Thursday, January 28, 2021

China Joe

 Did you hear about China Joe? What's the latest? I heard that he is putting patriots on DND lists instead of no fly lists- Ya what's that- do not drive if they don't muzzle up- what a weakling- What about Commie Sean- do you mean the cia idiot who is going down in the dust bins of history along with his pal Gus Hal- What about Marxist Obummer any intel on him? Ya he is prob spying on Potus trying to dig up any dirt-

These people should get a life- Like Anderson Cooper yellow journalist cnn that got Stormy Daniel details like if Potus wore protection or not- pathetic national inquirer type rag- ridiculous digging up dirt on peoples personal lives paparazzi style calling themselves a real news outlet-

 An embarrassment to the United States of America, now we have China Joe and his criminal governor strike teams still harassing small to mid size business- Putting hard working people out on the street blowback is going to be quite severe- Making up stories about a virus that doesn't even exist or has yet to be proven in an attempt to scare us out of business and life- Weasel's lowlifes disgusting humans- I don't think they are humans, they definitely aren't real men because a real man would never take a fake crisis and use it to their own financial advantage at the expense of not only the American people but citizens of every country across our great plane.

 Speaking of which I heard China Joe making a comment about his Chicago mob pal Ramon Emanuel at his stolen induction ceremony- That is the only way these people can make a living- Hegelian Dialectic-fraudsters- Never worked a day in their life nor were successful in any business whatsoever. Pork barrel crisis embellishers low level hangers on- Use their Rico puppets and soon to be perps in MSM to do their dirty work- Censoring important info about vaccine dangers and more there is going to be plenty of blood on their hands- 

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