Monday, January 25, 2021

Anatomy Of An Epidemic

 kiss- what does that mean- keep it simple- ok Nazis came over and created the mental illness scam- Robert Whitaker Anatomy Of An Epidemic- slow soft and hard kill programs that do a lot more harm then good- reminding people of concentration camps the mental health wards- Lobotomies and the Thorazine revolution which launched this mad scientist plague in 1954-

 Skitzophrenic chemical imbalance has never had substantive evidence to back its claim- pg 84-  meds throw a wrench into the usual mechanics of a neuronal pathway- brains begin to function abnormally-

 That is what they want to have us get used to an abnormal society- put on a mask even though its worthless in its efficacy does a hell of a lot more harm then good self suffocation device conditioning these diabolical Nazis have been doing this through the APA since its inception

 So the Nazis are the bad guys I thought it was the jews that is what Gordan Duff said- Duff isn't speaking out against vaccines so how real is he? That is why the investigative journalist Stephanie gave her sayonara to VTs platform-

 We want and need real intel not big pharma hoars who paint the jews as evil incarnate- It is my conclusion that Alex Jones is the real deal after all- I had suspicions about Duff after he was backing pissgate and all of that other yellow journalism to depict Potus as a horrific human being-

 We don't want nor do we need dis info cloak and dagger cia bs- just be straight with us because we are tired of all of the lies- Is micronukes the real intel- I think so backed up by Fetzer

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