sickening.


Dr Andrew Kaufman MD- His arguments are strongly valid. No scientist has actually isolated or purified the virus, instead they have identified and amplified a tiny piece of genetic material that had a small part they were looking for out of a much larger sequence. They identified a tiny snippet of genetic material, and claimed it was a virus and did nothing more. There was never a particle purified, from which they would extract genetic material and say "this RNA came from this particle, belongs to this particle, and makes up a genome of a virus." To prove the virus caused an illness, they would have to put it into a healthy host and prove that the host developed the same disease. This never happened. The procedure to purify particles was developed long ago they could prove covid if they could isolate a proper particle. They didn't run the test, so they left this step out of the report. This has far reaching implications, as the sample could be RNA from our own cells, exosomes, or from another microbial source. All of the current measures are based on a scientific assumption that hasn't been proven. Casey koerner

Monday, August 14, 2023

Voter Fraud, The Gateway Pundit and our close friends from Michigan are exposing this damning report. The evidence from this investigation exposes criminal election fraud involving thousands of fraudulent ballots in Michigan by an organization that set up temporary offices in several swing states prior to the 2020 election. This explosive investigation was covered up and buried from the public, until today. It should be noted that after documenting these crimes and investigating for weeks, the Michigan police turned their investigation over to the FBI who promptly buried the findings. Once again, the FBI apparently took no action—more on that in an upcoming report. Gateway Pundit- I read the police report- According to the obtained state police report, both the attorney general’s office and the Michigan State Police joined the investigation. The report states that Meisch estimated that the alleged, suspected female brought in an additional “2,500 forms,” which she believed a quantity of them “were highly suspicious and possibly fraudulent” due to “erroneous” phone numbers and “multiple” unmatching signatures. BREAKING: Michigan police find tens of thousands of fake voter registrations, bags of pre-paid gift cards, guns with silencers, burner phones, and a democrat-funded organization with multiple temporary facilities in several states in a massive 2020 voter fraud bust. — Leading Report (@LeadingReport) August 8, 2023 “Meisch’s opinion was based on the fact that numerous forms appeared to have been completed by the same writer and upon initial examination, addresses on multiple forms were invalid or non-existent,” the police report stated, according to The Gateway Pundit. Moreover, the report added, “Meisch investigated further and found that phone numbers on multiple forms were erroneous and signatures on multiple forms didn’t appear to match signatures on file with the Department of Secretary of State. Examples included an address in the and another in the [REDACTED].”


Over 50 percent of us take prescriptions, which is insane. Good health is never built on toxic, expensive drugs. Looking at the prescription medications you take and throwing away as many as possible is the first step to better health. Psychiatric drugs are universally damaging. See the "Living on Planet Psych" section of Butchered by "Healthcare" and HERE. Nothing in the psychiatric formulary would have been FDA approved without bribes. These drugs cause violence, addiction, and health destruction. None have been tested against sugar pill (placebo) controls, which means their evils are being actively concealed. Covid is a weak bioweapon manufactured by psychopaths. Its origins were proven by viral genetic sequencing and documentary evidence. The virus would have been inconsequential had the therapies not been suppressed. Insurance company data confirm that no effect on global mortality happened until the "vaccine" rollout. The Covid "vaccine" is a mortally damaging bioweapon. You must repeat the academic year if you do not see this by now. Since its deployment in early 2021, worldwide mortality has increased and live births have each decreased by about 20 percent. Statistics like this have not been seen in a hundred years. But humans are resilient—despite all the other attacks on us, our overall death rate never increased until the “clot shot” was deployed. Every other vaccine, including the ones for childhood, is a significant harm (see HERE and HERE). Over the last thirty years, these caused the US autism rate to increase from 1/10,000 to 1/30. Like the psych drugs, no vaccine has been studied against proper placebos. Public health measures such as sanitation produced the following drops in death rates, not vaccines. Dr Robert Yoho

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Public Serpents

Peggy points out the hypocrisy of forcing store owners to stand down during thefts even though cops were called and people were arrested for tresspass when they refused to muzzle up- So its not ok to refuse to suffocate but it is ok to let bad guys loot and terrorize you and your store. I dont think this will work too well for a struggling mom and pop- The bad guys are going to get met w/ a little bit more force- So I am trying to figure out there are thousands of homeless on the street that can work in the stores but the stores are all shutting down and moving out- Do the higher ups understand what a cluster you know what they just created- Enough people to work but the stores cant hire them and nobody wants to shop there anyway because its a zombie wasteland- I saw a citizens journalist the other day every store in San Fran seemed like it was shut down. They can recruit some of the homeless to work at the stores they just need proper training- Something is seriously wrong w/ this picture- Something stinks pretty bad in Cal. it is the public serpants from hell


Its a combo of everything you touch upon- Its impossible to stay in business- High rent w/ high crime nobody wants to shop or visit San Fransisco and they are just one city- Only criminals would think of this scam of normalizing looking like a criminal- Store owners cant even defend their own property- Mom and pops dont stand a chance to stay in business- These public serpents never worked a day in their life nor do they respect the citizens who pay their salary- This house of cards needs to fall much sooner rather then later- This is organized crime set up by the higher ups- especially decriminalizing crime- This is premeditated and has been planned out for a long time. Like Peggy Hall states organized crime from the people that steal its not shoplifting but planned out w/ thier theft rings- Organized crime on top of the lower level crime as well by the higher ups who plan on continuing to sink Cal and its major cities like the Titanic- That way companies like Blackrock and other private equity firms can buy up everything once the values hits the skids along w/ the economy- These people dont care about people we all figured that out years ago. My friend was car jacked during a delivery- I was there about 1 hour earlier and sensed some real bad guy vibes- The bad guys were wearing masks since this became normalized- I couldnt identify the face only the mask what a horrible and diabolical scam these nwos created. My friend was pistol whipped and they stole his truck- I believe cops found the bad guys eventually but the main perp was allready locked up Thats the difference between Cal and Fla usually criminals stay locked up here- California is a hellhole and the people who are responsible for this need to be held into account- San Fransisco and Cal. in general started to go down precipitously after the covid scam was initiated- Seems like quite the coincidence. This is what the magas are calling out if anybody wants to know what the deep state is- Conspiracy is organized crime- Its all about the 1 percent making the dollar while everybody else gets screwed- Bidenomics isnt working out too well 4 dollars for gas and every time we go into the grocery store the prices are constantly being raised- I love real democrats but it appears that many of the dems were way in on this covid scam and continued implosion of states like Cal and many others- So how are these people going to get voted out and held criminally liable- Extremes on both ends dont work out for the betterment of society- That would be both the far right and far left- Somewhere in the middle makes alot more sense-There are so many different layers of fraud that we have been hit w/- Every major investigation for the most part has been a cover up and a con. This is to the people who claim there isnt a deep state and who continue to state how pure and sacred our institutions have been

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Flas Governor

Desantis is an individual and should be treated as such- To claim he is Trumps understudy is disingenuous- He is his own man and Fla is a great state. Cal is not- Californias far left governor and his policies has destroyed that state- Its supposed to be a big economy business cant even function due to the lawlessness and crime- Newsome is far from a good leader- I see Desantis as a boy scout more or less and would never engage in the crimes as Trump has- I dont care what kind of smooth talker Newsome is we the people love fla and its governor- He fought for us while Newsome locked down and continued to destroy his own state- How many people moved out what more do we need to know- Why would I waste my time listening to the smooth talking gov of Cal- I look as his state and listen to what residents and what das cops the real leaders have to say and most of the damage has been caused by corrupt politicians like Newsome- If you have to be a little extreme to keep a state and its residents safe w/ a flourishing economy then that is ok- We dont want people walking around who just got out of lock up for serious violent crimes as Newsome does- It doesn't affect him he has a security detail what does he care. I just watched a San Fran cop take out somebody that did time for gang rape- The cops were on the scene trying to make an arrest you could feel the contempt and dis respect many of these people had for law enforcement- How did it ever get to this point- Irresponsible and reckless policy descisions like decriminalizing crime. What an arrogant governor to actually do that to the citizens of his own state. They pay his salary and he has rewarded them by setting up a third world crime and drug infested wasteland w/ homeless everywhere- What a message of gratitude another 10k bottle of wine will do. There is such a thing as the deep state Rfk jr talks about how both his father and uncle were killed- He should be given a little bit more respect instead of negative smears by the Lincoln Project- Both Desantis and Rfk think there may be some criminality going on w/ big pharma. What do you know career criminals would never put out an unsafe vaccine after they just created the worst humanitarian addiction and death crisis in our lifetime by stating oxycontin was safe and non addictive.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Trump Land

(We have the FACTS in the case that will play out in a court of law where lying has consequences. Perjury is a thing in court. There are big consequences. The judge will stick to the facts and Trump loses on the facts. Period! And then we have the lovely media game where there are NO consequences. Most everything is propagandized bullshit designed to brainwash for power and control. This is TrumpLandia! Jack Smith is playing the game in a court of law where truth matters and Trump is playing the game on the public streets where the biggest lies matter and have the most influence; two different games. Johnny Punish) Punish explains to say Trump was indicted by Biden is an insult to we the people- He was indicted by a grand jury- So getting a doj employee to do Trumps dirty work of weaponizing the exact thing Trumplandias cronies have whined about what the other side has done. Phony elector scam in the battleground states its not looking to favorable as far as character is concerned- Just because he didnt like the results and suspected fraud doesnt mean its acceptable to engage in fraud and serious crimes. And then putting an emmense amount of pressure on the vp and continuously lied that he could put a halt to the certification process. Then he had one of his co- conspirators from the doj tell the ag that he was being replaced by him how much more corrupt can this man be- He plays mind games w/ people because he thinks he is the king- Trumpland just wants to win in 24 somehow and someway so he can pardon himself of all of his horrific sins- Thats not how its going to work in America because this isnt Trumpland- In his world everything revolves around him like he said in DC yesterday as soon as he left office DC turned into a dilapadated wasteland- When people have an overly exaggerated opinion of themselves and no real conscience this is what we get as a result- His pal Rudy was brazen in this criminal scheme- He provided no solid evidence of voter fraud just theory but decided to try and overturn the results anyway-

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Engaging In Fraud After Alleging Fraud

Two wrongs dont makw a right when did we learn that elementary school- You cant engage in fraud after alleging fraud because that makes you just as if not more guilty- What Trump and his cronies are alleged to have done is brazen and criminal- If one felt there was illegal activity you go through the proper channels after conducting objective investigations and then let it go Evidence doesnt go away but to singlehandedly attempt to overturn the election is not proper and has led to many criminal charges. You arent being honest Trump engaged in crimes read the indictment- Phony electors threats trying to weaponize the doj w/ one of his co- conspirators- There is nothing illegal about alleging fraud but engaging in criminal activity is why he was charged with 4 felony counts 3 of them conspiracy just because he didnt like the outcome. Trump needs to prove election fraud for starters. He took the law in his own hands- Why dont these right wing outlets ever read the entire indictement to us not just select parts, They didn't indict him for free speech the indictement makes that clear- This is a completely partisan bias outlet Liz Wheeler- This is pure far right propaganda So who was trying to turn our entire constitutional process /legal system upside down- Trump and his henchman and that is a bannana republic dictatorial move not the other way around

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Indictment Number 3

Count 1- Conspiracy to defraud the United States Count 2- Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding Count 3- Obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding Count 4- Conspiracy against rights- Trump spread lies of determanitive fraud in reference to the 2020 election- His claims were false and he definitely knew they were false- Created an atmosphere of mistrust and eroded public faith- Jack Smith