Friday, August 31, 2018


Anne Coulter has a new book, she is smart and seems to have a good personality. She mentioned that the elites loved Obama and he was their Fred Astaire. If you are going to be the establishment's darling you still have to play by the rules. If you are going to be a fed then act  like a fed, not with rogue third and fourth world banana republic tactics. These feds are dirty, they are an embarrassment to our great nation and they need to be held accountable. Their is no way they are going to be able to put this genie back in the bottle because full transparency is coming much sooner rather then later.
   We have one main stream media outlet and this includes nobody in our print media that are giving us the real facts what does this say about our current state of affairs. When one is a monopoly they can control and manipulate in various ways, but not for that much longer. The new AG from NY looks like my fifth grade teacher who always sent me to the principles office for reasons that were less then legitimate. Maybe they were legitimate but it is obvious what the southern district of NY is all about, a two tiered bias criminal justice system. Loretta Lynch abomination to the rule of law. Schenedleman, woman abuser and claimed that he was the law.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dirty Feds

Comey cronies- Real Clear Investigations- Paul Sperry- The FBI prematurely closed the investigation into Hillary Clinton based on political motivations and lied to the American people when they insisted days before the 2016 election that the  agency had reviewed all of the communication found on the lap top. Only 3000 of 694k e-mails were reviewed for incriminating info. Comey told congress thanks to the wizardry of our technicians they were able to eliminate the vast majority of messages as "duplicates". Advanced de duplicating technology is of dubious veracity. This is how they claimed to investigate at such a rapid pace. Can't review 650k e-mails in such a time frame. Strzok- f them to oversight committee on the Hill. Federal statute called for (grossly negligent,) this was changed to non criminal (extremely careless-)
  No Damage Assessment- in public testimony Comey claimed to have left no stone unturned. Damage assessment is required by law and this is what judicial Watch is suing for. They are doing the job of oversight and what the feds should have been doing all along. We need to know how Clintons negligence was a threat to our national security. FBI whistleblower was ordered to delete all images off of the laptop hard drive and wipe clean all of Clintons e-mails that he copied on to his workstation.

Sanctimonious Fraud

Comey never liked or respected bullies but never stood up to them. When you get called out by a bully one is never supposed to stand down because this shows cowardice. Grade school children respect people who aren't afraid but Comey seemed afraid. Otherwise he would have fought to earn respect and this is usually when bullies either back down or they don't fight as hard. He was correct by stating that real leadership doesn't have anything to do with threats or intimidation but that doesn't mean one should stand down to bullies. Not only that he didn't speak the highest truth as our former FBI director.
   Comey was making it appear that we live in a fairy tale of greatness as a nation but this isn't based in what is real. Our Potus is a straight shooter, the upper echelons  of the FBI and DOJ are not. They are dirty and continue to manipulate the press with yellow journalism. Russia is not our enemy and if I were to surmise I would state that our President's adversaries are the real war mongers. These are the people who continually make up half truths and spin while trying to sell fear. Oreilly stated that Putin is a killer and our Potus responded by stating "there are a lot of killers do you think our country is so innocent"? Comey needs to lose the holier then thou act, Thomas Paine is calling him out for 28 counts of Treason. That is The American Intelligence Media. So is America that great? Not based on the way we launched wars and what we did to the Indians. We have a military that dealt arms to Iraq during the first gulf war and then our soldiers got debilitating illnesses from gulf war syndrome. Our Potus is trying to make America great and not engage in this type of behavior to our own people. And our deep state rogue agencies are still out to get our Potus, somebody that is really trying to make a difference and already has. He doesn't claim to be perfect but at least he doesn't lie to us like the rest of our unscrupulous predecessors

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Quote Of The Day

"(What kind of man is this an AG that did not take control of the Justice Dept-" Potus Trump quote) We are living in a time where priests abuse little boys under the name of god and we have newly sworn in AGs that quote the wrong statutes to recuse themselves from investigations. Real Clear Investigations- Paul Sperry- Comey lied to the American people when he insisted days before the election that his agency had reviewed "all of the communications found on Clintons secret server. Only 3,000 of the 694k e-mails were reviewed for either classified or incriminating info- Comey told congress "thanks to the wizardry of our techs the FBI was able to eliminate the vast majority of messages as duplicates. Tireless agents then worked night after night after night to scrutinize the remaining material." "Virtually none of his account was true." Unauthorized unsecure server officials in  Washington tried to bury the new trove of evidence" "Under a federally mandated damage assessment directive classified intel was improperly stored and transmitted-" The FBI did not refer the matter to the US intel agencies-
   Important parts of the investigation remained open when Comey prematurely declared that the case was wrapped up in front of congress- According to a senior FBI official no real investigation was conducted. FBI soft-pedaled the original investigation of Clinton e-mails and suppressed the follow up probe related to the laptop. Strzok didn't obtain warrant until 10-30-16- violating Dept policy edited warrant affidavit-on his home e-mail account- bypassing FBI system- Then proceeded to draft an exoneration statement before conducting the search. Warrant was limited in scope- excluded any messages exchanged before or after 2009-13- how convenient. Contrary to Clinton supporters who feel opening up the e-mail case before the election was what caused her to lose Comey opened it up  only because his hand was forced. AG Lynch ordered a rush through the evidence.
   Why did Comey break protocol and arbitrarily decide to not turn the info over to the DOJ? The FBI deals with evidence and facts and then the DOJ decides if charges are to be brought just like the DA's of various municipalities. Since Lynch's credibility was questioned this was Comey's explanation, the entire thing is a charade and a mockery of our criminal justice system, the same system everybody else must abide by under penalties of fines or arrest. Non criminal statute extremely careless why not move to Venezuela- Third and Fourth world countries system of greedy politicians and sworn law enforcement officials who are hypocritical and utilize a double standard. Every democrat should want justice to be levied evenly across the board because this should have nothing to do with partisan politics. If we don't straighten out this mess ie-  two tiered criminal justice system our country is going to continue to break down in every way.

Church Cover Up- Grand Jury

Church sex abuse cover up-" corroborating accounts of victims and illustrating the organized cover up by senior church officials that stretched in some cases all the way to the Vatican." Pa- grand jury report with many victims and some  that are still coming forward. Abuse- period of 70 years. Pa. more grand juries investigations then any other state. Internal investigation cover up- "priests were raping little boys and girls, and the men of god who were responsible for them not only did nothing, they hid it all for decades." WSJ- 

Friday, August 24, 2018

A Higher Loyalty

What did you think about A Higher Loyalty? It was a good book Comey comes across as a clean cut boy scout above and beyond reproach. He was somewhat concerned because he never saw our Potus smile. Comey seems to have a positive outlook on life and knows the difference between confidence and cockiness. Was the book all smoke and mirrors? I don't know Greg Jarrett seems to think so and so do many others. He stated that he never leaked classified info because his Intel  was not only marked unclassified it was released to the press through his source after he became  a private citizen. Once he got fired from the FBI he claims that he was no longer bound by the same rules and laws. He talked about the Imposter Complex- This is when we fear that if people really knew us they wouldn't like us very much. It was hard not to develop an affinity and respect for our former FBI Director after reading his book.
  What else did you learn, Comey may have come across as a boy scout that is all about fidelity bravery and integrity but then again so did Robert Hansen. Comey was a federal prosecutor in Manhattan and worked to put many high profile mobsters away. He mentioned that Giuliani was somewhat of a superstar back in the day, he earned a fierce  reputation for prosecuting some members of  the maphia as well. Sammy the Bull and a few others. Comey made it very clear that the Feds are never supposed to mix intel and politics. "The intel committee does facts the White House does politics and spin." He made a reference to the bad intel for the Iraq War. He was also humble enough to admit that his work as a high ranking prosecutor wasn't enough for 5 children headed to college and this is why he went to work in the private sector.  He also had some profound quotes, he seems to be a philosopher of sorts.  Here is one by Churchill- "In wartime truth is so precious that she should always be protected by a bodyguard of lies." 

Monday, August 20, 2018

Change The World

If we want to change the world we need to make our bed because a messy bed means a messy head. When one is on the Teams the only easy day was yesterday because it pays to be a winner. If we want to change the world we need to learn how to swim with the sharks. I was never on the Teams and I don't have any children but our Potus made us proud by revoking Sean Brenan's security clearance.  He didn't embarrass my children if I had any and I am sure many people feel the same way. Brennan came across like he had the secret sauce and that maybe Putin had something on our President, this to me seems like a complete abuse of power.
  So far I am not very impressed with the Washington Post because I would rather listen to real crime fighters, like somebody who was the DA of Westchester County. That is and was a county with a lot of crimes to prosecute. So far I know that Brennan was a communist what is that all about. Saul Alinsky tactics, how did we go so far down the scale into moral turpitude.   

Friday, August 17, 2018

Shane The Highlander

Shane was a floppy eared red Doberman, the cutest one around. His bud was named Kona another floppy eared red Doberman. Shane did a lot of good for many people and Kona learned to love him as well. Kona was on his way out with cancer and only three legs. I used to go running with Kona with him in that condition, it didn't seem to bother him much. On the last day of Shane's life he wanted to roll with the big boys. The big boys in this case were Jake another beautiful k-9 that made everybody happy. I let Shane know that he couldn't roll with the big boys because he had heartworm and he was just too old. No dog wants to be told that he is too old especially Shane. He came up to the top of the driveway and asked if he could partake in a neighborhood run but was told to go home.
  That evening Shane burst into my door with a terrible sound that was emanating all the way down into and through his soul. I couldn't do much except give him water, by then I knew it would be just a matter of time. I will never forget how he burst through my door  letting me know that it was his time. As I look back I feel that maybe he was showing appreciation and gratitude for helping to give him a good life full of joy and warmth. He was picked out of a litter from a Doberman farm in the Poconos.  Dobermans don't live that long, hip dysplasia among other things. This is a celebration of a great and beautiful dog named Shane. Every dog dies but not every dog gets the chance to really live. 

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Diagnosed Sociopath

The US is supposed to be different from third world countries, it was founded in response to the corruption that held together the British government. Kevin Ship thinks that Hillary Clinton is a sociopath maybe even worse. What could be worse then a sociopath? I don't know maybe a sociopath that acts out their thoughts. Title 18 USC-  Felonies, abuse of power, obstruction of justice, Misuse of classified information, lying under oath, destruction of subpoenaed e-mails, obstruction of a criminal investigation these people are real winners. Comey- obstruction of justice in a serious espionage case not to mention covering up for HSBC what should have been major criminal prosecutions with people going away for a very long time. Instead they settled for a pittance of a civil fine in aggregate to how much money they laundered from drug running and financing terrorist organizations. Loretta Lynch cover up, the AG who just continued on the corruption of the Holder Obama era. This is so bad it is almost not believable but Ship and many others are standing by these facts.
  Uranium 1 20% of our Uranium that went to Russia  and a secret e-mail server with intel going to China according to Ship. Exoneration before investigation turning what should have been a gross negligence charge into a non criminal (extreme carelessness.) Thanks a lot Comey and the rest of you arrogant FBI and DOJ officials who should be in shackles right now. Subverting our constitution and the rule of law, this from people that were sworn to uphold it. Comey concealed 700,000 e-mails from congress.  Sessions our new AG recused himself from the Russia investigation which put it in the hands of the FBI- Blaming the opposition for something that they are guilty of these people are hard core criminals. Fake Steele dossier not worth the paper it was printed on used to fraudulently obtain a FISA warrant and lying to a federal judge on 4 separate occasions. False affidavits and leaks to the press these people do whatever they want because they are the law. Fruit from the poisoned tree and Mueller is still wasting we the peoples time with all of this.
  ME Thomas diagnosed sociopath and trial lawyer- "The thing with sociopaths is that we are largely unaffected by fear- besides the nature of the crime is of no moral concern to me, I am interested in only winning the legal game". What did Hillary do laugh when she got off the child rapist and then CNN covered this up for her by stating that she really didn't do this. This is bad news and is only going to get worse.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dry Drunk From Southport

'We were perfectionists who failing to attain perfection had gone to the other extreme and settled for the bottle and the blackout-" AA Comes Of Age- The dry drunk from Southport was trying his hand in the rooms and it wasn't working out so well. The old timer gave him a dose of reality a little while back- "You are full of you know what because around here we don't care who you know we shoot straight from the hip and straight from the heart because nobody is paying us by the hour."
   The dry drunk needed his benzos and everything else in between and didn't have a problem telling everybody how and why he needed his meds. The dry drunk still had two therapists on retainer and continued to go on tangents. Anything more then three minutes is bs and pontification, he had a lot of bs. The old timer told him that he fit right into the Southport scene because that is where Comey is from. Irish blarney stone, arrogance, insolence and condescension. What happened to we don't engage in any political controversy the dry drunk stated? I am just calling a spade a spade, the dry drunk said that he read A Higher Loyalty and has a lot of respect for Comey. What are you kidding me I am no longer your spiritual advisor the old timer stated.
  I heard through the grape vine that you were into Buddhism the dry drunk rambled, this means that you cant refuse to help me especially if you took an oath to Bodhisattva This means that all suffering and sentient beings must be helped. My roots go back to the Mayflower and I also read a lot about Buddhism- The noble eight fold path- right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort mindfulness and meditation. The old timer reiterated that it doesn't matter who you know or how much you think you know I don't want anything more to do with you. That is my choice and I am sticking to it. I already gave you my advise what more can I do. I will continue to give you my thoughts if and when you ask me. Do you think you are smarter then the doctors why do you have a problem with me taking my anxiolytics? Its a slippery slope and you have been sliding on one your entire life, it may be too late for you to wake up and smell the rose buds.  Benzos are narcotic and even if they weren't they would still be persona non grata in my view. Find somebody else that wants to hear your bs and maybe you can manipulate them like you are trying to do to me. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Founding Fathers

Tell me more about Gingrighs book- He is smart and had some great quotes, here are a few of the highlights- "In Washington if you can name the capitals of 42 countries you were thought of as a sophisticated person. If you know the appropriate wine to drink in each of these countries you are a superstar. Whether the info is useful is of secondary concern to displaying that you know stuff and therefore you must belong in the club" "Trump wants to set aside the abstract establishment theories and get to what makes up the real world"
  He explained how Mark Bowden from Blackhawk Down became a sports reporter and discovered that the players didn't like the sports reporters very much. One can see why, their job is to critique and criticize up in the stands especially when many never even played the game. However if they continually misrepresented the facts they would be out of a job in short order. For some reason "news reporters  face  no consequences for consistently misrepresenting politics."
   Newt Gingrighs was a history professor but he knows a lot about geo- politics unlike many of the types that are in academia. Some are very good but it looks like the prevailing theme is a bias left winged agenda. Considering higher level education continually places people in seemingly interminable debt one would think that the fair thing to do would be to not have a propaganda based motive on these college campus's that are placed both far and wide. He broke down how NAFTA was a terrible deal for we the people but great for the political pundits and rich benefactors. Special interest and multinational companies, this is becoming the prevailing  theme  and  more apparent in where America went wrong in the past.
  So let me get this straight our Potus is doing the best he can to turn things around but continually gets vilified  in the press by CNN and MSNBC- Print media doesn't appear to be doing him any favors. Does this mean that they really are the (enemy of the people?)He is not too far off, if they continually utilize yellow journalism and are trying to impeach a man who knows how to make things work what would you call this? Gingrigh knows a great deal about our founding fathers as well. " The founding fathers had a passionate belief in the rule of law. As the protectors of the weak, the bulwark against corruption, the guarantor of a reliable process of commerce and life itself. We have to restart the sanctity of the law against political corruption, bureaucratic tyranny and judicial dictates" We are supposed to function differently then  third world countries, that is what has separated us from  places  that are filled with it. Our crony capitalist special interest culture breeds theft and dishonesty. The fraudulent Russian investigation where multiple felonies appear to have  been committed is a perfect example of this.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

No I in Team

How did you like Understanding Trump by Newt Gingrich? I liked it very much, he is a good writer and I will now read some of his other books. What were the good points? The entire book had good points and great quotes. I used to not like him that much but this book has changed all of that. Why didnt you like him that much in the past? I thought that maybe he was just another capital crony living high on the hog, just another main stream media pundit. How many books were written by these people over the years, they basically write thier own history based on what they want us to believe.
  Were thier any negative points to the book? Yes- two, that he respects our AG and that addiction needs MAT to treat. For starters our Potus Tweeted that our AG acted like a coward by recusing himself for an investigation that he should have been supervising. Why was he hired to stand down? Not only that Sessions is way off base with this opiate epidemic and all of the money that he makes by incarcerating people into the public and private prison system. Not everybody is an addict, that means that chronic pain patients shouldnt be deprived of thier meds. Comitting suicide because they cant get meds for legitimate chronic pain, our AG also wants to lock up weed smokers how pathetic can you get.
   Also as far as legitimate critisism Gingrich stated that in academia the left tries to brainwash the students into believeing that all of our wars have been based off of neo-colonial imperialistic hegemony and that capitalism is a formidibale foe that needs to be abolished. Capitalism should never be abolished but the left is right on the money with the war machine and its greedy benefactors. Lets take a look at Halliburton- The more you spend the more money that you make is that real capitalism? That is a rigged system based off of counterfeit currency, they get a percentage of the entire contract so they make sure that the contracts are fat and large. In a real business you have to run a tight ship and turn off the lights, waste not want not, our Potus knows this that is why he is turning everything around. He knows how to build and has real people skills unlike his predessecors.
     He uses the word we during his speecehes because its not about him anymore, how many times did Obama use the word I?  Thier is no I in team but our previous leaders never had a clue about this, that is why thier ship is sinking fast. Thier rigged elections and witch hunts are coming to an end much sooner rather then later. Our top Law Enforcement officials shouldnt be involved with crowny capitalism and a  bias slanted political agenda. We are proud to be a bible clinging gun loving flag waving deplorable.