Monday, January 4, 2021

Muzzles Off Muskets Loaded

 What did you think about the doc on Laura Ingram who said take the vaccine at your own peril or doom something like that?  He didn't seem that great mentioned how vaccines for polio and tetnus were lifesavers- I am getting tired of all of them- Dr Carrie Madej stated that based on her observations and investigations tetanus hasn't even been proven to exist-

 When you take it you roll around in the floor with convulsions these people are going to get extirpated- What about the polio vaccine giving people paralysis in the 50s sound like a winner to me- Then that lowlife weasel Gates who is under investigation for crimes against humanity- his new polio vaccine didn't really work out too well-

 Kind of like these rehabs who prescribe anti psychotics off label for sleep when people black out and don't remember pathetic to say the least- We are all lab rates now we must all muzzle up and take the vaccine- Its more like muzzles off muskets loaded get ready for the next American Revolution

 What's the difference between a drug addict and an alcoholic? An alcoholic will help you look for your wallet if you lost it while the drug addict will steal it from you and then help you look for it- I heard that dope addicts cant get sober they are too far gone is that true?

 A wise man once said that once in a while one can have a spiritual experience of sorts- Does it really  matter what drug you drink snort or shoot- Is alcohol the elitist drug that one can only have a spiritual experience with? No magic mushrooms Ibogaine the whole 9 yards cant forget about those substances- There are many ways to get to ones higher self- 

 People are people and there are no exceptions to that rule-

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